
The blueprint is in the 46 chromosomes with their many thousands of genes which carry the hereditary in formationfrom both parents- 23chromosomesfrom each. At first these cells are exactly the same but after eight weeks they are different to the others and from their original cells.There are bone cells and many more which are alwaysin the exact right place when they start making organs,so that your teeth are always in your mouth and not on top of your head. Coincidence,I don't think so. How could any one even consider aborting something so amazing? The baby is no different after birth than before, except that he has changed his method of feeding and his method of obtaining oxygen. Before birth he received this nutrition and oxygen through his umbilical cordfrom his mother.After birth oxygen is obtained through his own lungs and food,when he is mature enough, through his stomach. Life is a process ofdevelopmentthatbegins at conception.To say of that process at any stage that hu man life has now begun is an entirely arbitrary decision. Such a decision would not matter if the unborn were considered non-human,but analysisshowsthatthe unborn appears structurally the same as humans. Which do you think is more valuable? An unborn eagle or an unborn child.The penalty for killing an unborn eagle in the U.S.A is$5000and uptofive years in prison. It is however not considered a crime to abort your un born child aslong asthe mother's consent is given. What we are being asked to believe is that at birth this baby is only a potential human being and can be considered as disposable if it turns out to be, lets say, deformed. The principle of the sanctity of life is being eroded. One last idea that I would like to leave with you.Just because abortion is legal don't let people lead you to be lieve that it is right. In many countries prostitution and pornography are also legal but they are certainly not right because "Legal or illegal, it will be much more likely that abortion will be seen as a matter of shame."- Gary Bauer,Family Research Council. SEANLUBBE,Form 4 THEBATTLE Helmet and rifle,pack and overcoat Marched through a forest. Somewhere up ahead Guns thudded.Like the circle ofa throat The night on every side was turning red. They halted and they dug.They sank like moles into the clammy earth between the trees. And soon the sentries, standing in their holes. Felt the first snow.Their feet began to freeze. Atdawn the first shell landed with a crack. Then shells and bullets swept the icy woods. This lasted many days.The snow was black. Their corpses stiffened in their scarlet hoods. Most clearly ofthat battle I remember The tiredness in eyes,how hands looked thin Around a cigarette, and how the bright ember Would pulse with all the life there was within. PETER LAMPLOUGH,Form 2 WORLD WAR II Crash! The enemy is rampaging Whilst pointless by parading. Soldiers are poor and hurt Everyone is invasion alert. Whistling Bombs The devil's thongs Spies caught and tortured Murder But Slowly the crooked cross crumbles. GORDONBUNTFING,Form 21 OFSTARS Scattered grains ofsand, covering a desert ofcharred cloth. Millions of billions ofstars decorate the ebony dress ofthe Universe. Each pinprick oflight is life which dances as she moves. Countless stars, as a desertful ofsand for every grain in a desert. This dust is stirred up into a sandstorm of movement How much life is there in the Universe, when we know none but ourselves? DAVID TURNER,Form I THE BESTAND WORSTASPECTS OFSCHOOL This topic seemed a very appropriate one when I consid ered where I am in my life at this time,nearing the end of a long school career. I have very, very nearly completed twelve long years of being educated, and so I should be some sort of authority on the topic of school. Yet I did battle for a while with part ofthe topic; the "best aspects ofschool".I was notably short ofdata in that department. SoI thought hard for a while,and slowly began my search for balance. When 1 first arrived at Kearsney College,(it seems like only yesterday)I was exceptionally naive,and ofcourse I didn't know it (the Catch-22 of naivety). So whatever I had to learn,I had to learn the hard way,and much to my surprise and disappointment,1 discovered thatI had a great deal to leam. The first lesson that I received was that I knew nothing about anything,and the second was that my ignorance showed.Everything was new to me,I was liv ing in a different world, and not a particularly hospitable or helpful one either. With the senior-junior system in place at my school,I had to get used to the idea that I was nothing more than the lowest ofthe low. 1 felt lost, and alone in the crowd.1 was homesick,as that wasthe firsttimeI had boarded,and it is notan experience I wish to live through again. We all had our hard times, and some of us had times that were even harder. Some couldn'ttake it, and left. Those who remained learnt a lot, I know 1 did,and I don't mean academically.Butsome of the lessons I have been dealt are things thatI wouldn't go through again for all the worldly wealth as a prize. Hu51