
Fly Fishing Club Chairman:D.Verbaan The club has been pretty active this year. Most Fridays have been spent down at the dam on Eden Rock farm in the Assagay vaiiey. The club's most sincere thanks go to Mr C.T.Cressweii for giving us the opportunity to fish his waters. The boys had a lot of fun catching large-mouth bass and tilapia and transferring them to a different dam nearby. Our thanks also goes to Mr and Mrs Gammie for a most pleasant weekend'sfishing at their cottage up in the'Berg. Only one Friday was spentfishing at ShongweniDam but we intend to go there more often in the new year. Mr C. Weeks of Nature Conservation is a very keen fisherman and should be able to teach the club members a great deal. Demonstrations offly-tying were given byAnthony Brown and Sean Bums while Chris Batchelorshowed us how sim ple casting can be made to look! Thanks to all the members of tbe club who regularly took part and I hope that 1994 will be an even more active year. A.R.C. TOWNSHEND Gavel Club The popularity of this club has grown substantially over the last few years and many boys have to be turned away. Theclub consists ofonly 28 membersfrom 5th to6th Form. During the year regular meetings were held and we also interacted with St John's and St Mary's. Successful din ners were organised and the social skills of the boys were enhanced. Unfortunately the annual father and son dinner had to be postponed but this will be held in 1994. John Gammie did a goodjob as chairman and I thank him for his contribution. C. U LOGGERENBERG Junior Maths Society Aregular group of20 members meton a Tuesday evening during first prep. The group was made up of one or two Form I's and the rest Form II's. The society enjoyed "fun maths";playing games,solving puzzles, and an occasional maths competition. The eve nings were thoroughly enjoyed by me and the boys whose enthusiasm was rather refreshing. I hope this attitude to mathematics prevails. F. COCKS ModelBuilding Club The club is designed to encourage boys to design and build their own models rather than buy and assemble kits. It is often difficult to convince a boy that a full size rock ing chair is a piece offurniture and not a model. At the moment there are a number of catamarans and a few aeroplanes being built. Rock Climbing Report At the beginning of the year the Keasmey Rock Climb Club was almost non-existent.The school had equipment, butnobody used it.Then an intrepid teacher,MrD.Graves, decided he would be the master in charge ofthe club,and get the club off the ground which, after all, is the aim of climbing. He did so with greatsuccess.Theclub hasnow established itselfto its full capacity of10 members.There is a limit of 10because ofsafety which comes first on our priority list. Then comesfun. Unfortunately there is along waiting list which is unavoidable. The club does regular trips to the local climbing crag at Monteseel.At Monteseel we climb different climbs each time we go there.Afew of the climbs are: Cain,No Feet, Adam's Apoplexy and Think. Most of the climbs are named. Their names reflect their individual characteris tics. Forexampleon"Think"you have to use your head to think, and not only pure muscle and strength. Unfortu nately Mr Graves has been unable to complete this climb, but next year is a new year and,hopefully, a better one. D.JOLLEY Chairman Senior CurrentAffairs Society The Senior Current Affairs Society had a very successful year with a regular attendance of over fiftY members - most ofthem fourth formers. With the rapidly changing political scenario,we were privi leged to have guest speakers representing various shades ofopinion including the African National Congress Youth League,the Democratic Party and the Inkatha Institute. Anotherimportantissue addressed wasthatofAIDSaware ness.Two ladies from the Hillcrest Aids Centre delivered an informative address followed by a very useful question and answer session. Pierre Tostee's talk was very well received and members were delighted to receive autographed posters from this surfing celebrity. Edward Fulton, our GAP student from the United King dom, and Rotary Exchange students provided members with a personal insight into the educational systems ob taining in their countries. In addition to interacting with visiting speakers,members were able to view a wide variety of informative videos including a few episodes of"Top Level", the television chat show hosted bv Felicia Mabuza-Suttle. D.J. GOLDHAWK Senior History Society I'd first like to thank all the members of this society for their continued dedication and support. On behalf of the rest of the team,I would like to thank Mr Lamplough for 41