
ti n X.}* n '■ m N u IT t f ir T ▼ 'V A TEAM J. Hewlett, J. Asran, A. Simonz, S. Rooke. Cambell, R. Lee, R. Henderson,M. Nelson,M. Mowatt, R. Barker-Steadman, B. Manson, D. Cumming,M. Nelson, A. van Rooyen, R. Paterson, R. van Rooyen. SecondRow: Smith, G. Jollands, V. Zikalala, S. Bums, J. Rautenbach, C. Bachelor, J-P Tostee, D. Johnson, M. Dale, W. Brant, G. Higgs, J. ColeEdwards. K. Arenhold, K. Ewer, K. Hampel, Mr Knowles, J. King, Mr King, D. Carmody, Mr Smith, M. Flaherty, Mr Cato, R. Drew, D. Woolnough, J. Antoni. Back Row: ThirdRow: Front Row: Athletics Master in charge: P.G. King Assistedby: K. Smith, D. Sudding, D. Knowles Captain: D. Carmody Vice Captain: J.M. King This was an extremely difficult and frustrating year for of ficials and athletes alike. Withrugby fixtures takingup the first three weekends of the third term, we were forced to miss two athletics meetings that have become traditional. As a result of this our first opportunity to compete came on the fourth Saturday of the term when most other schools were well prepared, while we were still trying to unearth talent andmotivate existing talent. We did of course continue with our Interhouse relay com petition which was moderately successful but with somany other activities taking place and considerable apathy from the seniors in the school, it was always a frustrating uphill battle. At the Pinetown Octangular we came sixth out of the eight competing schools but, despite this lowly posi tion, still produced some promising individual perform ances. Our performances at the D & D lA and IB League meet ings were encouraging and although we hadrelatively few stars, our depth was considerable and a number of boys gained entry to the Prestige meeting, having competed in our 'B' team. Following the Prestige Meeting the following boys were selected to represent theD&DHighway Zone in theNa tal Schools Championships: Under 15: G. Henderson, A. Johnson Under 16: J. Hewlett, J. Rautenbach Under 17: K.Hampel, J. King, W. Tindall,D. Gumming, N. Goodman Under 19: D. Carmody, R. Wienand, L. McDougall, M. Flaherty, R. Drew, J. Antoni Our best performances at this meeting came from G. Henderson, who broke the Under 15 Natal High Schools javelin record, and from J. King. Both of them were se lected for a provisional Natal Schools team. Our Annual interhouse championships turned out to be a great meeting despite the gloomy start to the day and no fewer than eleven records were broken. Gillingham con tinued to dominate winning all three interhouse trophies and congratulations were extended to them. It is to be hoped that in 1994 that our whole approach to athletics will be more positive and the early indications are that this will be the case. The following boys have been congratulated on their awards: Honours re-award: D. Carmody, J. King Colours: K. Hampel, W. Tindall, D. Cumming, N. Goodman, R. Drew. P.G. KING 59