
Thetable usually made up by Brown,Hewlett,Hunter and Kim (until he left at the end of the second term)- with intense rivalry between Brown/Hunter and Howlett/Kim -made the best progress in understanding the intricacies ofthis very difficult game.The table normally made up by Mapengo,Oitlepp,Zikalala andZumacould not befaulted for enthusiasm but their real understanding of the game was rather disappointing. The other regular members had generally made slow but sure progress by the end of the year. However if, as the members say they would like to, the club is to arrange matches against outside opposition, or the staff, in the future they will need to raise the overall standard-both in bidding and in the playing ofa hand - considerably. You cannot refer to notes when playing in a match. Those who attended club meetings were : Brown,RJ(14 attendances); Hipkin, SL (7); Hewlett, JG (12); Hunter, GO(19);Kim,K-H(11);Larson,EG(15);Lee,WGD(12); Mapengo, T (22); Muller, BG (11); Ortlepp, J (11) ; Whitehead,R(3);Woolnough,DE(17);Zikalala,V(21) ;Zuma,VM(19). Campey,DE,attended twice as a learnerobserver. I have enjoyed running the Bridge Club over the pastfour teen years and 1 wish my successor,MrFred Cocks,ahappy and stimulating continuation with itfrom the beginning of 1994. M.A. THISELTON We did it. Werealised ourgoalthis yearand won the Highwayleague. Drawing with Westvillein the match againstthem we were reduced to a"nail-biting"countofgames,and...we were ahead...Wewon.Whatjoy and celebrations,whatateam. Well done to you all. The story does notend there.AttheD&D weshowed our mettle and beat Westville6boards to4 boards.The over all results ofthe league were: Kearsney 'A' V. Gelofte won 7-1 Kearsney 'B' V. Westville won 41/2-31/2 Kearsney 'A' V. Westville drew 5-5 Kearsney 'B' V. Westville lost 3-7 Kearsney 'A' V. Pinetown won 10-0 Kearsney 'B' V. Pinetown won 51/2-41/2 Kearsney 'A' V. Hillcrest won 10-0 Kearsney'B' V. Hillcrest Kearsney'A V. Kloof won 71/2-21/2 Kearsney'B' V. Kloof lost 41/2-51/2 Kearsney'A V. Kearsney 'B''A's won 9-1 Very well done to both teams. w .M <A4i^ 1ST TEAM Standing: D.Christie, J. Hewlett,R.Leibbrandt,S.Lundin,D.Comrie,T.Pilkington. Seated: M.Roper,R.Dunster(Capt.), Mrs Tullidge,G,Hunter(Vice Captain),A.Buchanan. 39