
work and through the determination to succeed, with the expectation that I would succeed." Next year will see the introduction ofAccountancy in Form 4and also a semester system in Form 3 to ensure a maxi mum of7 subjects are studied at one time. I was thrilled to see 58 Kearsney entries at the Science Expo with 21 of our boys awarded certificates and 5 se lected to go through to the National Expo.In the Science Olympiad,M.Bayat and S. Foster were placed in the top 100.In the Maths Olympiad6boys were placed in the top 5% with G.Hunter in the top 100 and chosen to represent Natal. OurDesign and Technology Centre made possible through the generosity of a retired Board Member Keith Comins, was opened mid year.As anticipated this innovative prob lem solving,creative thinking approach in which a scholar is given a task to design,plan,make and evaluate his own solution,has been an exciting additition to our curriculum. The July holidays saw Pembroke House transformed into luxury accommodation - carpeted and curtained one or two bedded rooms replaced the old marley tiled dormito ries which have served us so well. Planning for the modernisation and upgrading of the Re source Centre is now well advanced and implementation next year will include computerisation. Our Outreach Programme continues to grow from strength to strength as pupilsofthe College understand and appreciate the need for co-operation and interac tion between all communities. It became evident at the beginning of 1993 that a more streamlined approach would be more practical and effec tive, and so it was decided to focus on establishing solid ties with Khabazela High School.In this way more mean ingful relationships have been built between the staff and pupils of the two schools. Workshops are also arranged for Headmasters of the Val ley schools so that they may enhance their management skills, and for teachers. Pupils are also assisted by means of tutorials and lectures in English, Maths, Library Sci ence,Biology,and Afrikaans.This is all done on a volun tary basis as it mustcomefrom the heart.Theinvolvement in SMILE,adult literacy, in sport and song,and the shar ing offacilities and equipment,shows that the glass is in deed half full and not half empty. Closely allied to this has been theintroduction bythe Chap lain of the Pilgrim Award to be given to volunteers from Eorm 3's for Bible Knowledge,Initiative and Cross Cul tural Friendship.Ten boys have availed themselves ofthe opportunity with awards to be made next term. God's hand is clearly evident at the College. In Chapel we enjoyed the regular weekly services by the boys. The evangelistic outreach with Peter Pollock and Billy Fourie later produced a good response. The special service involving the entire College community was a moving experience.TheS.C.A.has about80members with House fellowship groups now established. They have de veloped a good relationship with Khabazela. The Chapel Prefects have given a good lead involving themselves ac tively. The cultural side is alive and well with some45 Clubs and Societies meeting regularly. Our Concert Band grows in expertise and popularity. We have over70boys learning to play instruments.Our musi cal"Grease"played to packed houses and had to puton an extra performance.Thistime girlsfrom KloofHigh School took thefemale parts.We will be offering Music asa matric subject asfrom next year.I hope their theory is better than this youngster's; "Bach was the mostfamous composer in the world and so was Handel.Handel was halfGerman,halfItalian and half English. He was very large. Each died from 1750 to the present.Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf he wrote loud music.He took long walks in the forest even when everyone was calling him". The sporting commitment,involvement and spirit of boys and staff continue to amaze me. Perhaps an illustration from U13 Rugby best makes my point.We have68 boys in this age group and yetthrough outthe season wefielded4sides despite injuries and some heavy defeats for the lower teams against schools with 3 times their number. Our sporting aim is to involve every boy no matter how talented and give him good coaching and the chance to represent his school-and Rugby is but one ofthe 14 sports we offer. When one considers that40 ofour boys represented Natal in one sport or another you will appreciate the quality ofour games players. You all know our sporting successes so I will not repeat them. Suffice ittosay thatour Cricket,Hockey,Rugby,Swim ming,Tennisand Waterpolo all had oneofthe best years ever with the other sports notfar behind. Numerous tours have been undertaken and I'm sure you alljoin me in wishing the 1stXV a marvellous time in the U.K.these holidays. Prize Giving is always a sad and joyful occasion. I am thrilled for those who win prizes but feel'sorry for those many boys who have tried so hard but not won a prize.I enjoy looking back and sharing with you our successes and failures, but I dislike having to say farewell to boys, parents and staff who must,inevitably, move on. I want to pause a moment to thank some special peo ple who have served Kearsney over many years and who have now decided to stand down. How dull Board meetings and functions will be without Trevenan Polkinghome whose banter and serious delib erations have played such a key role.I have known him as the Chairman ofthe Bursaries and Scholarships Commit tee where his cool head and soundjudgement have been invaluable. Barry Smith has represented the Old Boys on the Board.His careful reflection and detailed reports will be missed. Three of our most Senior staff have chosen to take early retirement after serving Kearsney faithfully for almost a century between them. Chris Diedericks as Housemaster,as Rugby Coach,as Head ofAfrikaans has won his way into the hearts of staff and pupils alike with his wonderful sense of hu mour. 16