
KEARSNEY"250"CLUB Mr Chairman and Gentlemen, Itis with a certain audacity thatI give areporton the Club's year,the greatest setback of which being the retirementon 4th June,ofTony Chick as Secretary/Treasurer ofthe Club over the past six years. During his tenure the Club mem bership has increased from 168 to but a handful short of the targeted 250, which with the continued support of old boys,parents,staff and friends is a figure we hope soon to realize. Tony's mantle fell on my shoulders on that same June evening and I fear that his will be a hard act to follow. Nevertheless I trust that under the chairmanship of Barry Smith and his committee ofDavid Pithey,Vie Gevers,John Taylor and Bill Ratcliffe, I will be able to go some way towardsemulating Tony'sendeavours.Unfortunately,Ileft for the U.K.and U.S.A.ten days after taking over the of fice,only returning on 10th August,soI have much catch ing up to do. As is the norm,the last four meetings have been well sup ported and enjoyed by all. In September 1992, we scrummaged with the reminiscences ofSkonk Nicholson, were educationally enlightened by the Headmaster, Mr Owen Roberts in November;completely mystified by the magic of Arthur Reed in March '93,and given consider able food for thought(particularly of horse meat), by Dr Angus Pringle at our June meeting. I am pleased to report that once again it has been possible to increase the prize money during the year by a further R650 to a total ofR146000.As will be seen from the au dited accounts, the Club's finances are in good heart and the Committee look forward to directing me to make the annual donations to the School Bursaries and Old Boys Club in the near future. ROY W.H.BEVIN Secretary THE GREYHOUND CLUB REPORT GENERAL The Greyhound Club has had a reasonably successful six month period due in large measure to more home rugby games this year. The school continues to be the main user ofour facilities but it is felt that we should encourage morefunctionsfrom "outside"(weddings, cocktail parties etc.) to boost rev enue. INCOME As at 30 June 1993 our gross income was running 17% ahead of the corresponding period last year. Chargesfor"outside"functions have been revised and it is our intention to advertise our facilities more aggressively. There is a very real need for "day to day" accounting to provide meaningful budgets,a weekly profit and loss state ment and general accounting control. This will become even more necessary as we increase the number of func tions. MEMBERSHIP Our membership stands at 151 as at29July 1993 made up as follows: OLD BOYS 43 28% PARENTS 39 26% PENSIONERS 13 9% STAEF 26 17% OTHER 30 20% TOTAL 151 100% The income from subscriptions for previous years was: 1990 R4810.00 1991 R5969.50 1992 R2742.50 1993(to June 1993) R2187.50 It becomes clear that we must try to increase our member ship. HOUSECOMMITTEE Responsible for day to day decisions. Members are: David Pithey(Chairman) Phil Ratcliffe Brian van Niekerk(Manager) Rose Milbank(Secretary) LADIES COMMITTEE We have decided to involve the ladies more to assist us with decisions on decor, including colour schemes, cur taining, furnishings etc. They will liaise with the House Committee to establish our priorities. We are fortunate indeed that the following ladies have agreed to serve on this committee: Anne Roberts(Chairlady) Trish Polkinghome Sarie Pithey Rose Milbank(Secretary) SECURITY A silent electronic burglar alarm has been installed to pro tect the premises against theft. The system has to be acti vated by a code which prevents unauthorized entry even with a key. The cost of the unit plus installation was R2061.84.We also pay R67.50 per month as a service for the radio controlled van and security guards. Extra security lights around the entire building have been installed which are activated by movements and have a timer builtin to protect peopleleaving the building.Asturdy security door has been installed in the Secretary's office for additional personnel protection. ELECTRICITYSUPPLY For many years we have been plagued by the mains "trip ping" due to overloads. The problem was due to the fact that the building was wired for single phase power allow ing a maximum of80 amps. The current has now been upgraded to 3 phase which will effectively treble the available power. This upgrade will see us well into the future and cater for any further exten sions to the building which may become necessary. Atthe same time wall plugs have been doubled and smoke extractor fans over the bar area installed. 105