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1994 Kearsney College Trustees Dr G.W.Shuker(Chairman) Mr D.W.Barker Mr J.W. Gafney Mr B.Hagemann Mrs S.C. Hotz Mr I.E. Morgan Mr T.A.Polkinghorne Mr N.G.Polkinghorne Honorary Trustees Mr A.N.Theunissen Mr W.H. Hulett Rev.C.Wilkins Kearsney Board of Governors Mr R.R. Becker Mr G.Bester * Mr G.J. Collingwood * Mr A.R.Bwing * Mr A.K.Francis * Mr B.S.C. Garner * Mr N.Gerber * Mr N.Polkinghorne Dr A.B.Ravno Mr J.F. Sabine * Mr G.W.Shuker Mr A.W.H.York Ex Officio Members The Presiding Bishop ofConference: Rev.Dr M.S. Mogoba Chairman Natal Coastal District: Rev.Dr N.S. Hudson Representative Natal Coastal District: Mr C.Woolacott Honorary Life Governor Prof V.J. Bredenkamp Kearsney College Headmaster * Mr O.J. Roberts Kearsney College Old Boys'Club Mr A.Ross ^Kearsney Executive Committee Kearsney Chronicle 1994

¥ From the Headmaster's Desk Whatachallenging and momentous year this has been. In the decades ahead we will look back on 1994 as a watershed year for this land. There are enormous changes taking place in every field. Amidst the tur moil we have striven to continue with our day to day lives but have not lost sight of what is going on about us. Education, like everything else, is being restruc tured. By the time you read this, all seven Education Departments in the Province will have amalgamated under one National Education Department. We have only just begun to feel the changes. There is much more to come.Once the dust has settled, we must be in a position to prepare our pupils for the challenging and exciting times into which they will be going.Rest assured that we are keeping abreast of the situation and are planning accordingly. One part of education will never change — the need to teach youngsters to believe in themselves and in God, and to come out smiling and ready to face the world. This I hope we are doing. As you read the Chronicle, you will soon realize that there are a multitude of activities going on in the Col lege.These all go to make up the all-round education which has become our hallmark. It is no secret that the focus in recent years at Kearsney has been on the academic field-and yet our sport too has gone from strength to strength and has raised the College to un precedented levels of participation and success. Highlights ofthe year include: * The academic ethos prevalent with the boys deter mined to putin the hard work that real learning re quires,leading to improved results throughout the school. * A wonderfulschool spirit asevidenced in the united support of parents, pupils and staff at our many functions and activities. * The updating and computerisation ofourResource Centre. * The emergence of a good and enthusiastic Choir which led the rest of the school in some wonder ful singing. * Increased participation in our Outreach, with al most every pupil involved in some community project or other. * Strong spiritual leadership at all levels,leading to a growing numberofboyscommitting themselves to Christ. * Our sporting successes...and so very much more. Einally, in order to make our curriculum relevant to the new South Africa, we shall be adding financial and entrepreneurial skills to other skills taught in the labs, classrooms, computer room and in the Design and Technology Centre. Next year will see the estab lishment ofa Commercial Subjects Department.AsI said at Prize Giving, the private schools have a key role to play in helping to maintain standards.We must be prepared to take calculated risks,to try new ideas, and to develop a relevant curriculum. Then we must proliferate our uniqueness by sharing it and playing a leading role in the community. O.J. ROBERTS Kearsney Chronicle 1994

Kearsney College Staff, 1994 Mr OJ.Roberts Mr K.Decker Mr M.F. Bissell Mr J.L. Hall Mrs J.R. Broadbent Mr A.Bromley-Gans Mr R.Candotti Mr D.Cato Mr F.RD.Cocks Revd R Crundwell Mr L.R. Daniels Mr Villiers Mr I. Gibson Mr D.Goldhawk Mr D.Graves Mr M.Griffiths Mrs S. Griffiths Mrs I. Harper Mr L. Kassier Mr R.G. King Mr D.L.Knowles Mr R.W.Lamplough Mr M.G.Mack Mr J. McMichael Mr B.Mullane Mr RJ.Nott Mr O.D.Rhipps Mrs RJ.Randall-Taylor Mr R.A.T. Ratcliffe Mr R-J A.Richter Mr G.E.M.Shone Mr K.Smith Mrs A.M.Stevens Mr D.Sudding MrA.R.C.Townshend Mrs C.V. Tullidge Mr K.van Blerk Mr C.J. van Loggerenberg Mr A.F. van Zyl Mr W.J. Vermaak Mrs V.A. Wallace MrA.H.Willows Mr G.S.Borresen Miss K.Hagemann Mr D.B.Rithey Mrs M.W.Alborough Mrs V.Jansen Mrs B.Kassier Mrs D.Littlejohn Mrs D.Lyness Mrs S. Rithey Mrs N.Townshend Sister A.Ashbumer Sister M.Morgan Mrs J. Lyte-Mason Mrs M.Stanley Mr B.D.E. Rotter Mr J. Govender Mr R.Rillay BA Hons TTD FDE(Management) BEd T Cert BABEd MA BEd MSc HED NATD BA(Hons)HED BSc HDE BABEd BA(Hons) NTSD Dip Ed BSc(Hons)HDE MA BEd BA Sp Hons Grad CE BA BEd BSc HED BA Hons UED BA BEd BA UED BA(Hons)HDE BA(Hons)UED HDESECED MA HED HDE BA HDE BSc BEd FDE BABEd BEd T Dip BSc BEd BAUED BAHDE L.T.C.L. BA BA NTDA NHD BSc RCE BA STD BA HDE BA HDE BSc HDE Dip M(GSM) BA HDE BA STC School Secretary Reg Nurse/Midwifery/Community Health Reg Gen Nurse Headmaster Deputy Headmaster/Maths Deputy Headmaster/History Deputy Headmaster/History i/c Science Art English Maths Director Rost Matric/Maths Chaplain Housemaster Finningley/Maths Biology Rart-time Counsellor Lower School Tutor Afrikaans Head 4th Form/Biology i/c French i/c Resources Centre Geography i/c Geography i/c History Housemaster Rembroke/History Science English Science i/c Zulu/Community Officer Computer Studies i/c Afrikaans i/c Maths Biology English i/c Rhys Ed/Activities Co-ord i/c Music Housemaster Gillingham/Afrikaans Geography i/c Art Science/Design &Technology Afrikaans Afrikaans Design&Technology Rart Time i/c English Maths Bursar Rublic Relations Officer Liaison Officer Receptionist Bursar's Assistant Stud Shop Rart-time Headmaster's Secretary Marketing Dept. Secretary Kit Shop Rart-time i/c Sanatorium Sanatorium/Matron Gillingham Matron Haley Matron Rembroke Estate Manager Sportsfield Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Kearsney Chronicle 1994

