
U.K.Tour Results V. Mill Hill Won V. Campion Won V. Loughborough Won V. Wellington Won V. Reading Won V. Canford Won Played:22 Won: 18 Points for:620 V. Old Crocks 37-0 13-8 25-10 22-20 58-7 65-21 Lost:4 Points against: 278 Lost 31-35 .Old Boys Lost 5-38 CRITIQUES T. Francke(45 caps);(Captain); Natal Schools; Honours (re-award) He is a big, strong scrum half with an excellent service. His service has been taken for granted, but it has enabled the three-quarter line to run with time and space. He did kick away a bit too much ball which, had he held on and run at the opposition, would have been more effective. When he did run at the opposition, he was always danger ous and the team always retained possession of the ball when he went into the tackle with it. He led the side well from the base or the scrum,and his option taking was al ways very good.He has a good future in the game as long as he reacts instinctively to situations and does not hesi tate. K. Arenhold(43 caps);(Honours); Natal Schools Devel opment Team His all-round play as a wing has been excellent. He has run extremely hard atthe opposition and wasalwaysa hand ful for them. He has developed an "inside/outside" and this was shown to great effect against Hilton. His cross cover and tackling have been very good, and he has al ways been safe under the high ball. His confidence has matured,especially in the latter part of the season,and he is now an excellent wing three-quarter. R. Barker-Steadman(22 caps); Colours He is a very balanced player who has developed a great deal this season.He is mature for his years in both attitude and playing ability. He is very easy to coach-you tell him something once and he does it straight away. The ques tions he asks, and suggestions he makes, are always con structive,and one can see hefocuses on hisjob and does it very thoroughly. He has no weaknesses and should have an exciting 1994. C. Bryan(44 caps); Honours A very strong scrummager who has been the pillar of strength of the forwards. He has also come a long way in his mobility and has had numerous bulldozing drives.Had he been allowed to, I am confident he would have been a very strong contender for the Natal Schools' team tight head berth. He has the ability to see the lighter side of the game,even in times ofintense competiveness. D. Carmody(56 caps); Colours With56caps,he is the mostexperienced playerin the team. He is an extremely good runner with the ball. His natural athletic ability has enabled him to score numerous tries this season,and set up many more.He has very good hands and he has been heavily marked by the opposition. His discipline has varied, but ended on a high note at Canford when he was late-tackled and held down after setting up the wing for a try. He did not retaliate, but asked the of fenderto lethim go.Thathas mostprobably been his high est achievement in his three years with the Kearsney 1st XV-disciplined play at the height of competitiveness. C. Clark(15 caps) Over the last two years, Craig has always been ready to take any opportunity that has come his way. He will play in any position asked of him, and give nothing less than his best.For him,the team comes first, and he will do any thing for it-even if it is to his own detriment. Medically, he has not been at his best, and must be commended for his attitude and effort towards Kearsney rugby. /. Ewing(25 caps) He has been a very reliable forward who has worked hard at hisjob and performed well throughout the season.Per haps, with a bit more aggression and determination, he could be a handful for the opposition. He has all the run ning and hall-handling skills necessary, and is underrated as a line-out jumper where he has got more than a fair share of both his and the opposition's ball. His scrummaging technique is good and,with a bit more bulk, he could be very effective. D.Franz(19 caps); Colours Don't let the size fool you. He can handle his own in all situations. His defence is sound, both under the high ball and when tackling. His strength is his hall handling skills and his vision on the field. He is always in the right posi tion at the right time,and that is on attack and defence.He made the positional change with consummate ease, and has become an effective last line of defence and an excit ing player on attack. He really has developed this season. A. Eraser(31 caps); Colours Despite his height, he has been unbelievably effective in the tight loose phase of the game. When it comes to re trieving ballfrom the maul,he has noequalin Natal schools. He has won us hall from situations others would fear to engage in. He also often prevented sides from retaining ball in situations where they should have easily got it hack. His tackling has been of the highest quality, and his ball handling skills are excellent. He definitely has a future in the game. S. Eraser(28 caps) He has an amazing array of skills for this game.I believe that he has the quickest"hands"in the country for passing the ball - so quick, that he has often caught the players outside of him by surprise. His kicking of the ball has, at times,been excellent,although he does toss it up a hit be fore striking it. When he runs at the opposition, he has a naturaljink,and enough pace to beata man or atleast make a half gap. All he needs to make his skills more effective, is a hit ofconfidence. B. Gevers(52 caps); Colours Heis oneofthefew 50capped players to have gone through Kearsney,and his experience helped the pack a great deal. With his size and height,he has always been agood lineout jumper and effective scrummager. His ball handling im proved steadily, and by the end of the season, he was en joying running with the ball. He has the ability to play re ally good rugby and, if he commits himself to off-season training and gets more aggressive, he could make it. J. Hall(20caps); Colours He fitted into the team's pattern of direct play very easily and enjoyed running at the opposition. His defence was very solid at fly half and his boot always reliable under 79