
THEEARTH The earth is only One small marble in God's Giant collection. GRAHAM NEILSON,Form 2 WAR Soldiers digging trenches Like undertakers digging graves Preparing for death. GORDONBUNTTING,Form 2 SLUG Soft, slippery in your hands;slimy,gruesome,that blood sucking slimy thing,that crawls on the wall leaving a trail of slime, soft as a pillow, slow as a snail, soft slimy little slug. SHIEN-JEA KUO,Form 1 loomed ahead of me. I slipped inside. Damn that oil! I groped for the light switch and received a slap. The light wenton.(Why were the cleaning staff still here?)There in front of me lay the remains of a criminal activity. There was a pair of dividers, a half-burned candle, a few marbles,a diamond;three bags of castor sugar(????)and a Tempo wrapper. This crime must have involved Sweet Tooth Charlie:He is the only rich person that can stomach those terrible chocolates.(Yeech!)I knelt next to the evi dence and examined them.The marbles were used tosmug gle diamonds and castor sugar into the country;the divid ers were used to measure them.The candle was obviously used to melt the fake marble casing. I lit the candle and held one ofthe marbles over the flame using my nose hair tweezers. Just as I suspected, the marble began to melt. The candle did too.(Unfortunately the candle was an im portant piece of evidence.) Underneath was a beautiful, but uncut diamond. Those were ilic..iliei, illegal. I con cealed all this evidence in my trenchcoat, including the burning candle.(I said I was maeho;I never said I was too bright, did I?)Then I marched over to my bicycle. TIM BARNES,Form 3 A HAILSTORM A million cold pebbles like attackers from the cold ofspace, frozen water thrown at us by angry clouds. DAVID TURNER,Form I CAPICHE AND HISBAND OFUGLY GORILLAS (An Extract) Chapter One:The Missing Link My name is Diamond,Tim Diamond,investigator, tough guy and general Warren Beatty impersonator.I live in my office downtown with a saxophone player out back so that I don't have to hire a musician for the soundtrack. Times are hard. My last ease was to try and find the thief who swiped the hubcapsfrom my bicycle.LikeItold you,times are hard. I was relaxing in my chair when Lucy,a reporter from the "Daily Sneak",burst into my office. A knife jutted out of her neck;she'd obviously been shaving. "Diamond," she gasped,"I walked in on a drug and dia mond smuggling gig in container terminal number six on the docks." She gasped once more,then fell limp in my arms.I exam ined the body: the knife was a Swiss army knife; obvi ously the murderer is rich.I picked up the phone and called the coroner. "Cometo Diamond Investigative Company.Quick,before I pass out.I hate the sight of blood." As I walked in the dock area that night, every footfall seemed to have an echo,a partner. Every shadow seemed to have a Kellogg'sCom Flakes murderer(a cereal killer). I pulled the pump-action out of the pocket of my trench coat(it is a big trenchcoat)and cocked my head.The only sound was that ofchemical byproducts dripping onto my hand.MMMmmm!Itchy. Container terminal number six DISTANT LOVE An empty space An unfurnished room Bare eupboardsA distant relationship Love between two planets Emptiness Longing,desiring For a chance to eclipse again. DARRYTHACKWELL,Form5 BEING TRENDY For me, trendy is more of a habit than an effort. Style, composure and colour co-ordination are to me, should I say, "basic instincts". You see, the way I walk and talk and,mostimportantly,dress has earned me quite a reputa tion -I'm no longer a stereotype teenage sheep, blindly following the fashions and often going astray. No,no,on the contrary,I'm a wise shepherd,leading thefashion flock from the ominous life ofa social dropout. My life as a leader has, however, not been a story oftotal suecess, but then again even the greatest of knights had a few chinks in his armour.AsI was saying,I did let one or two unfortunate souls go astray. Anton, like a wounded lamb,tried to keep up but soon collapsed,finding the in creasing pace of elothes' prices crippling. Then there's Marc,simply confused.Heneverknew whatto wear,when; when to wear what and with what to wear what, if you know what I mean. There were others whom I tried to educate with my vast knowledge ofstyle who simply ignored me and took their own paths-unsuceessfully I may add. For instance there was one ehap whoseemed to think that haircombed back, a thin moustache,a new suitevery day,maroon ankle-high boots and a brightflower tie was trendy.He was quite ob viously trying to makeafashion statementbut,"Don'tdress like me!"is not quite the statement one should aim for. 53