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StaffNotes At the beginning of 1994 four new members of staff joined our ranks: Mick Bissell as Deputy Headmaster and Standard Head for Third Form, Dalene Lyness as schoolsecretary in place ofAggie Potter,Angela Stevens as Director of Music in place of Jeff Judge and Andre van Zyl who replaced Chris Diedericks. The Van Zyls arrived as a family of three hut by November they be came a foursome with the arrival of little Benjamin. These four new staff members have settled in well and have become part ofthe greater Kearsney family. VALETE At the end of 1994 we sadly said farewell to four other staff members: Irene Harper, librarian, Andrew Bromley-Gans, Art Master, Joan Lyte-Mason, Haley House Matron, Margaret Stanley, Pembroke House Matron and Barry Mullane,Physical Science master. IRENE HARPER ■■I'li'-' A-. Irene and John Harper arrived at Kearsney from Eng land in 1960. Ever since then Irene has been an integral part of the community. She has given 35 years of love and service to her home, to Kearsney and to numerous families where her love and concern have beenher hall mark. She has been interested inpeople for themselves, and has shared in the triumphs of others and has ago nised with them in sadness. She is indeed very much a people person. One of the most moving moments at Kearsney was the day the news broke that after 12 years of marriage a new line had been composed in the Harper household and that a baby was due. There was joy in the entire Kearsney and Botha's Hill community when Paul was bom inNovember 1968. The local Spar shop, 'Roberts Eoodliner', had ahugeplacardoutside announcing "IT'S A BOY!" Later Michael arrived, and both boys made their contributions to Kearsney in time. Irene came into the Kearsney library in a part-time ca pacity in 1979, and then took over as librarian in 1986. Her greatest strength as a librarian is her love of hooks. She is an avid reader andhad readmost of the novels in the library. She was thus able to guide the readinghabits of boys (and staff) with certain knowledge. Another of Irene's characteristics as a librarian was her incredible capacity for hard work. Many people were aware of the long hours she put in each day. What is perhaps not as well known is the amount of work she put in during school holidays - especially recently with the reorgani sation of the library. Irene also gave many years of behind-the-scenes service to the Chapel. She took on the responsibility of ensuring that everything was ready and in place for Communion Services. This was typical of her - she will be remem bered for her willingness to help where required and unstintingly to volunteer her services without reservation. Irene Harper and music are synonymous. Music has played a dominant role in her life - she even married a harper! She and Johnhavebeen involvedinmusicalpro ductions at Kearsney, in the local community, as well as inDurban and Pietermaritzburg. At Kearsney Irene coproducedmusical productions such as H.M.S. Pinafore, Ruddyore, Oliver to name but a few. In the music field Irene will best he remembered for her magnificent sing ing voice, especially at special services in the Chapel. The Harpers will live in retirement inPietermaritzburg, where they will be very much part of the music scene. We wish them well and will remember them always. NANTOWNSHEND & JUSTINHALL ANDREWBROMLEY-GANS (1972-1995) Known affectionately as B-G,Andrew came to Kearsney College fromD.H.S. in 1972 as an Art teacher. He was educated at Grey College and at the Wits School of Art. He marriedPippa Crozier in 1973 and they have 3 chil dren Jamie, Joanna and Jeana. Andrew's contribution to Kearsney College has been variedand significant.He assistedMr Jan Storminswim ming coaching and was most proficient at breaststroke correction. He went on to become master-in-charge of swimming and later headof the art department. Together withPippa and the Townshends, he coached diving, and Kearsney became one of the top diving schools with numerous Natal Schools selections. He coached U13 rugby for many years and who will forget his lads' com mitted tackling Saturday after Saturday. His greatest love and for which he will be best remem bered was his contribution to sailing. His enthusiasm and energy enabled hundreds of boys to enjoy many a Sunday sailing on Durban Bay and at Midmar. Under his direction, Kearsney won the Mirror trophy at the Natal Interschool Regatta, year after year. Kearsney Chronicle 1994

