
. ■ .-m-wt ■■ ■ ■ ■ - ■^' ■■ •P-" m V SSSTH,., . FourthForm canoeing i- % I m m ■Y.*' ' f . . . rafting Early the following morning at half past six, all 87 of us were dragged out of bed for aRT. lessonbefore breakfast. Boys were as enthusiastic as could be expected so early on a cold wintry morning. After our "Physical Torture" lesson and run, many of the boys wouldhave really loved to have been back at school doing P.T. with Mr Smith! Early P.T. became a regular routine during our stay at Greystone. It was incredible to see bow many boys sud denly became "sick" before our P.T. session in the morn ing as the course went on! My group spent the rest of the day biking along the beau tifulWagondrift Dam, towards the local boat bouse where we built rafts and attempted kayaking (many of the boys paddledroundincircles whilst other were sinking). A light storm ended our afternoon activities, but subsided in time for our night activities which included walking up and down bills to different check points with one member of our teamhaving to carry a full cup of juice, and the rest of the team having to perform a variety of tasks. We were supposed to ensure that none of the juice was spilled. That was our main objective - it never became a reality! The rest of the course included a high and low-rope obsta cle course, slime pits which had to be frequently re-filled because boys couldn't seem to make it across them with out falling in. The 75m fuffi slide had to be the most en joyed of the obstacles! Many important lessons were learned at Greystone, the first being that it was not as tough as had been expected. We learned to use initiative and to work together as a team to overcome obstacles that at first seemed impossible. We learned to listen to everyone's ideas and try to find the best solution to overcome problems. We discovered that every member had different talents that we could use to make a good team. We have gained valuable knowledge fromGreystone and we are extremely grateful toMessrsDiedricks andKassier andMiss Randall for accompanying us on our excursion. Special thanks also to Mr De Villiers for organising the leadership week. JOHNROUSSOT FORM3GROWTHCOURSEAT COLEFORD Doubled over withback packs andwarmclothing, theForm 3's arrived at Coleford simultaneously soaking in the se renity and watching the teachers with a wary eye. fM Ipsrf 46