
went across each day to the old age home,a few kilome tres away, to paint the kitchen as well as the doors and window frames ofthe rooms. Committee:Ourthanks go to the hard and faithful work of the committee throughout the year. The committee mem bers were: David Gumming (Chairman), Nathi Mnyaka, Mandla Mdlalose,Stuart Foster and Garth Thomson. PILGRIM AWARD 1993 was the first year which the Pilgrim Award was pre sented. Seven boys received the Award at the last assem bly ofthe year.They were:H.Cathcart Kay,K.Kiessling, S. Hastie,S. Lorimer,M.Mhlambo,J. Windsor. The Award is made to boys in Form Three. It's aim is to encourage development in Christian understanding and character, leadership abilities and relationships between people of different racial and cultural backgrounds. Those receiving the Award have to study and be tested on one of the Gospels, organize and report on a leadership initiative of their own of an outdoor, service or cultural nature, and develop and report on a friendship they have developed with a different racial or cultural background from their own. They wear the badge ofthe pilgrim shell taken from John Wesley's Coat ofArms and seen on our school badge. We have started with Form Three boys and hope that in 1995 we will be able to offer a Senior Pilgrim Award to boys in Standard Nine. Manythanks to MrDe Villiers,Mr Nott,Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Wallace who helped monitor boys in the different cat egories ofthe Award. PETER CRUNDWELL Twelve Club The 12 Club had a varied year; their goal:(to quote from "Star Trek")is"To boldly go where no man has gone be fore;" to stretch their interest and imagination to areas not provided by the syllabus. The year began with a controversialfilm,and ended with a controversial evening in which three women spoke to the boyson the topic:"Whatdo women really wantfrom men?" The year was filled with a variety of programmes that ranged from a talk on"Body Language",to"An Evening of Cuisine." The year rounded off with a personal assessment of each boy's goals,learning style and motivation by a professional management consultant. 1994 promises to be another adventure. R. CANDOm Vegetable Gardening Club The Vegetable Gardening Club consisting ofGareth Legg, Michael Walker, Graeme Mclntosh, Peter Sampson and Peter Harry got offto a very good start at the beginning of the second term. The club was kindly given the use of a section of Mr Ronnie Pillay's garden. This was dug over and a selection of winter vegetable seeds and seedlings planted. Each club member had his own section of garden to look after. The seeds were soon making a brave showing in healthy looking rows,and we had a bumpercrop of winter greens in the third term. G.SHONE - a. Gareth Legg and Peter Harry attending to their vegetable patches. WordPower 1993saw anew societyfounded by MrLamplough.Itgrew from three pupils to seven in one term.It covered areas of the English language not often touched in the classroom and metonce afortnightto havefun with words,from cock ney slang to some extraordinary proverbs.The club mem bers walked out under the influence of a new language, making otherslook atthem in horror as they babbled like a brook around the school. Perhaps next year Word Power will produce a secret language. R. WHITEHEAD 43