
some invaluable "cleaning up" and support play. He was often on hand to putthe finishing touches to some move or other,and his play was characterised by sheer grit and de termination. The backs were also extremely effective. Ryan Hosking was a nippy and unpredictable scrum-half who was as ca pable ofsending his hacks on the way,asofdarting around the fringes and initiating a forward drive. Benji Hector proved to be a versatile fly-half with equal ability to play direct,send his line away,or to kick the necessary reliev ing touch finder. The centre pairing of Byron Parton and Greg Higgs was effective on both attack and defence,and the wings. Warren Verbaan and Duncan Bowen, were equally proficient when given the opportunity. Stuart Leitch,although new to the position,had a good season at full-back. Finally, I would like to thank the team as a whole for its enthusiasm, dedication and discipline, without which the season would have beenfar less successful.Mythanks also go to the parents and families of the boys whose support was as loyal as it was enthusiastic. D.B. GRAVES Results: V. Pinetown V. Cordwalles 1st V. D.H.S. V. Glenwood V. College V. Northwood V. Westville V. Highways V. Alexandra V. Hilton ul4C V. Kings 1st Won Won Drew Lost Lost Won Drew Won Won Lost Won 53-0 46-0 7-7 5-13 0-20 27-3 5-5 22-0 41-0 10-31 31-5 mmA' m 9?' € Members ofthe 1993 Under 13A team waiting to go on to the field before their match against Kings School. UNDER 13B Captain:B.Cole Vice-Captain: J. Lemmer/S.Botsis Regularplayers:S.Botsis,J.Burden,G.Campell,J.Cocks, M.Cole,R.Cumming,G.Franz,D.Graham,G.Griffin,P. Harry,J.Lemmer,A.Matopi,M.Maunder,G.Nielsen,G. Nightingale, N. Reynolds, P. Sampson, G. Simonsz, R. Slater,B.Watson. Theteam has been oneofthe mostdelightfulteamsto coach as they were keen to learn and played with great spirit. This resulted in their becoming a cohesive force towards the end of the season, and a very difficult team to beat. Cole played a very important part in the development of the team. His leadership of the team and his own game place him as one of the best captains I have ever had the pleasure of working with in 20 years ofcoaching under 13 rugby. From a very ordinary start the forwards developed into a very fine pack with a very solid base formed by the props, and well supported by the locks. The loose forwards be came a hard attacking group who, on obtaining the ball, would always makegood ground.In the line outs the locks gave the team plenty ofgood ball. The backs suffered with the loss of the sparkling play of the flyhalf Lemmer early in the season.The problem was solved by filling this crucial position by recycling a scrumhalf who developed into a fine distributing flyhalf. The three-quarter play then developed into strong,running, attacking rugby,coupled with good defence work-a win ning formula. A.BROMLEY-GANS Results: V.Clifton Prep 1st Lost 0-35 V.Pinetown U13B Won 42-0 V.D.H.S.U13B Lost 0-29 V.Clifton Prep 2nd Won 32-0 V.Glenwood U13B Lost 5-33 V. M'CollegeU13B Lost 0-52 V. Northwood U13B Lost 0-5 V.Westville U13B Won 15-10 V.St Charles U13A Won 48-0 V. Michaelhouse U13A Won 15-0 THE TERMINATORS(U13C/D) "Lord give me the tenacity and determination of a weed" is certainly a good phrase to describe this year's group of rugby beginners.From the outsetoftheirinvolvementthey gave their best, from the hard knocks of tackling to the finesse of backline movements. This group of enthusiastic die-hards enjoyed every single (nearly anyway) minute of their road to discovering the ins and outs ofrugby football. Mostofthese players expe rienced more than one position in the season so that mov ing from front row to wing was not a surprising change. Once again it was a pleasure working with a group of youngsters who showed great sportsmanship throughout the season despite big losses in matches. Like the boys,I am sure that we will remember this special time in our school careers. Regular players: Franz (grinchin), Lewis (Snake Eyes), Baxter (hobbly gook), Jollands (motor mouth). Burden (burpy), Smit (desert rat),O'Callahan(Hithim once),De Villiers(Where sir?), Stockil (Prof), Corbet (Winge Bag), Campbell (Walter), Akal(Chirper), Nilsen (I am still here), Reilley (Stickman),Maunder(aHUH),Sharma(Shwarma),Goble (DofBal),Campey(Kill the terminators),Kuo(Bruce Lee), Martin(Arthur),AkalJ(BlueSuede Shoes),Windsor(Cyril Side Step), Rose (Tulip), Ric-Hansen (Mavis), Brown (Farmer), Roper (Stan), Benney (Penny), Buntting (Bemey),Milbank(The Mouth). PETER CRUNDWELL&RICHARD NOTE