
This group of boys practised regularly but teams varied because ofthe changing availability ofthe players-some bad other commitments on match days and injuries took their toll as the season progressed. S. Crookes as captain of the 3rd XI led by example and always gave of bis best. Throughout the season, all players showed improvement in basic skills and fitness and thoroughly enjoyed their hockey.The 3rd XI played 11 games, winning 4,drawing I and losing 6, whereas the 4th XI were less fortunate, in winning I out of5 matches.It is a pity that the opposition is not more varied as few schools have 3rd and 4th XFs. We look forward to a better season in 1994. Results 3rd XI V. Maritzburg College Drew V. Hilton Lost V. Maritzburg College Lost V. Westville Won V. Thomas More 2nd Won V. Michaelhouse Lost V. Maritzburg College Lost V. Westville Won V. Hilton Lost V. Port Shepstone 2nd Won V. Michaelhouse Lost t-1 1-3 0-4 2-0 10-0 0-4 0-4 5-0 0-4 1-0 0-3 4th XI V. Maritzburg College V. Hilton v. Maritzburg College V. Hilton v. Maritzburg College(6th) UNDER ISA Lost Lost Lost Lost Won 0-4 1-2 0-4 0-1 4-0 Captain: B.Manson Regularplayers:B.Cocks,P.du Plessis,M.Dale,M.Feher, M.Pearce, D.Takis, D.Jolley, S. Summers,L. Moseley, G.Morgan,G.Macquet,L.Bosworth. The improvement that this team has shown over last year is excellent.Their determination continued to be very evi dent in their commitment.The results speak loudest ofall. In terms ofthe numberofgames won there has been a vast improvement. The general play was of a good standard. They played as a cohesive unit which is probably the rea son for the improvement in their results and play. The Queens College festival was a highlight for the team and drew the boys together as a team. Bevan Manson captained theteam this year.He wasa good motivater within the team.He was particularly good at his distribution and laying off of the ball. Brett Cocks showed great flair and commitment in goals and this earned him a position in the Durban UI6 team. Pierre du Plessis(kaapie)was a very reliable sweeper who has a great deal of talent and will develop into a good hockey player. Marlon Dale had guts and determination in both his at tacking and defensive play and was an asset to the team. Marc Feher took his hockey very seriously this year and showed good progress in his skills. Mark Pearce was a very hard worker on the hockey field who displayed very good stick work and skills. David Takis had one ofthe highest work rates in the team and could always be counted on in defence. Donald Jolley was very useful on attack and was part of many successful opportunities. Scott Summers was a very effective striker who scored some spectacular goals during the season. Lee Moseley was another fineforward whoformed partof the effective strike force. Richard Pappas was the mosttenacious and keen player in the team.Every game he gave 100%. Gareth Morgan has been one ofthe most consistent play ers in the team.I feel that he is the most promising player in the team. Guy Macquet has put a lot into his hockey and has shown an improvement in his game this season. Lloyd Bosworth had a lot of raw talent and was a very useful midfield player. He was equally good in attack and in defence. Results:Queen's Festival V. Paarl Boys High Lost 0-2 V. Kimberley Boys High Drew 0-0 V.Maria Louw Drew 1-1 V. Brebner High Won 1-0 V. Bergvliet High Won 1-0 V. Queen's College Won 2-0 Other Results: V. Kloof Won 2-1 V. College Lost 1-3 V. Westville Drew 2-2 V. Glenwood Won 2-1 V. D.H.S. Won 2-0 V. Northwood Won 2-1 V. Hilton Drew 1-1 V. D.H.S. Won 1-0 V. College Lost 0-2 V. StAlbans Lost 1-2 V. Port Shepstone Drew 0-0 UNDER 15B Regular players: R. Hulshof, J. Bowden, K. Kiessling, Simpson, P. Goldie, S. Little, B. Nielsen, G. Goswell, T. Coskey,W.Fourie,S. Lewis. The team has enjoyed their hockey this year. Their results were not great but this did not dampen their spirits or en thusiasm.They gave of their best in every game. Results: V. College Lost 0-4 V. Westville Lost 1-3 V. Glenwood Drew 2-2 V. DHS Won 3-1 V. Northwood Drew 1-1 V. Hilton Lost 0-3 V. DHS Lost 0-1 V. College Lost 1-3 UNDER 14A and B This has been a very successful and exciting season for the UI4A and B teams. The regular members of the teams were: 'A'Team:A.Cathcart-Kay,M.Stacey,B.Polkinghome,J. Hunter,G.Picken,T.PiMngton,P. Storrar, P. Blackman, R.Lee,D.Parker(Captain),D.Bull,S.Brown. 'B'Team: M.Charlesworth,S. Lorimer,E.Yiannakis, R. 76