
En f■ r* V, -4'' ;s 1? .- ^ ¥y'\ M \ 'N :3 Form 5 boys on tractor it is hoped, equip them for their role ahead as leaders of our school. Andall this takes place while our matrics are enjoying their trials in a relatively peaceful school environment! R. DE VILLIERS K.- Si .n -fT - x; jt ■1 -j' T. mm Boys around mechanic A 4.?' • ^ V Form 5 boys seated on floor in discussion groups 4THFORMLEADERSHIP COURSE Veld en Vlei's Greystone Adventure Centre : 31 Au gust to 3 September 1993 Tuesday, 31 August, was an extremely hectic day for Kearsney College, what with all its 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th formers leaving school to venture on separate journeys for a promising leadership week. Waiting for the buses out side the workshop, everyone was excited and anxious to leave. The 4th formers were especially anxious to find out just how tough Greystone really was (having heardmany stories from last year's 4th formers who "somehow man aged to survive Greystone", as many of them said). This year's 4th form group, however, were ready to take on Greystone with full force. The buses arrived and we were on our way! After a fairly tiring three hour journey, our group, accom paniedby MessrsDiedricks andKassier andMissRandall, descended upon Greystone Adventure Centre. We were met by five instructors and the centre's director. We were promptly divided into four groups of about twenty hoys each. After meeting our instructors and having been allo cated to bungalows we immediately began with a series of ice-breakers in which we learned that many hands make light work, and that for a team to function properly, each member must he able to trust each and every other mem ber of the team. Some fun group dynamic exercises built team spirit and made sure that from the start we realized that a seemingly impossible obstacle for any individual could easily be overcome if the entire group worked to gether. We soon discovered that eachindividual inour team had unique talents and we were able to use each talent to make a fantastic team. The afternoon's activities included a survey of Greystone's surroundings, in which important landmarks were pointed out to us. Later that afternoon we discovered just how im portant this information was when we were sent to retrieve various markers which had been concealed within a 5km radius of the Greystone camp. After supper, tired as we were after the long day we had had, our instructors lead us through night activities which proved to be demanding in brain power and team work. 45