
ESTATEPLANNING OPPORTUNITY You may not have been aware that a bequest to the Kearsney College Trust is exemptfrom Estate Duty(death duties). Atpresent a person's netestate qualifiesfor a basic abatementofone million rand after which,unless other deductions can be claimed,estate duty is payable at 15%.This rate is very low compared to most other developing countries and it is anticipated by many financial planners that the rate will be significantly increased in the not too distant future. By setting aside a bequest to the trust you will not only increase your deductionsfor estate duty purposes but you will also: * direct your money to a cause of your choice(instead ofthe consolidated revenue fund); * contribute towards the future financial security of Kearsney College;and * help Kearsney to maintain its high standards and fine traditions as an educational institution dedicated to fully developing each pupil's academic and leadership qualities. Even if estate duty poses no problem for the present, we urge you to take a few minutes to complete the enclosed codicil to your will which you should then keep with your securities. Please remember to date it and to sign it in the presence oftwo witnesses. If you are in a position to set aside a significant sum for the trust and would like to provide guidelines for its applica tion(such as memorial bursaries) please do not hesitate to contact us. TRUSTEES-KEARSNEY COLLEGE TRUST This is a codicil to the last will of. 1. Bequest In addition to any special bequests contained in my last will,I bequeath the sum of to the KEARSNEYCOLLEGETRUST(created by deed on 22 November 1982)ofPO Botha's Hill, Natal.A receipt signed by a trustee ofthe trust shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor.I record that under present legislation, this bequest is exempt from estate duty and qualifies for deduction from my estate for duty pur poses. 2. Confirmation And in all other respects I confirm the provisions of my last will. Signed at on before the following witnesses, all being present at the same time: As witnesses; testator/testatrix 111