
Clubs and Societies e SENIOR ART CLUB For boys in 4th, 5th and 6th forms the Club, held on a Wednesday evening,is well attended by boys who do art but would like the chance to do a different discipline and by the boys who would like to do art even though they don'ttake art as a subjectfor Matric.And for them art can be 'practical' or 'theoretical' and slides and video tapes are available to art club members for viewing at the Wednesday sessions. The various disciplines on offer include graphics,textiles, ceramics,sculpture, painting and drawing. JUNIOR ART CLUB The club was well attended having a membership of al most 150 boys to draw from. They had the choice of at tending on a weekly basis or every second week. Those who attended on a weekly basis got a lot more out ofthe club while those who alternated with some other clubs on Fridays were seldom able to complete their projects. In the first term we produced hand painted animal designs on cloth which were eventually glass fibred to make small trays. During the second and part ofthe third term we pro duced ceramic slab boxes.In the second half of the third term and thefinal term we produced lamp standsfrom bot tles and papier mache. H.BROMLEY-GANS THEARCHIVESSOCIETY REPORT 1993 -THE FIRSTSTEPS The Archives Society was a new society created this year, which evolved out of the Junior History Society, and the need to co-ordinate the records ofthe school's past. The first task was to begin collating and filing the vast number of historical photos and documents around the school. Access to a store room and the acquisition of a filing cabinet would seem fairly minor achievements,but they were vital if the Archives were to get offthe ground. These,ofcourse,were not ideal,nor professional,storage facilities, but at least were the first steps in a long road ahead. The 15 members of the Archives Society spent many a Tuesday evening poring over old photographs, trying to establish dates, names and places. My sincere thanks to these boys for their youthful enthusiasm. Plans for the road ahead inelude: - trips to the school museums ofMaritzburg and Hilton College-two fully established and well-funded mu seums. - setting up a well-sized display cabinet as the first step in creating a museum at Kearsney. - eo-ordinating the maintenance and updating of Hon ours and Captains Boards throughout the school. - displaying photographic records of the school's his tory-such as buildings,famous pupils,long-serving staff etc. Finally,I would like to express my thanks for the support and suggestions from members ofthe Kearsney staff and the Kearsney community in getting these archives off the ground.In particular,a number ofOld Boys have donated articles in the last year,for which I am grateful. A special word ofthanks must go to Owen Clarkson,for his help in the Archives Room,his interest, and his support. DAVEKNOWLES ASTRONOMY SOCIETY The Astronomy Society began this year with twenty-three active members.It meton Monday evenings and with the help of stargazer kits the boys began to learn to identify the various constellations in our night sky. Unfortunately the weather was not always kind and on many nights we were unable to observe any stars. The boys have, how ever, learnt to identify the easier constellations and have an idea about the Greek myths that resulted in the naming of the constellations. They are also able to name and to identify the highest stars. The society has grown encour agingly. K.SMITH THE AUDIO-VISUAL CLUB Fuelled by enthusiasm, energized by creative juices, and with a view to landing ajob next to Steven Spielberg on his next blockbuster movie,a group ofnovices gently fin gered R5000 worth of semi-professional video camera to shoot their first frame. After viewing briefly the cinematograhic technique ofthe masters, the teams devised and executed their own pro grammes,and several membersbecame proficientenough to be asked to video sporting or social eventsfor members of staff. With "Proficiency to Professionalism" as our motto, the club experimented with interviews,candid cameraepisodes and finally completed the year with thefilming of"Grease". Welookforward to another experimentaland creative year in 1994. R. CANDOm BRIDGE CLUB The Bridge Cluh met at 7.30 for an hour and a half on twenty three Thursday evenings through the year with a small but enthusiastic membership. 38