
T T t . ■ f ▼ .l-iK Back Row: T, Halstead, M.Tyler,T. Brant. Middle Row: D.Woolnough,R.Barker-Steadman,M.Jollands, K.Hampel,R.Patterson,Q.Seago. Front Row: M.Gibbs,M.Ferreira da Silva(Captain),Mr Van Loggerenberg,C.Bryan,R. Wienand. Waterpolo The highlight of the'93 season was undoubtedly the tour by 22junior and senior players of Zimbabwe during the September holidays. Zimbabwe was a wonderful experi ence and although the 1st team did not perform as well as they would have liked to,thejuniors excelled,losing only I match in 10. The 1st team had a season which could be called the "1 goal"season.Atleast60%ofthe games welost was by the margin of 1 goal. They were however a very young team with only3matrics being regular members,and this augurs well for the future. A lack of experience and urgency made life easier for the opposition and this meant a 4th place in the top 8 Kings Sports Toumament. Waterpolo continues to grow at Kearsney and wehave now reached the stage where only Northwood have enough teams to play against us as we were able to put u/13 A& B,u/14A&B,u/15 A,B&C and4open teams;a total of II teams,in the water. This is a tremendous achievement and is largely due to the dedication and hard work of the coaches Keith Decker, Barry Mullane, Mark Mack,Graham Shone and Andrew Bromley-Gans. If and when we can heat our swimming pool, we will be able toimprove even further on the quality ofour polo,but the water space limits us to no more than 12teams. I thank the captain of waterpolo Miguel Ferreira-da-Silva for all his hard work and leadership,and a big thank you to all the coaches. 1ST TEAM CRITIQUE: QUINTEN SEAGO: Goalkeeper. Hard working and very keen to play well. Weak legs and lack ofconcentration at times let him down.Good potential for the future. R. WIENAND:Big and strong centre back. Played in fits and starts. Very physical, he lets his temper get the better ofhim which prevented him from reaching his full poten tial.Heis a very courageous player who always gave 100% even with a severe knee injury. M KFVITS:Heis very agile in the water and astrong swim mer. He played well at times, but needed to work on ball skills. K.HAMPEE:Hehas great potential,buthe was nevercom mitted sufficiently to realise this. However, he is a good team player. T. HALSTEAD:He is an excellent attacking player with good hands and uncanny reading of the game.A knee in jury played havoc with his season. He was selected for Natal B and awarded Colours. R.FATERSON:The mostimproved player ofthe year.He has grown in confidence to become a very competent cen tre forward. He has excellent skills but he must be more aggressive in his play. He was selected for Natal Colts and awarded Colours. M.FERREIRA-DA-SILVA:Captain ofWaterpolo.Heis an excellent team player with good hands and good reading 97