
Finningley House Report This was a good year for the House and many boys ex celled or made valuable contributions to the School. Changes continue to take place with many more boys go ing home over the weekend to spend time with their fami lies. Boys who remain at school are,however,well looked after and entertained.All beds were provided with lockers and an additional learning centre/computerfacility has been built and I hope many of the boys will make use of this. The 1stterm saw Finningley racing homein the Interhouse Gala with both Gihbs and Jollands in superb form. They were selected for the Natal Currie Cup Team and awarded Honours in Swimming. Feher and Hunter represented D&D. The second quarter saw many boys taking part in Rugby and Hockey and we were pleased with their performances. A. Tweedie represented Natal A in hockey and received Honours(M. Pearse also played D&D Hockey.) D. Woolnough,D.Verbaan and R.Barker-Steadman(a rising rugby star)received rugby colours. Our boys are not only sportsmen however and there is a strong contingentof"culture vultures"in the house whose contributions have brought us greatcredit.There were ster ling performances in "Grease" by Barker-Steadman(Col ours),Roussot,Fockens,Judge and Van Loggerenberg and with Thackwell shining as a stage-manager. G. Fockens and J. Judge also excelled in the musical field and were awarded Colours. B. Nielsen(Colours)and W.Fourie were involved in the Natal Youth Orchestra and Choir respectively. Watersport is well represented with D. Hooper going to Spain to sail Optimists. W. Tindall and R. Pearson also sailed in the Nationals. The third quarter brought Athletics to the forefront and although not blessed with too many stars we gave Gillingham a good run for their victory and dragged Pembroke through the mud to regain the Tug-of-War tro phy.K.Hampel(Colours),W.Tindall(Colours),M.Hard (D&D)did well on track while T.Pilkington represented Pietermaritzhurg in Cross-Country. The fourth quarter brought Cricket and Waterpolo and many hoys performed exceptionally well. M.Ferreira-da Silva(Honours)and Captain ofWaterpolo,M.Gihbs(Col ours), D. Woolnough (Colours) and M. Jollands repre sented Natal Schools Waterpolo while A.Tweedie played Natal B Cricket and D. Verbaan was the most improved cricketer ofthe year. S.Fraser received Colours. Academics,which is very importantin the house,produced many outstanding achievers. M.Bayat,S. Crooks and G. Hunter were awarded Honours while Z. Buchan, R. Dunster, D.Boshoff and J. Roussot received Colours. S. Hastie and B. Buchan received Gold Medals in the Sci ence Expo.R.Huishofand J. Roussot did well in the E.G. Jansen Redenaarsbeker and leamt much from the experi ence. The diversity and excellence exhibited by so many ofthe boys is truly amazing. They are to be congratulated and thanked for their contributions. A major shock this year was the unexpected retirement of Mrs Rautenbach as Matron after 15 years ofdedicated and loyal service. We pay tribute to all she did for the boys in the house. She was much more than the Matron and we will miss her.We wish her along and healthy retirementin Durban. The prefects, Ferreira-da Silva, Dunster, Fraser, Hampel, Mdlalose and Wienand under the very able leadership of Daniel Verbaan and John Gammie,seta good example and led the house well.They were a pleasure to work with and I am pleased with the way they upheld Finningley tradi tions. In conclusion a big thank you to the duty staff Messrs Shone,Cato,DeVilliers and Mack whocontributed in many ways to the smooth running of the house. 1993 was a good year and we look forward to next year. C. V. LOGGERENBERG Gillingham House Report This year has been yet another happy and successful year for all members of Gillingham. The boys have actively participated in all aspects ofKearsney life resulting in out standing achievements. In general, 1993 has been a very successful year for Gillingham on the sportsfield. We came first in the Interhouse Athletics where Justin Rautenbach wonthe U16 Victor Ludorum,Andrew Johnson was the UI3runner up and Tshepo Chiloane was the U14 runner up. Douglas Carmody wasre-awarded honoursfor his outstanding ath letic achievements and Dylan Gumming was awarded col ours.Gillingham camesecond in the Interhouseswimming gala but that didn't seem to dampen our spirits. We had three ofour boys representing Natal Schools'Ten nis: Damien Roberts in the A team and U15A team,Ryan Baxter in the U15A team and Rowan Groom in the Natal B team.Damien was also chosen to representSouth Africa in the U16 team. As a result of their formidable achieve ments, Damien was awarded honours and Rowan was awarded colours. Five of our matric boys played cricket for the first team: Stuart Groom,Iain Ewing,Roy Drew,Stacy Hatzipetrou and Kevin Arenhold. Stacy captained the first team and was awarded honours for his achievements and contribu tions on the cricketfield. Once again Gillingham provided the highest number of cricketers in the school. Five Gillingham boys were partofthis year's excellent 1st XV rugby: Douglas Carmody, Kevin Arenhold, Dean Franz, Chris Bryan and Justin Hall. They werejoined by Miles Tyler, Lionel McDougall and Dylan Gumming for the very successful overseas tour.Congratulations to Kevin Arenhold for making the Natal Development side and for both he and Chris Bryan being awarded honours.Congratu lations also to Doug Carmody,Justin Hall and Dean Franz who were awarded colours. Other commendable achivements were by Tyrone Brant and Richard Paterson who were selected for Natal Colts Waterpolo. Richard was awarded colours for his achieve27