
The club has hosted a number ofevents which are detailed briefly below. Our annual golf day at Parkview was one of the finest I ean remember attending and provided excellent exposure for the school.In addition significant funds were raised at the golf day enabling the club to make a donation to The Valley Trust which operates in the Botha's Bill area. A successful Cheese and Wine function was held at the old St Stithian's portacabin in December 1992. For the first time since its inception the club managed to lift the Bester Bootin our annual cricket game against the St Stithian's Old Boys Club. The club hosted a British Pub evening in April which was well attended and proved to be an extremely "spirited" occasion. Transvaal parents and prospective parents were hosted at a luncheon at the Bryanston Country Club in May. The Headmaster,Owen Roberts, addressed the gathering and his speech and the event was very well received by all present. The club recently held theirAnnualDinner,an event which has been absent from the calendar for a number of years, atthe Wanderers Club.The guestspeaker wasold boyTony Leon,MPfor Houghton.The function was a great success and it is hoped that it will again become a regular feature. The construction of the new St Stithian's clubhouse (to wards which the club donated R5000,and ofwhich we are Honorary founder members) has provided the club with an outstanding new venue which is already beginning to attract new Old boys to the monthly meetings. It is clear from the above that the Transvaal branch is very much alive and well and prospering.It was thus with great regret that I resigned.I am,however,secure in the knowl edge that the young and dynamic committee, headed up by Keith Ballard,will continue the good work.Ithank them all for their tremendous support and effort and wish them and the branch every success in the future. I would also like to take this opportunity to commend the school,the main branch Executive and in particular Lauron Buys and Rose Milbank on the dramatic improvement in communication and support given to the branches by the school and the main branch of the Club. PETER BURTON Immediate Past Chairman UNITED KINGDOM BRANCH REPORT The Annual Dinner was held, as in previous years, at the Athenaeum in Pall Mall by courtesy of David Hall on the 11th June 1993.It wasa mostenjoyable occasion,attended by 13 members, 18 guests and 1 parent! Branch members present, with their ladies, were: John Barnes(1954-58), Vernon Dawes(1952-55), David Hall (1947-42), Alan Kinsey (1951-54), Alan Mandell (1939-41), Sir Ian McLeod (1939-43), Kingsley Oliver (1944-46),Jim Panton(1955-59),JamesPanton(1984-86), Keith Panton (1984-86), Peter Penke (1957-60), Roger Simpson(1954-58),Jeremy Solnick(1965-69). Among the guests were Bruce Knoefel(First Secretary at the South African Embassy in London,and a Hilton Old Boy)and his wife Karen,and Alan Ross(Chairman ofthe Durban Branch)and his wife Sandy,Brian Ewer(Glenwood Old Boy,and the fatheroftwo Kearsney boys)heard about the dinner at a Trade Eair in Frankfurt and phoned me up to make sure he got a ticket! The dinner was a most enjoyable occasion and after the Chairman proposed the toast to Kearsney,Bruce Knoefel gave a very interesting resume ofthe South African scene. Alan Ross followed this with an account ofOld Boys' ac tivities in Durban and promised to do all he could to im prove eommunications with the UK branch. He gave us the news ofthe forthcoming College rugby tour to the UK - which was the first anyone had heard of it! The UK Branch is now actively considering what can be done to welcome and support the visiting team. Membersofthe Executive Committee(and others)brought prizes for a raffle and raised 107 pounds which will be sent to our travelling member-Roy Bevin(1940-45)who commutes between London and Hillcrest-for the support of black education in the Botha's Hill area. Atthe end ofthe evening,Alan Kinsey presented each lady with a magnificent bouquet of flowers to take home- a fitting end to a splendid occasion. ZULULAND BRANCH REPORT I have pleasure in presenting the Annual Report for the Zululand Branch of the Kearsney College Old Boys. For the fortunate Old Boys that were involved in the rugby tour of the North Coast and Zululand it was undoubtedly the highlight of our year. It is not often that one has this type ofopportunity ofhosting and assisting with a touring party ofschool boys and masters.Therugby played was of a high standard, the boys' behaviour on and off the field was excellent and the school received very favourable ex posure at all the matches.Dairy1 Clark was able to getgood press coverage of the Zululand games and a good many Old Boys and parents were part of the large crowd that turned out at Empangeni.On behalfofRob Tayler, Kevin Naylor and Darryl Clark who hosted the tour I would like to congratulate the boys, masters and the school for a tour thatexposed the exceptional quality ofour school and that made all those associated with Kearsney very proud to be so. After many attempts atfinding a suitable time amongst his hectic schedule we finally managed to get Andrew Hud son as our guest speaker for the annual dinner and A.G.M. which was held atthe Empangeni Country Club on the 19/ 3/93. Nineteen Old boys and their wives,our President of the Old Boys and our Headmaster and their wives enjoyed a very relaxed evening with Andrew and shared the ex citement ofthe new era ofinternational sport now open to all South Africans. We wish him well in Sri Lanka and thank him for giving of his time to travel to Zululand and be with us. After such a high profile speaker we are going to be hard pressed next year to maintain our standard. Finally our congratulations to Darryl Clark on his nomina tion as Vice-President of the Old Boys Club. I know that his father is very proud ofthis achievementas all Zululand people are as well.Well done Darryl,you have all our sup port. JOHNHUGHES 104