
thetime,patience and supportthatensured the smooth run ning ofthe society. The year was exciting and filled with fun.The highlights were the trips to Compensation,Ulundi and Dundee. AtCompensation,we learned about the beginnings ofthe South African sugar industry by visiting the site of Morewood's Mill. The Ulundi trip was over a weekend in the second term.It was an exhilarating experience.We were welcomed by Or F.T.Mdlalose.We visited Ondini and lived in Zulu huts to experience the true Zulu culture. In the third term our historical adventures took us to Isandlwana,Blood River and Talane Museum.We greatly enjoyed the hospitality ofMr and Mrs Foster at Dundee. All in all it was an excellent year. M.MDLALOSE Senior Scientific Society During the year,the membersofthis society have enjoyed talks from visiting speakers on a variety of subjects,such as Revolutionary War(where much interest wasshown in guerilla warfare!)and Super Magnets,which,due to their great strength and small size have enabled very powerful but small loudspeakers to be produced. Excitement ran high as we travelled down to the University ofNatal,Dur ban,where Professor Laing entertained us with hischemi cal magic show. His flashes, bangs and fluorescent col ours were superb.MrPeter Krumm gave ussome thoughtprovoking demonstrations in his talk entitled "Physics is Fun."Weextend our grateful thanks to all our 1993speak ers. StreetLaw Street Law students spent a very interesting year learning about a number oflegal topics, mostof which held a mor bid fascination for the boys.Since battered wives and rape and murder featured very frequently in our newspapers these topics and their legal implications were dealt with very thoroughly.The culmination ofthe year was,without doubt, the Mock Trial where our budding "legal eagles" were able to put into practice all they had learned during the year,adding afew flamboyanttouches,no doubt picked upfrom LA Law!Kearsney provided the court orderlies,a number ofthe witnesses, the accused and counsel for the prosecution.The defence wasconducted by the able young ladies of Holy Mother Convent. It was a most absorbing trial and the participants impressed with their imposing presence and their ability to conduct a reasoned argument in a well-disciplined atmosphere. Once again we senta delegate to the Space Colony held at Kearsney. This project is designed to help young people fully understand and appreciate all the ramifications of democracy and the emphasis is on full participation with negotiating skills highly valued.We also had three pupils attending the Street Law Human Rights conference held during the first week of the December holidays. The re portfrom the boys concerned can be read below. It remains for me to thank Miss MeDonald for giving up hertime and taking the trouble to prepare topics that would interest the boys but which would at the same time inform them. S.M. GRIFFITHS Street Law Co-ordinator StreetLaw-Human Rights Conference The aim ofthe conference was to educate students in the areas of human rights, street law, democracy and voter education. The conference lasted for four days, two of which were set aside for lectures dealing with the above topics. Particularly interesting talks were those on child labour,political violence,child abuse and voter education. The latter was concluded by a mock election. The final day of the conference was International Human Rights Day and we spent it in Durban where we were en tertained throughoutthe day by various plays dealing with democracy among other topics, while some participants wereinvolved in a telephonelink-up with Washington D.C., Soweto and Cape Town. The conference was both educational and enjoyable and we made many lasting friendships, as well as discovering what our civil rights will be in the new democratic South Africa. M.MATIWANF,B. MAKFIN, D.THORNF Students' Christian Association We are continually grateful to God for the large number of boys who support the activities of the S.C.A. Wednesdays: Wednesday evening meetings are the best attended. The committee planned a varied programme of speakers,music and worship,videosand group discussions which were appreciated by the boys. Fellowship: A significant achievement in 1993 was the establishment of fellowship groups in the Senior houses. Each group is led by two members ofthe S.C.A.commit tee who meet on a Monday evening to prepare the study for that week. Kabazela:Ourcontact with Kabazela High SchoolS.C.M. was maintained during the year, meeting at each others schools for fellowship and worship. Rallies: A very successful rally was held in the second term with about 120 people attending from four or five schools. We were also able to attend a number of the ral lies held by other schools. uBombo: At the beginning of the mid-year holiday the chaplain took six Kearsney boys and two Hillcrest High girls to uBombo. They stayed at Bethesda Hospital and 42