
I know we've been a difficult bunch of prefects to live with attimes,butMrDaniels has putup with us incredibly patiently. His advice and guidance has been invaluable, and I can't express enough gratitude for this. Thank you. Sir, good luck for the future,and keep well. Finally,I must mention the prefects who have helped make 1993 such a successful year for Haley House. To Stan, Mark,Duncan and Matt; thanks for your support, perse verance,patience,friendship,and ofcourse your Nesquick and Bovril.I would also like tothank the"Cottagers",Smart and Andre for their support and presence in the house.It's been a great year and you've all contributed to it. Thanks. In conclusion,I'd like to wish all the boys ofHaley 1993, the best ofluck for the future. I hope they will remember this year, as a good one.I know I will.To next year's pre fects, good luck. Just remember to be patient,then you'll enjoy your year in Haley House. DARROLLMCKEOWN Pembroke House Report 1993 has seen Pembroke boys involved in all spheres of schoollife.On the sportsfield,in the classroom and cultur ally they have given their all and often surpassed theirown limits. Pembroke is notrenowned for having greatswimmersand though we put up a spirited fight, we had to be content with a third place. The first term also saw the cricket sea son and many ofthe boys were involved at all levels.Dur ing the year no fewer than 7 Pembroke boys represented the 1st IX: J. King, D. Hipkin, P. Smith, J. Mackey, J. Caulfield,S.Summer and R.Prestedge. The second term marked the beginning of the rugby and hockey seasons.Pembroke supplied both these captains in T.Franckeand J.King respectively.Therugby side to which Pembroke contributed B. Gevers, J. Smit and P. Morgan, had a highly successful season which was capped with an unbeaten tour to England.Also in the touring party were S.Adams,J.Antoni and M.Hough.Atthe end ofthe term T. Francke was again selected for Natal schools and was re-awarded his honours. B.Gevers and J. Smit both made the Highway side and were awarded colours. The hockeyteam had oneofits bestseasonsfor many years. Here Pembroke supplied 7 boys during the season: T. Hlahane,J. King,D.Hipkin,J. Caulfield,S.McKeown,P. Smith and E. Larson. The season was completed with an unbeaten tour toZimbabwe.J. Caulfield and S.McKeown were selected for the Natal'C team and were awarded their colours.T.Hlahane received are-award ofcolours.J. King wasselected forthe Natal'A'team and later the South African U18 team.He was re-awarded his honours. The third term saw the Athletics season dawn. With both rugby and hockey continuing into the third term house ath letics preparation was badly upset, with teams only being finalised just before Sports Day. Pembroke struggled against the other houses' overwhelming strength and had to settle for third place once again.We managed a second place in the tug-of-war. J. King was selected for the Natal Schools team for Triple Jumpand wasre-awarded his hon ours. Waterpolo wasthe main attraction in the 4th term and saw T. Halstead, B. May and Q. Seago representing the first team which had mixed fortunes.T.Halstead made the Na tal'B'team,but was withdrawn owing toinjury.B.Manson was selected for the Natal Colts side. During the year many other boys achieved well in their respective sports. M. Vilakazi and B. Gelder represented D&D for squash and received colours. B.May was se lected as aD&Dreserve.J.Lewis and B.Atkinson played 1st team volleyball and S. Sibiya and B.Hlongwa played 1stteam basketball.S.Lundin,R.Williams as well as two boys from Haley T. Molloy and D.Clark represented the 1st tennis team at some stage during the year. G.Mullins captained the shooting team of which L. Nightingale was a member.G.Parry was awarded the Gymnast ofthe year award and colours. Pembroke matrics were awarded house colours for their contributions to the house. The school musical. Grease, had 2 Pembroke boys fill lead roles. They were J. Leith and T. Hlahane. T. Hlahane, owing to his excellent dra matic performances throughout the years 199I-I993,was awarded his cultural honours - a great achievement. P. Lalouette received his cultural coloursfor his effortsin the music department. The Good On trophy was awarded to TyroneFrancke.Atthe sixthform prize giving P.Lalouette received his academic colours and J. King was awarded the Sportsman of the Year trophy. At the final assembly W.Lee,J. Caulfield,S.Picken and S. Lundin were awarded academic colours and G. Parry wasawarded his academic honours as well as being placed 2nd on year.R.Williams in the 4th form also received aca demic colours. Aspecialthanks to our matron,MrsStanley,who was will ing to help anyone with a problem.Mr Lamplough for his guidance and organization in the house must get special mention and we are grateful to him.Tothe rest ofthe dutymasters a big thank you in the running ofthe house.To my fellow prefects a word of thanks for their help and sup port. May the prefects next year carry on the traditions of the house and raise Pembroke to new heights. J. KING & T HALSTEAD Post scriptum: I should like to add my thanks to Matron Stanley and her staff, to the duty masters, Messrs King, McMichael and Mullane,and to Justin King and his pre fects. I should also like to commend the initiative of the group of boys who conceived and brought to finality the plan to provide asetofswingsfora new pre-primary school in the district. I hope this practical concern for others will become an annual feature ofthe Pembroke report. R.L. 29