r •ft4 0 / Df. J S■ . \ A. Bromley-Gans FromFormOne toPostMatric,B-G was highly regarded and respected by schoolboys. The remark from a Form One boy "we are so lucky to haveMr B-G as a teacher", epitomises this. He always gave boys time, even assist ing tbose wbo struggledwith their handwriting and spell ing. Andrew will long be remembered for his sometimes eccentric habits. Who will forget his sleeping and fre quent snoring during staff meetings; his rambling ser mons incbapel with their high and low notes; his boom ing voice in the classroom and on the sportsfield; his raucous and infectious laugh. His leaving Kearsney for promotion at Highbury is our loss and their gain. We willmiss you, Andrew andPippa, but we wish you every success knowing that your con tribution to Kearsney will be remembered and admired. F. COCKS BARRYMULLANE Barry came to us fromPort Shepstone High School and during his three years and one term he ably filled the posts of master in the Physical Science department, as sistant Housemaster in Pembroke House, coach of the 3rd rugby team and coach of firstly the U15 and then U16 waterpolo teams, the latter having an unbeaten record. His son, Keegen, was born during tbis period and very recently he acquired his Further Diploma in Education. Barry, Lindy and family havemoved to Can berra inAustralia where Barry will teach. We wish them well "Down Under". JOANLYTE-MASON Joan has been a very caring and Christian "mother" to a host of brand new Kearsney boys and no one has coped more ably than she with the inevitable stream of very homesick young lads who arrive at Haley House at the beginning of every year. Nothing was ever too much trouble for her and there was never a time when she was not available to minister to these boys. We wish her all the best in her retirement and we know that her grand son is a very lucky young fellow to have her looking after him. MARGARET STANLEY Margaret has been a pillar of strength in Pembroke House. Nothing ever got her down and she approached everything she did with a marvellous sense of humour. It is this quality that she will be best remembered for and we wish her much happiness and well-deserved peace and quiet in her retirement. m •A 'A; m Kearsney Chronicle 1994

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Prefects 1994 N.Anderson R.Barker-Steadman D.Boshoff R.Brown J. Caulfield D.Cumming T. Halstead G.Hunter D.Johnson W.Lee S. Lundin I. May L.McDougall S. McKeown J. Moore B.Muller S.Picken J. Rautenbach Q.Seago P. Smith D.Thackwell W.Tindall G.Verbaan D.Woolnough J.J. Nel M.Evans School Prefect Deputy Head ofFinningley Head of Haley Deputy Head of Gillingham Head ofPembroke Head ofFinningley Deputy Head ofSchool Deputy Head of Haley Head of Gillingham Deputy Head ofPembroke School Prefect School Prefect Head ofSchool r \9U ttlU Front Row: T. Halstead, J. Caulfield, Mr K. Decker,W.Lee,D. Woolnough,Mr O.Roberts,G.Hunter,L. McDougall. Second Row: Mr R. de Villiers, W. Tindall, B. Muller, S. McKeown, S. Lundin, R. Barker-Steadman, D. Cumming, N. Anderson, Mr D.Knowles. Third Row; S.Picken,Q.Seago,B. May,D.Boshoff,R.Brown,D.Johnson,J. Rautenbach,P. Smith. Back Row: J. Moore,D.Thackwell,G. Verbaan. Kearsney Chronicle 1994

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Natal Senior Certificate Examination 1994 Natal Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption 67(85%) Wrote for Matriculation Exemption but only gained a Certificate 2 Wrote for Certificate and gained it 10 Failures NIL A Aggregate - 11 B Aggregate - 15 CAggregate 23 Subject Distinctions(A) 8 - G.G.Hunter 6 4 4 3 G.R.Parry S.Picken W.G.D.Lee S.Lundin MJ.Cardo J. Judge J.B. Mackey J.S. Caulfield G.E.Chater N.P. Darby M.A.Evans B.N.Hulett 79 RJ. Brown, MJ. Cardo, J.S. Caulfield, M.A. Evans, G.G. Hunter, W.G.D. Lee, S.Lundin,B.G. Muller, G.R.Parry,S.Picken,J.B. Mackey L.Archary,B.C.Atkinson,R.P.M.Bordier,D.A.Boshoff,G.E.Chater,D.R.Cumming, T.M. Halstead, J.G. Howlett, J. Judge, S.A. McKeown, R.J. Pretorius, P. Smith, R.S. Steel, D.R.Thackwell,D.E. Woolnough. N.R. Anderson, R.R. Barker-Steadman, N.P. Darby, S.L. Hipkin, D.G. Johnson, J.E.P. Kopp, E.G. Larsen, Y.P. Long, S. Maharaj, T. Mapengo, B.l.A. May, M.N. Magoba, G. Morris, J. Nel, T.C. Pappas, J.H. Rautenbach, N.L. van Aardt, G.L.Verbaan,D.D.Versluis,D.Voogt,M.S.Vorwerg,H.N.Willans,D.C.Yiannakis. English,Afrikaans,Maths,Biology,Physical Science,Geography,History,Add.Maths Maths,Biology,Physical Science, History,Computer Studies,Add.Maths Maths,Physical Science, Geography,History English,Afrikaans,Physical Science, History Physical Science, History,Computer Studies English,Afrikaans, History Physical Science,Computer Studies Afrikaans, History Physical Science Physical Science Art History Afrikaans Standard Grade 2 1 T.C.Pappas R.R. Barker-Steadman R.P.M. Bordier T.V. Govender S. Maharaj J.D.S. Moore N.D.Pretorius J.T. Ross G.A.Uren D.D. Versluis M.S. Vorwerg D.C.Yiannakis Maths,Physical Science Physical Science Maths Maths Physical Science Maths Physical Science Maths Maths Maths Physical Science Physical Science All-rounder Graeme a top scorer... Kearsney College's Graeme Hunter was awarded 100% in his science exam, 98% for mathematics and achieved six distinctionsin othersub jects. Graeme is an all-rounder, as the liv ing room in his parents' Durban North home shows with a collection of trophies for academic and sport ing achievements. In July he represented his School's first cricket team in England and swam for the Durban and Districts team. He also captained Kearsney's second rugby team and haseven tried his hand at acting,playing one ofthe main characters in the school play. Graeme's main love is mathematics and he intends to make a career out ofhisfavourite subject when he stud ies actuarial science at the Univer sity of Cape Town next year. One remarkable result was his dis tinction in Geography. As an addi tional subject Graeme could not at tend any classes as they clashed with his other lessons and relied mainly on text books,rather than a teacher, for tuition. (Natal Mercury,December 28,1994) *' 4 i *, '•SsJ Kearsney Chronicle 1994 11

