
ments. Chris Dawson was awarded honours for making Natal squash and colours were awarded to our first team hockey players: Sean Rooke, Sean Burns and Garth Thompson. Gillingham's achievements lay not only on the field but also in the cultural spheres of the college. The comedy "Bathroom Door"produced by Gillingham won the house plays competition and three other awards: Best Director (Julian Nel),Best Supporting Actor(Warrick Lobban)and Best Programme (designed by Grant Greenberg and Warrick Lobban.)Cultural colours were awarded to Clint Ford and Bruce Muller who both took leads in the school play"Grease".Andrew Buchanan wasselected forthe Natal Chess Team. Ourcongratulations go to Ross Williams and Clive Eggers who were awarded academic honours and especially to Kevin Ewer who is Dux of the School.Academic colours were awarded to David Tayler, Geoff Allen, Roy Drew, Richard Paterson, Sean Luhbe,Andrew Buchanan, Brett Cocks,Rowan Groom,Kevin Moodley and Dale Thome. Well done to GeoffAllen who has been awarded theAnglo American bursary. Gillingham won the Parkes Academic Trophy. Many matriculants were awarded house colours for their contribution to the house: Dean Eranz,Douglas Carmody, Kevin Arenhold,James Erancis,Sean Bums,David Tayler, Ross Williams, Clive Eggers, Geoff Allen, Andrew Borresen,ClintFord and all the prefects:Duncan Mundell, ChrisDawson,Stacy Hatzipetrou,Mark Kivits,Iain Ewing, Chris Bachelor,Anthony Brown and to Stuart Groom and AndreSimonsz who held the positions ofHead and Deputy Head boy. Our sincere thanks to Fred "Wild Man"Cocks who,as a Housemaster, showed interest, concem and commitment to the Gillingham boys. His efforts were much valued by all the boys and he will certainly be missed. We wish him luck with his new position as Director of Post Matricu lants. Our congratulations to Keith Decker who has been appointed the new SeniorDeputy-Headmaster and our sin cere thanks for his constant enthusiasm and encourage ment. His presence too will be missed by the boys. And lastly thank-you to Mr Knowles,Mr Smith,Mr van Blerk, MrDecker,MrCocks,Mrs Morgan(Matron)and the pre fects for an efficient and extremely successful year for Gillingham.Welook forward to having Mr Dean Sudding as our new Housemaster. PREFECTS1993/1994 HOUSEMASTER'SFAREWELL I am saying farewell to Gillingham after 6 years of housemastering. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many parents and boysfor the privilege ofknow ing and dealing with you all. I will not miss the numerous phone calls, the scmtiny of exeats, the worry of where boys are going to over week ends or the late night inspections of beds. But I will miss the "Spirit of Gillingham" very much indeed. 1 am very proud of Gillingham's traditions of homeliness and com petitiveness that prevail.I sincerely hopethey are nurtured and maintained in the future. Thank you all for yourfriendship and support.May I wish Mr Sudding, the new housemaster, and his family all the very best for the future. I am sure the Gillingham family will give them the same support as they have given me. ERED COCKS Haley House Report This year has seen a significant change in Haley House. 1993 was the first year that there have been only first and second formers resident in the house; new third formers having gone straight into their senior houses at the start of the year.This,however,did not mean thatthere werefewer boys in the house; on the contrary Kearsney experienced one of its largest intakes ofjuniors in recent years. The boys of Haley 1993 can be characterised in three words: spirited, committed and competitive. They are a very strong group, with a myriad oftalented individuals.I foresee a bright future for Kearsney as these boys work their way through the school.Their work in the classroom as well as their achievements on the sports field are to be admired. They have wasted no time in settling into the Kearsney routine, and have become involved in every sphere of school life. Their respect for Kearsney and its traditions is strong, and they have often been noted for their greeting and politeness.They should be commended for this. I hope they will retain these manners for the re mainder of their time at the college. Culturally, the boys have participated well. Most of our firstform wasinvolved in one way or anotherin this year's production of"Grease";and M.Roperis to becommended for his chess achievements.Turning to sport, all thejunior teams were strong this year, and competed with the usual commitment that we have come to expectfrom Kearsney boys.Individuals that deserve mention are: B.Hector,W. Brant,G.Neilson,M.Nelson,D.Clark and A.Martyn.All these played crucial parts in the success of their talented teams. The U13 rugby, erieket and waterpolo sides have all performed well,and G.Collingwood is to be congratu lated on his vietory in the Junior Interhouse Cross Coun try. In the classroom the competition has been fierce, with the top spot going to a different boy each term.The boys have acquainted themselves well with high school,although the number ofboys on weekly-reportis a cause for some con cem.I'm sure they haven't enjoyed it, but they have fitted into the routine of cycle tests remarkably quickly. I hope they maintain, and improve upon, the standards of hard work that they have set this year. No house could run with any semblance of order without its matron, and Haley is no exception. Mrs Lyte-Mason has,throughout the year, put the needs ofothers first. She is always on call to mend a pair oftrousers, or track down an elusive sock that has disappeared mysteriously in the laundry. Thank you very much,matron. Thanks mustgo to the duty-staff. Mej.Randall,MrGraves and Mr Goldhawk have served the house well, giving up precious weekends to check that everything is running smoothly.The mostthanks mustofcoursego to MrDaniels. 28