
cate his mind and change it. This was certainly the high light ofthe festival. ■ After that the kids gyrated to the rhythms ofthe "Ineurox Disco"in the MonumentFoyer while the staff attended a boringly sedate Teachers' Party (a misnomer of misno mers!)in the Monument Restaurant. The next morning we attended two moretheme lectures:a rather disappointing "Satire-How to losefriends and of fendpeople"by Jeremy Taylor and a much more interest ing examination ofthe horror genre by David Butler,enti tled "The Horror:Love it or hate it we certainly read it". Then we drove across to Rhodes Theatre to watch "The Show's not over 'til the FatLady Sings"-weightist pro test theatre which Mr McMichaelfound very disturbing! Thatafternoon,mostofus attended the first session ofour second workshop:Oildrums+Hammers=Music???Here we had hands on instruction in the playing of oildrums which makes up a steelband. This was most entertaining although it required a lot of attention and co-ordination. If we weren't sure how to respond to"... the FatLady Sings we were nauseated by whatawaited us atthe monu ment that evening-"Hottentot Venus",presented by the Wits SchoolofDramatic Art.This was definitely the worst production that we had the dubious privilege of watching. Afterwards, the staff were forced to attend a symposium (from the Greek"drink together")at a local watering hole to regain their sense of balance and perspective! Friday saw a very weary group - the head boy almost needed pegs attached to his eyelids!-make its way up to the Monument for the Cecily Niven Lecture, which was presented by a biologist. Professor Neville Passmore. It wasa very interesting address,albeit a little ill-timed con sidering the attention deficit syndrome being suffered by many of the delegates! This was followed by the English Olympiad Prize Giving. After tea, it was back to beating oildrums and then we wentoffto lunch atthe Redwood Spur,where Clive Eggers unexpectedly celebrated his"unbirthday"!Thiseventepito mised the spiritofthe Kearsney contingentthroughoutthe festival week-good humoured and always ready forfun. That afternoon our group was encouraged to go on a mu seum crawl. However,the energetic played touch(rugby, I presume)at Rhodes,while the unashamedly indolentsur veyed the interiors oftheir eyelids! In the late afternoon we were treated to a most entertain ing presentation entitled, "The Heppie Hawker", featur ing comic/satirist Solly Philander.Wethoroughly enjoyed this and it was good background for the study ofBucking ham Palace District Six. The final presentation ofthe festival wasTselane Tambo's production of"For Coloured Girls WhoHave Considered Suicide When TheRainbowIsEnuf".Thisfocused on"the struggles,the pains,the triumphs ofblack women today". It was a slick presentation and obviously politically cor rect, but not particularly entertaining! Three-thirty on Saturday morning saw mecrawling out of bed to wake up the boys for the return journey. Needless to say, they had only just returned to Jan Smuts House after all-night partying.The Simonszflat dwellers bade us afond farewell at4.00 a.m.-exceptfor Iain Ewing,who had been voluntarily abducted by a Transvaal nymph. I shall say no more. The festival was a valuable experience and I think every one of us thoroughly enjoyed the week. DAVEGOLDHAWK Science Expo '93 Following on from our internal mini-expo,72boys with a total of58 projects entered the NatalExpo held at the Uni versity of Natal,Durban in August. 8 third class certificates,6 second class certificates and 9 first class certificates were awarded with F. Grabbia, B. Buchan,P. Hind,V. Geldenhuys,and S. Hastie achieving further awards which placed them in the top 31 expo sci entists in Natal.They were invited to represent Natal atthe National Finalin Pretoria in October where F.Grabbia was awarded a silver medal for his innovative "Feed the Dog Feeder" and S. Hastie a gold medal for "Hastie's Hasty Water Heater",a method devised to heat a litre of water in the shortest possible time at least cost. A. Rocher received an award from the Engineering De partment of the University of Natal, Durban and a third prize for the best water related project. Science Olympiad 1993 Muhammad Bayat, Stuart Foster and Graeme Hunter are to be congratulated on being placed among the top 100 science students in Natal in the above contest. They were invited to the University of Natal,Durban,in order to fa miliarise themselves with the surroundings, visit the vari ous departments of the Science Faculty and see for them selves the facilities and courses offered to university sci ence students. Physical Science8Contest -1993 In this contest, organised by Springfield College of Edu cation and open to all Natal science students at Standard 8 level, Brett Cocks was placed second and Andrew Buchanan fourth. Well done! Outreach Report The Kearsney Outreach programme has as its aim to in volve Kearsney pupils with individuals and communities less fortunate than themselves,as well as to use the facili ties and expertise ofKearsney staffand pupilsfor the ben efit ofthe local community. This year's activities encompassed some new and some tried and tested exercises, all of which led to the general development of the programme. The acceptance of this 35