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Headmaster's Address on Speech Day,23September 1994 Mr Chairman and Mrs Polkinghorne, Mr Clem Sunter, Members of the Board of Governors, Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen; Welcome to you all and thank you for being with us today. What an incredible year we have had unfold before us. From the uncertainty preceding the elections, to the marvel of the birth of our 'rainbow nation', to strikes and expectations not yet met. We have been on a roller coaster ride with our hopes and fears the peaks and the valleys. Everything around us is changing and you might well ask "What are you doing to meet the chal lenges in education?" Wellfirstand foremost,Ithink we mustretain oursense ofhumour.One ofthejoys ofschoolmastering is read ing the gems youngsters come up with. These are prov erbs completed by the boys: * Don't count your chickens-before you cook them. * Don't put all your eggs-in the microwave. * All's fair in-rugby * People wholive in glass houses-shouldn'ttake their clothes off. * Ifatfirst you don'tsucceed-go and play touch rugby. * All work and no play-is disgusting. * Two heads are-funny looking. * A stitch in time-saves your pants. * The grass is always greener-than the cows. * Clothes make-people decent. * Do unto others-like you don't do to yourself. * He who laughs last-didn't understand the joke. More seriously, I want briefly to help get change into perspective, then mention some of the changes already implemented,before talking about the future. I am well aware-though our staff may not think so!- of what Alvin Toffler describes as: "the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time." I am equally aware that you cannot apply the solutions ofthe past to the problems oftoday. Unless we managethe processofchange,the proc ess will manage us. We can either resent it and resist it, or anticipate it for our own good.A bal ance between boldness and prudence must be maintained if we are to steer a true course into the uncertain future. I would like briefly to mention some ofthe mostsignifi cant changes already in the process ofimplementation. When one looks at the incredible advances in technol ogy-from the phone to the fax to electronic mail-one may think that education has not moved into the 20th century,never mind the 21stcentury.Today'sclassroom is virtually the same as 100 years ago! But real change is whathappensin the classroom -one can change the physical structure and pour money into fancy aids-hut in the end it's up to the teacher to establish a learner centred envi ronment. To this end we have an ongoing programme ofin-serv ice training with the focus this year being on co-opera tive and resource based learning. All the staff were in volved in developing ideasfor the upgrade ofthe Re source Centre which is now nearly complete.TheCen tre has huge possibilities with the collection of all re sources computerised and networked with the computer centre. We have started a CD Rom collection and will have our E mail number enabling us to network with other centres,local and international. Pupil and teacher education gathers pace. We have to make our curriculum relevant to the new South Africa.Financial and entrepreneurial skills must be added to other skills taught in the labs,classrooms,computer room and the design and technology centre. The whole emphasis on Career Education has changed to meet changing employment opportunities. We have to look at job makers rather than job seekers. Our Ca reers Department did us proud with their 20speakers on 3 nights, the counselling and testing done, and the shadow employment weeks for our Post Matrics.Aspe cial task group researched the whole matter of subject choice. The outcome has been the establishment of a CommercialSubjectsDepartmentto be headed by Mrs D. Woodroffe assisted by Mr B. Steyn. They will not only be teaching Accounting and Business Economics and the many subjects done by our Post Matrics, but will be introducing the whole concept of entrepreneurship throughout the school. The other area ofchange which is paramountlies in our attitudes. This is by far our biggest chal lenge. The bottom line is: will our boys fit com fortably into the new South Africa? To start with,we must not pretend there are not any dif ferences in the people that make up our land. We are all different. As Dr Julian Sonn so eloquently put it: "Unless we root ourselves in our own culture, we can't grow wings and without wings you can't fly". That does not mean we have to abandon our tradi tional values and ethos-rather we have to expand the ethos to include others. Three short years ago, I appointed a Community Of ficer so that we could become more expansive and share and care with others. Work with Smile, Khabazela,and with welfare, animaland environmentalactivities has presented our lads with wonderful opportunities. Kearsney Chronicle 1994 13

