
I Back Row: S. McCallum,T. Brant, M.Prinsloo. Middle Row: M.Nightingale,L.Baai,G.Henderson,C,Chandler,D.Thome,A.Phillips. Front Row: C. O'Callaghan,S. Westerhoff, F. Pringle, Mr Sudding,M.Shire,T. Booth,B.Cocks. of strength in the tight lose. The locks, T. Booth and N. Miles,played well,butthey mustjustlearn to believe more in themselves. The lose forwards were the strength and nucleus ofthe pack.M.Shire's work rate and defence were superb. F.Pringle's anticipation and skills were excellent, while C. Chandler's strength and driving play comple mented the trio perfectly. G.Gourlay also had a good sea son in this department with his aggressive driving play. F.Pringle and M.Shire mustbecommended on the leader ship ofthese boys often under trying circumstances. D.M.SUDDING Results: V.Pinetown Won 7-6 V. Northwood Lost 3-17 V. D.H.S. Lost 0-49 V. Glenwood Won 8-6 V. College Lost 3-68 V. Gelofte Won 12-3 V. Westville Lost 16-23 V. Alexandra Won 17-10 V. Hilton Lost 6-13 V. Michaelhouse Lost 22-23 Played: 10 Won:4 Drew:0 Lost:6 UNDER 15B Captain: M.Knightingale Vice-Captain: M.York Regular players: M. Nightingale, M.York, S. Leith, A. Seago, M.Dale, L. Bosworth, M.Hard, V. Zikalala, A. Buchanan,S.Lubbe,P.Richardson,S.Stofile,M.Paulsen, M.Dale,C.van den Heerden,L.Baai,D.Aitken,R.van Rooyen,B.Manson,A.Roache,B.Gourlay. The season started off with us trying to build a side. Un fortunately it was during this period wefaced College and D.H.S.As the season progressed,the rugby improved and the season ended with a victory against Hilton. I believe the players and I learnt how to accept a loss and come back with even more determination. We have passed the darkest hours, and with the skills, courage and commit ment the players developed, a platform for the open divi sions has been built. P-J. A.RICHTER Results: V. Michaelhouse Lost 7-12 V. Hilton Won 19-13 V. St Charles Colts Lost 0-45 V. Westville Lost 5-16 V. Ixopo U15A Lost 0-12 V. Northwood Lost 5-12 V. College Lost 0-77 V. Glenwood Lost 8-48 V. DHS Lost 0-83 V. Pinetown Lost 10-27 UNDER 15C Captains: M.Pearse and L.Bento Regularplayers:P.du Plessis,D.Evans,M.Feher,J. Kalis, S. Little, S. Lubbe,B. Makein,S. Malanda, R. Miller, T. O'Sullivan,B.Proctor,P. Richardson,K.Seely,S.Sibaya, P. Smit, S. Stofile, S. Summers,A. van Rooyen, R. van Rooyen,T. Wise. This was a disappointing season in terms ofthe amount of success that the team achieved,winning only 3outoftheir 10 matches, but the boys remained enthusiastic through84