
■ 4k> ... .%!..* P '-■ :;:;v.e; From the Headmaster's Desk In a rapidly changing educational and political environ ment, we set out to make 1993 a year of consolidation. At such challenging times we sought to keep youthful hope and idealism alive. AsIsaid on Speech Day, youths are notorious for having big ideas. The biggest idea of all - tbat peace andprosperity can be made to reign here in our land- is one that cries out for the active support of every one of any age. We strive to equip the boys with an en lightened education which would give them the wisdom and skills which they will need to make this and other dreams come true. As you page through this magazine you will soon realise what an incredible hive of activity the College has been. This all goes to make up the all-round education which has become our hallmark. Underlying all this are the val ues we stand for and seek to instil: • our integrity as a Christian School as expressed in the compassion and truth of Christ; • abalancededucation developing character and self-reli ance; • community service and awareness. As Layo Tsu said in the 6th century B.C. "If there is right in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world." The year will be remembered for many things: • the opening of our Design andTechnology Centre and the growth of this fascinating addition to our curricu lum; • the transformation of the senior boarding houses into luxury accommodation; • another outstanding sporting year; • the N.E.D. Evaluation of the College which was so highly positive and complimentary; • the Prefect Portfolio systemwhich saw our leaders fo cus on the goals they set themselves; • exceptional Marketing which saw us retain our num bers in the depth of a recession; • . . . and so very muchmore. But most of all it marked the end of an era . . . as we bade farewell to Robin Blamey, Allister Thiselton and Cbris Diedericks, who together gave some 90 years of service to the College. As they take their well deserved retire ment they will go downin the history of Kearsney as very special people whose loyalty and dedication are an exam ple for all to follow. They have left their mark.