Our Post Matrics worked closely with the John Wesley School. We are the ones who gain most from such ac tivities. I firmly helieve that such interaction is the sur est way to develop tolerance and mutual understanding. I have just hegun to appreciate the incredible work be ing done by the Valley Trust - this through our joint association with the Valley Principals in projects and workshops.I am particularly excited about ajoint ven ture with Durban Girls College which could result in a new campus near the University of Zululand. Colin Silcock and Graeme Shuker-that tried and tested team -will soon he doing a feasibility study. There is so much more I could tell you were time to permit-our Post Matrics with its unique emphasis on tutoring and developmentofself-discipline and self-con fidence, our Leadership Week which adds to that all round education we offer. What of the future? Education in South Africa is in turmoil. The politicians make and refute statements daily. The problem with the new South Africa is that its transparency is a smokescreen.In the confusion,certain facts present obvious pointers. The National Council of Education Minister,DrBhengu,faces an enormous task when asfrom 1 January his9Provincial Ministers tackle the task of educating 9 million students with 350 000 teachers and insufficient finance to meet the promise of free compulsory education for 10 years. There are 76 000 classrooms needed if a pupil teacher ratio of 1:35 were to he implemented. The privateschools haveakey role to playin help ing maintain standards.We must be prepared to take calculated risks,to try new ideas,and to de velop a relevantcurriculum,then we must prolif erate our uniqueness by sharing it and playing a leading role in our community. The synopsis of activities and achievements which you have,give a far more detailed picture than I am able in this briefreport.However,I would like to highlightsome ofthem. Despite all the disruptions to the school calendar every effort wasmadeto maintain a healthylearn ing environment. In the end the responsibility for success in learning rests squarely on the shoulders of the learner. We as educa tors can but offer guidance, challenges and opportuni ties. In the 1993 matriculation examinations,92boys passed, 66 of them with exemption. There were 5 'A' aggre gates, 15 'B' aggregates, 27 subject distinctions and 3 failures. During the course of the year a new subject. Business Economics, was introduced as an alternative to Mathematics to a small group ofhoys in Form 5.This was done to improve their chances ofobtaining a senior certificate. Once again Kearsney has fared very well in Na tional and Provincial academic competitions. We had the greatest number ofentries,namely 51,in the Expo for Young Scientists. They received a total of34 prizes for their efforts, and nine boys have been invited to attend the National Expo in Secunda.In addition, V. Geldenhuys received the award for the best water re lated entry and the University ofNatal Engineering prize, which includes a bursary to study Engineering,when he leaves school. G. Hunter was placed in the top 100 of the Science Olympiad. In the Mathematics Olympiad, 16Kearsney hoys received certificates for their outstand ing achievements in the first round. G. Hunter and A. Buchanan were placed in the top 20 in Natal, after the second round. G.Hunter has been chosen for the Natal Mathematics team which will take part in an inter-provincial competition. G.Parry was placed in the top 30 of the Computer Science Olympiad. A. Buchanan has reached the final of the Alan Paton Speech Competi tion. As a Christian School, our first aim is to intro duce pupils to a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. We are grateful that there are so many boys and staffin our School who have discovered the spiritual reality of this relationship. This faith,ofcourse,has to he worked outin our everyday lives by living according to the val ues taught by Jesus Christ. In order to encourage our pupils in their Christian faith,there is a strong Students' Christian Association of about 90 members,as well as fellowship groups in the houses. There is a short daily chapel service and a regular Sunday evening service. We are being confronted by such complex issues in our country today. Itis ofthe utmostimportance thatour young peo ple have the very bestspiritualfoundations upon which to build their lives.We believe the bestfoun dation is Christ. With Him in their lives they will be able to use their skills and knowledge to make a really worthwhile con tribution in the new Society we are creating. Whilsttalk ing ofreligion,Ithought you mightenjoy this9year old hoy's essay explaining God: "One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes these to put in place of the ones that die. He doesn't make grownups,just babies, and I think it works out pretty good. God's second mostimportantjob is listening to prayers -lots ofthis goes on.Some people,like preachers,pray at other times besides bedtime.God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere. Which keeps Him pretty busy,so you shouldn't go wasting His time.Jesus is God's son.He used to do all the hard work like walk ing on water and doing miracles and trying to teach peo ple about God.They got tired ofHis preaching and cru cified Him. But He was good and kind like his father and He told his father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said O.K. His Dad(God)appreciated everything He had done on earth, so He told Him He didn't have to go out on the road anymore, he could stay in heaven. Now He helps HisDad outby listening to prayers and seeing which IJe can take care ofHimself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more important. You can pray anytime you want,one ofthem is on duty all the time. ...Boys Town News 14 Kearsney Chronicle 1994

