
even DHS (3-13 down), and Hilton (5-22 down - after being only 0-3 down with 20 minutes to go!)Often it was a question offitness; a lack oftotal commitment by all 15 players; a hunger and a real desire to win; or simply - missed tackles! There were,real highlights. Kicking off with a 50-pointer against Pinetown,bouncing back from the loss to a superb College team to beat Northwood 29-0 (and to score the points requested by the coach!),and solid wins overIxopo 2nds and Thomas More. Included in the highlights must be the last game ofthe season,the loss to Michaelhouse,a strong, competent side who had previously only lost to College.The Kearsney 4ths, playing with a flank and 8th man at lock, picked themselves up and played with real spirit and commitment to lose only in injury time. 1 was particularly proud ofthe team that day. While I hesitate to mention names in a team report, at the risk ofoffending,some players do deserve mention.Buchan played all 11 games, and was an enthusiastic captain. He was ably supported by Dunster, a solid, dependable full back who also played all 11 games.Machanick,Yiannakis, Carmody,Thorne,Asran and Howlett putin solid perform ances and were deservedly promoted. Holland and Prestedge proved a very effective half-back combination, while Atkinson performed superbly at No.2in the lineout. Julian Nel was sheer determination personified, Morris improved with every game and Hlangisa,top points scorer with 32,impressed atcentre.Special mention mustbe made ofDarren Thackwell,blind side flanker,whoshowed guts, dedication and commitmentin all 11 games he played.He simply never missed a tackle, even in practice, and cov ered superbly.He deserved promotion and,notsurprisingly, his fellow players voted him their"player ofthe season"- a choice I heartily endorse! In conclusion, thanks to all those who represented the Fourth XV for an interesting and eventful introduction to Kearsney Rugby. D.L.KNOWLES 5th XV Regular players: R Bordier, D. Boshoff, P. Carmody,C. Eggers, S. Ivey, R. Kirkman, T. Moripele, S. Nel, G. Nielson,R.Patterson, N.Pretorius, Q.Squires, J. Taylor, M.Taylor, B.Takis,G.Uren,P. Moore. For a team so low down,the 5th team demonstrated a sur prising amount of talent. This, along with the dedication and commitment, led to a successful season. The season began with a78-7 win over Pinetown which wasfollowed by a similar victory over Glenwood.We were,however,to face defeat at the hands ofCollege and DHS,but the sizes ofthese schools makes this understandable. On the whole our results were favourable,and were a good indication of the hard rugby which the team played. Selection difficulties and injuries to higher ranked teams meant that this team played very few matches together as a team. These disruptions meant a lack of cohesion on a Saturday. However, the boys did acquit themselves well throughout the season and they are commended for their dedication. C.v.L. 6TH XV The season started extremely well with two convincing wins over Pinetown and DHS.These wins,however,con vinced the teams above the sixths that we were hiding tal ent. The rest of the season was very disrupting owing to changes to the team as a result ofthis perception,and inju ries to players throughout the open group. It was very gratifying, however, to witness the commit mentdisplayed every weekend by the team despite the fact that in most games they never had had the opportunity to practise together. The spirit the team displayed on the field was largely due to the captaincy of J. Leggasick who led by example and always gave 100%, even in the most daunting of situa tions. It wasa very enjoyable season for me,and Ithank all those who played for the sixth team during the season(well over 30)for making it so. K.DECKER Results V.Pinetown Won 72-7 V.DHS Won 36-22 V.Glenwood Lost 0-10 V.College Lost 5-17 V. Northwood Won 26-12 V.Gelofte 4ths Won 39-3 V. Westville Lost 5-33 V. Hilton Lost 10-14 V. Michaelhouse Lost 12-30 7th XV The 7ths played with a great deal of determination and only College were able to score alotofpoints againstthem. They had fine games against all the big schools, and two excellent wins in the third term over Michaelhouse and Hilton. All in all it was a most satisfying season enjoyed by all who played. K.BECKER Results V. Pinetown V. DHS V. Glenwood V. College V. Northwood V. Ixopo 3rds V. Westville V. Hilton V. Michaelhouse Won 45-10 Lost 12-24 Drew 5-5 Lost 0-66 Lost 20-22 Lost 12-26 Lost 0-3 Won 20-12 Won 0-5 UNDER 15A This was not an easy year for these boys; however 1 do hope they learn one importantlesson in life-humility.At fullback, M. Prinsloo was adequate and the wings, D. Thome and M.Poulsen, J. Rossout, always gave of their best. The centres, S. Westerhoff and S. McCallum, were aggressive,strong mnners who provided the strength and nucleus ofthe backs.AtflyhalfG.Henderson had a steady season, while scrumhalfC.O'Callaghan was nuggety.He must,however, work on his service. The front row of T. Brant, B.Cocks and G.Phillips pro vided a solid foundation with Cocks and Phillips towers 83