
StaffNotes 1993 was an incredibly busy year for the Kearsney staff, in more ways than one! No fewer than four members of staff went on long leave during the year-Rob Candotti, Rod de Villiers, Graham Shone and Pip Townshend. They were ably replaced by Mesdames Patti Kearsey, Jean Lamplough, Di de Rosamund and Athlone Morris whoreplaced Ken van Blerk while he was convalescing from his accident. Our new arrivals included David Knowles whojoined us as head ofthe History department,Owen Phipps who took over Computers,P-J Richter who joined the Biology de partment and Anthony Willows, as a Maths teacher and Tennis Coach.They have all settled well,and have by now blended admirably with all the paperwork!Theirranks were swelled for the year by the presence ofJason Bantjes and Edward Fulton,ourGAPstudent,a thoroughly nice young man.Jason wasatowerofstrength to the English and Maths Departments and a true friend to many a bewildered pupil trying to make sense of his career choice and even some times his life.He also gave Hollywood arun for its money with his production of "Grease"! College's gain is Kearsney's loss. Towards the end ofthe year Ered Cocks replaced Allister Thiselton as Director of Post Matric and Dean Sudding was appointed HousemasterofGillingham in Fred's place. David Graves is now Master in charge of day boys and Desny Littlejohn replaced Gina Bacchioni as Headmas ter's secretary. Congratulations to Keith Deckeron his appointmentasSen ior Deputy-Headmaster,to Justin Hall on his appointment as Deputy Headmaster, and to Renee Randall on her ap pointmentto the postofHead ofthe Afrikaans department. Congratulations are also due to Carol Tullidge and Renee Randall on their appointment to the Independent Examin ing Board as Higher Grade Art and Standard Grade Afrikaans examiners respectively, to Justin Hall on his appointment as Higher Grade History Examiner for the Natal Education Department and to Sheila Griffiths on being nominated Private Schools'representativeforSouth Africa to the National Core Syllabus Committee for For eign Languages. The ranks of the Kearsney family were swelled with the arrival ofnofewer than five staffbabies-Keegan Mullane, Samantha Cato,Mattbew Sudding,Alice Richter and little Alexandra Nott bom on the 2nd December. All are thriv ing and giving their mothers much to talk about! Sadly,attbeend of1993 we bad to sayfarewell to a number of staff who have served Kearsney well through many a long year.Many Kearsney past pupils will long remember the names ofRobin Blamey,Chris Diedericks and Allister Thiselton. To their names we must add that of"Babe" Tributefrom Justin... It is my privilege to honour and pay tribute to three of my friends and colleagues who retired at the end of 1993.It is an honour tinged with sadness,as the gaps which they will leave will take a long time to close. ROBIN BLAMEY r w jr It would be incorrect to say that Robin spent 34 years at Kearsney. It would be correct to say that he devoted his adult life to Kearsney.His was a career oftotal dedication and total commitment.He is a professional schoolmaster in the tme sense ofthat definition. Robin always set tbe highest moral standards for himself, and expected the same from others. He was a stickler for whatis right and proper,and alwayszealously guarded the fine traditions ofKearsney.Robin was never one to turn a blind eye to avoid a confrontation, or to compromise on issues of principle. Many schoolboys, old boys and staff will bear testimony of this. On the other hand, he was al ways prepared to listen to the other side of every issue, and then to base hisjudgementon whatis fair and reason able. Robin's involvement in school activities covered a very wide spectrum. He will, perhaps, best be remembered as Kearsney's'MrRugby'.He wasMaster-in-charge ofrugby for22 years,and Coacb ofthe 1 stXVfor 10 years.He was also in many ways'Mr Natal Schools'Rugby'.As Chair man ofthe Natal Schools'Association, and as a Schools' Selector,he left an indelible imprint.He was also a mem ber oftbe S A Schools'Rugby Association.In these vari ous capacities he played a vital role at numerous Craven Weeks,and took school teams to many parts ofthe coun try and beyond(Zimbabwe and South America). His sporting activities were notconfined to rugby.He was a mostsuccessful Coach ofthe 2nd CricketXIfor anumber of years and also coached Athletics field events with dis tinction. His greatest recreational love is fishing, and through the aegis of the Fishing Club he took numerous boys on fishing trips around the country. In the classroom, as a Geography teacher, he always de manded the highest standards and conducted his lessons with the efficiency which characterised all his activities.