As I admired the musical and artistic expertise at our recently held exhibition,1 must confess to considerable jealousy.How fortunate these youngsters are to have so many cultural and other opportunities. I see the role of a College like this to be that of identifying a talent in every hoy and then devel oping it to its full strength.Our45 Clubs and So cieties,70instrumentalists,theconcerthand,and wonderful artistic disciplines on offer, make this possible. Ournew Music Director,Angela Stevens,soon won over the boys. Who would have imagined one of our Natal Schools Rugby players as being the leading light in the Choir which has grown both in numbers and in quality? Let us listen to them now ... A new addition to our calendar is the Junior Arts Festi val which takes place next weekend. There will be 420 pupils from 11 schools staying here and enjoying each other's plays, choirs and music whilst also dabbling in art, computers and design and technology. It is no secret that the focus in recent years at Kearsney has been in the academic field - and yet our sport has gone from strength to strength and has raised the schoolto unprecedented levels of participation and success. The reason for this is obvious to all those who are close to sport at Kearsney: the school is served by a happy band of dedicated and knowledgeable teachers. Our games successes and failures have been well docu mented.I will mention but afew highlights. In our major sports this has been tbe year of touring. The 1St XV visited Kokstad,Grahamstown and Zimba bwe.When they were good,they were very good,and I wonld like to mention Justin Rautenbach ourspeedy winger whoscored 25tries.Ourtwo Natal school caps testify to the quality ofthe players and the depth is illus trated by the IJISA team who lost only one match. The 1st XI toured England and again Kearsney boys proved fine ambassadors on and offthe field. Cricketis flourishing with ourjuniorsides probably ourstrong est ever in both quality and depth. Kearsney is becoming one ofthe top tennis schools in the country.Not only did they win every league in both Durban and Maritzburg,but they also beat all but one of the top schools in Cape Town and Johannesburg.We will miss our Junior Springbok, Damien Roberts, who has served us so well and who is now going to the U.S.A.on a tennis scholarship,butthe future looks very good when we realize that6 ofour top 8 players are in Form 3. I have mentioned but 3 of tbe 14 sports on offer. This variety enables us to fulfil our sporting aim which is to involve every boy no matter how talented and give him good coaching and the chance to represent his school. All onr sports coaches can hold their heads high. Theircommitmentand dedication have madethis all possible. I echo the sentiments of the Chairman in bidding fare well to Andrew Bromley-Gans.We also say farewell to Irene Harper who has worked so hard as our Librarian for9years and now takes a well-earned retirement.Barry Mullane leaves for Australia at the end of the year. He has made his mark as a Science teacher and aquatics and rugby coach.MrsPaula Isaac and Keith Garrett will be their replacements.We wish all three families well in the years ahead. When I look back on the year,one golden momentcap tures the spirit of Kearsney.That was when we alljour neyed to Michaelhouse for our annual derby. The Kearsney family was there in full support. The singing of Shosholoza as always was some thing special,but what gladdened my heart most was to see the way the parents lauded and enter tained our staff at Rawdons that evening. My thanks go: to David Woolnough and William Lee who have led the College with fairness and enlightenment; to the prefects and matrics who have set the example and enabled us all to carry our proud tradition a step further; to the parents and parents'society for their support and involvement which I havejust described; to the Old Boys so ably led by Lauron Buys who him self has been a source of inspiration to our senior staff and students; to the Board whosesubcommittees have done such ster ling work as mentioned by our Chairman; and espe cially to Neville and Trish Polkinghorne who could not have given Anne and me greater encouragement,advice and support; to the administrativeand ground staff-the backroom team who work so hard and unheralded; to my wife and family -some people are lucky. I got them-others are unlucky,they got me; to our new Deputies, Keith Decker,Justin Hall and Mick Bissell who have been both my rightand left arms and are growing into a formidable team; to all the schoolmasters and mistresses who give so unstintingly of their time and talents to Kearsney. To each and every one of you -from meandfrom everyone wholoves this greatschool -a very sincere thank you. A tidal wave of change has swept our country and we are entering a new exciting phase of history. I think we can confidently say that we are prepared and that we welcome the challenges that lie ahead. We will indeed "Seize the Day" and play our part in educating for our new society. O.J. ROBERTS Kearsney Chronicle 1994 15

School'5 Address by Guest ofHonour,Mr Clem Sunter,on Speech Day 23September 1994 Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen and boys of the college. I'm going to talk about three things today. Firstly, I'm going to go through whatI consider to be the three rules for handling change and uncertainty in the world today. Secondly I'm going to handle some myths which I still believe pervade society; and thirdly,I'm going to talk a bit about where we are on the High Road and where we still have to go in order to get there permanently. But before I do that, let me tell you a little story. Back in April this year,I was invited with a lot of busi nessmen in the Transvaal to a meeting with the ANC Premier at the time, a guy called Tokyo Sexwale. He was Premier Elect because it was before tbe elections and he wanted to know from us businessmen bow to govern the PWV region. We told him in very forceful terms how we felt the PWV should be governed. Just before tbe tea break,one ofthe young people in the ANC team said,"I get the distinct impression from you busi nessmen tbat