
Mercedes,had broken down the night before.Then it was back to the main camp for a further torture session. The day wasfilled with several useful exercisesincluding train ing for a marathon. That night our group felt at peace with ourselves as it was our tum to sleep in comfort in the well-equipped chalets. As my head touched the pillow one thought was in my mind.Man had been tormenting and destroying nature for so long;now it was nature's tum to strike back! ROBERTLEE,Form 3 DIE ROOK IS DIG Die rook is dig. Digter as die stof watoor die blatonblad waai, waar die bloed in strome loop; riviere tussen lee patroondoppies; bakstene; bande. 'n Moeder hull,"my kind is swart" B.HULEJT, Vorm5 IMAGINATON-SOURCE OFCREATION,OR DEGRADATION? Picture yourselfonlowerfield during aboring day's cricket. A vastly superior Hilton team is belting the ball over the boundary as often as Mr van Blerk says"Right".The heat is sweltering and you are dripping with perspiration.While you watch the ball being smashed to all sides ofthe ground you imagine yourselfbeing Jonty Rhodes,your cricketing idol and arguably the best fielder in the world. You start mimicking his characteristics,jumping around and clap ping with enthusiasm,encouraging and urging on yourteam mates.A ball comesflying two metres away from you and you leap to your right plucking the ball out of the air. In doing so you take the bestcatch ever witnessed at Kearsney. Withoutthe gift ofimagination,that ball would have been labelled "Six!" If it wasn't for imagination would we still be scuttling around with bones through our noses and rocks in our hands? Dragging woman away by their hair when we needed them? Look around your study as you mark this essay. What do you see?Alamp,Wilbur Smith's latest novel or possibly a calculator? Which one of these things accompanying you were invented without the gift ofimagination? Obviously none. But do the pros outweigh the cons? Plausibly one of the biggest disasters in modem times wascaused by an imagi nation out of control. Adolf Hitler's imagination got the better ofhim when he attempted to take over the world.In the process over six million people died in World War II. Nuclear weapons would not be made in the world to ter rorise people had it not been for an exceptional imagina tion. Hallucinating and other psychological disorders can be associated with people's imagination.The depletion of the ozone layer, air pollution and over-exploitation of the world's natural resources are directly linked with our im aginations. In a few thousand years if imagination hasn't killed us, then imagination may have killed imagination.Television has killed many people's imaginations because instead of creating a picture in our minds as we do with books, the television gives it to us. Computers do much ofour think ing in this age and has taken the place of imagination in many spheres of modem society. Man without imagination is hke the wings of an ostrich. They enable him to mn but not to soar. Yet,the pros out weigh the cons. Human life depends on it. After all if it wasn't for imagination I wouldn't have written this essay and you wouldn't be enjoying reading it. P. STORROR DIE TOERTJIES Die mense by die sirkus is baie slim met hul toertjies.'n Towenaar moet sy hele lewe lank oefen om goed te wees. Hy bly in sy karavaan en oefen ure om sy toertjies reg te kry. Hy kan baie dinge doen, hy kan kaarttoertjies doen, hy kan 'n mens sonder pyn in die helfte "saag" en dan weer"heelmaak"en hy kan 'n konyn nit sy hoed uittrek. 'n Dieretemmer moet vir maande met sy diere oefen.'n Leeutemmerkan sy leeuslaat sit,in die arenalaatrondloop, en deur vuurhoepels laat spring. Hulle is so mak dat hy sy kopin hulle bekkekan sit en hulle sal hom nie byt nie. Die apies lyk baie snaaks in menseklere en hulle drink tee en doen snaakse toertjies. Die sweefstokkunstenaars seil deur die lug en slaan bollemakiesie.Hulle kan doodgaan as hulle val en daarom oefen hulle baie. D CAMPEY, Vorm 1 DISLEKKERBY DIE SEE Vakansietyd! Die aangenaamste tyd van die jaar. Vir my, en my gesin,is die strand die enigste plek om te gaan om 'n genotvolle vakansie deurte bring.Dieredes iseenvoudig - warm sonskyn,die vars lug en natuurlik, die groot blou see. Daar is baie redes hoekom ek die see bo enige ander vakansieplek verkies, maar ek dink dat een van die interessantste redes die grootverskeidenheid snaakse mense is watjy by die see ontmoet. Vir die afgelope twee jaar, het ons gesin amper elke vakansie by 'n vakansie-oord aan die Natalse Suidkus deurgebring. Hierdie plek is soos die hemel op aarde met sy lang, gone strande en duine, blink, saffierblou see en die natuurlike wildebos wat die strand omring. Daagliks,om en by sesuur,neem ek'n stukkie roosterbrood mefkaas en my paddavoete, snorkel, swembroek en duikhandskoene en draf vinnig see toe, gereed om vir 'n uur of twee soveel krewe as moontlik te vang vir die daaglikse braai by die strandhuis. Nege-uur is ek weer op die strand, maar hierdie keer gepantser met my branderplank. Ek buitel in die branders en soos 'n haai, sny ek deur die branders en skiet agter die skuim uit. Waterplankry is een van die beste dinge in my lewe. Die gevoel wanneerjyjou vermoe teen die groot,kragtige see toets. Maar,vir die ander lede van my gesin, is die strand ook die plek om te wees.My sussie,in'n eina-bikini,gooi flikkers vir al die seuns wat verby haar loop. Hulle hou daarvan om net op die gone sand te le en slaap, gelukkig om net'n sonbrand te kry. My ander sussie, veeljonger, glimlag en speel in die sand met haar emmer en graaf en 55