you don't wantto be governed at all!"And that's true! Butthen he said,"How do you actually think aPremierofaregion should behave?"SoI had the whole tea break to think about this and I got up after the tea break and I said,"A precise question deserves a precise answer. Mr Sexwale, you've got to view yourself as a casino operator!" This took him aback a little, but I had Sol Kerzner next to me so ...I said,"You're talking to 20 of the biggest gamblers in the country. We put bil lions of rands on the table to make billions of rands. That is what we are all about.And although there is ob viously a difference between doing business and gam bling, they are basically very mucb tbe same when it comes to the crunch, because the whole point of our existence is that we are putting money,notonto the gam bling table, but into a business in order to make lots of money out oftbat business.And basically, you can view the economy as a casino with everybody laying bets in their businesses and hopefully,overtime,making money out of those bets. And there are three rules in running a successful casino. The first is that the House take must be reasonable. In other words, if you charge too high taxes in thePWV region,you are going to frighten all us gamblers away - we'll go to the Cape or somewhere else. Secondly, the odds must be fixed. We don't want to hear when we start a project,that the tax rate is rising, so that all the calculations we did in terms of reward versus risks have to change because tbe taxes have changed.You don't expect,for example,when you play roulette, when the wheel is in spin,for the croupier sud denly to say,I'm changing the odds." "Equally, we don't expect the odds to change in busi ness.And thirdly, if we win big, and everybody around this table wants to win big, we don't want bandits to come into the casino and steal our cash.So we are very strong on law and order." Now this little analogy took offand somebody else said, "Ofcourse the croupiers must be straight." But the best remark was reserved for a young member of the ANC delegation who said,"I only have one thing to say to Mr Sunter. If he doesn't teach the masses out there how to gamble,they'll bum the casino down!"And that is true. So that is the challenge in this country - how do you actually teach everybody out tbere how to gamble so thatthey can open up small businesses because the other option is the South American option where everybody joins the Civil Service because there are no other jobs around? You end up with huge bloated bureaucracies, hyper-inflation, cormption and the whole place comes to a grinding halt. That is the other alternative to teach ing people how to gamble.So basically,that is what my philosophy of life has been. Life is a gamble. None of you knows exactly wbere you are going to be in five to ten years time. You don't know whom you are going to marry; you don't know what kind ofjob you are going to be in; you don't know where you are going to be liv ing. Life is very, very uncertain and therefore one must actually think of ways of handling changes which are different from normal ways.If you think ofschool life, school life doesn't programme you for the uncertainty afterwards. You come to school, you have certain les sons at certain times.You know that on such and such a day you will be taking exams.You'll know that in afew years time as you rise up in the hierarchy of the school that you will be in such and such a class and maybe a prefect and so forth and so on.Life is very,very predict able in a school and then you take exams and those ex ams ask precise questions that demand precise answers. I heard a marvellous thing the other day ofa doctor who said to a patient;"Will you please express your disease in the form of a multiple choice question!" You have this terrible tbing wbere you are programmed to think that life is predictable and life is absolutely unpredict able.I have come across three golden rules for handling the unpredictability of life. The first, is you must keep opposites in mind. Let me expand on that because it sounds like a formula for contradiction and indecision, but it's not. Certainly in a casino,before you place a bet on the table,you say to yourself,"Whatare yourchances of winning? What are the chances oflosing?",and then you decide the size of the bet. You are actually playing the two opposite scenarios before you make a decision on the size of the bet. Think of a court room where the judge comes in and the defendant is in front of him be fore the case begins.He is running two scenariosthrough his mind-that defendant is innocent-that defendant is guilty and as the trial proceeds,the prosecution and the defence try and sway him one way and the other.In the end he has to make a decision and he will be playing those opposite scenarios all the time till he finally makes his decision. Let me give you an even more familiar example.When I drive from Johannesburg to Pretoria,I play two scenarios for every bridge. There is a speed trap under the bridge. There is no speed trap under the bridge! Tben I look for signs so that I can apply prob abilities to those two scenarios, so if there is a cop car on the other side of the road, strike one for the speed trap scenario.Ifthere are skid marks on the tarmac,pos sible strike two. If people are flashing me coming the other way-major strike three! So in that way you actually decide whether you are go ing to assume whether there is a speed trap under that bridge or not. But of course, it is only when you get to the bridge, when you actually pass under, but by then it's too late. You have to make the decision beforehand and the decision is made with incomplete evidence.You have,in other words,to gamble because if you wait too 16 Kearsney Chronicle 1994

long, it is too late. So you have to keep opposites in mind. One of the scenarios I'm sure all of you are playing is that when you come out ofschool you are going to get a job. But actually, you should be playing the opposite scenario-maybe when I come out ofschool nobody is going to give meajob and then you have to think,"What am I going to do?"ifthe scenario ofnobody offering me ajob turns out to be correct because that is happening to lots of youngsters around the world. They are coming out of school at the moment and they are playing one scenario:the world owes me a living and they are abso lutely shattered when nobody offers them a job and in thatsense you should keep opposites in mind.You should actually be saying to yourself, what's going to happen under these circumstances and under the opposite set of circumstances. The second golden rule is that you mustlook for periph eral events, events on the horizon which could become absolutely essential to your future in a very short space oftime. Let me give you a story. In 1876,a young man walked into the offices of Westem Union,which at the time was the largestcompany in America.It transmitted messages all around the country with Morse code.It was the largest telecommunications company in America at the time. And this young man walked into the offices of Western Union and said: "I have a device here which is going to make Morse code obsolete and I'm prepared to sell you that device for $100000. Western Union said,"Thanks, but no thanks - we're developing a more sophisticated Morse code system." Two years later they went to the young man and said,"We'll offer you $25 million dollars for your device. He said,"Thanks but no thanks - I've started myown company and it's doing rather well."The young man was Alexander Graham Bell whose device was the telephone and Westem Union was history! Now you can imagine exactly what Westem Union said when thatguy walked into their officesfor the firsttime. They said, "Who's this young whippersnapper? He's totally irrelevant to the future. Get him out ofthe office as quickly as possible." And ofcourse he brought them down.Now,in life there are always peripheral opportu nities and threats and you have to look for those periph eral opportunities and threats-the ones that are on the horizon. Don't look at the things right in front of youlook at the things right on the horizon. Now there are two things in South Africa which are on the horizon and which we should be planning for now. The first is, that the world economy is at its mostcom petitive at any stage of the twentieth century because everyone in the world is now beginning to understand the formula for economic success. So it's not just countries like Japan, Germany, Singa pore and Hong Kong-names which are always thrown up about economic success. It's countries like Indone sia, Malaysia, Argentina, Mexico. Everybody is team ing the key to economic success. So we're entering the world economy just at the moment that everybody is running that much faster in the race.And ofcourse,what happens when we enter the world economy? We all have strikes and labour unrest and everything else. Nobody says, "Hell, we can't afford this because all the other mnners are actually mnning ahead of us." It's kind of accepted as normal but it's not normal because we have a real peripheral threat right now which is the competi tiveness ofthe world economy. The second threat to this country is AIDS.The figures on AIDS are quite dramatic but the media don't even publicize them.They are puton page five in kind oftiny little articles. Right now 4,25% of the adult population of this country is HIV positive and the doubling time is 13 months.In Natal, where we are right here,9,26% of the population is sero positive and this is from tens of thousands of HIV blood tests, or blood tests for HIV which have been conducted in ante-natal clinics in this country.In other words,it's not the kind offigure from a small sample-it's a very, very big figure. Now,what does that mean for Natal? That means that out ofevery ten people you see,one person is going to die within the next fourteen to twenty years. In other words,they are going to die prematurely offull blown AIDS.That fig ure is going to double in the next thirteen months. And yet,I don'tknow, maybe the Natal Witness has actually made it a front line story but I bet you it hasn't given as much prominence to AIDS as it has to the election or to all the kinds ofcurrent things going on in the province. I bet you the Natal Mercury hasn't made AIDS a sort of banner headline and yet it is a silent killer that is stalk ing Natal. It's a peripheral threat which will become absolutely central to this province over the next five years. And nobody is doing anything about it. So that's why you've got to look for those peripheral things that are going to become essential. The third thing is that you must work out precisely what you can change and what you can't change because you want to adapt to the things you can't change and you want to exact maximum leverage out of the things you can change.Let me give you an example. In 480 BC,King Leonidas of Sparta faced an invading army of Persians led by King Xerxes. He transported his army ofthree million Persians over floating bridges on the Dardanelles. And he decided to make his stand on a cliff path with a very steep cliff on one side and a steep drop into the ocean on the other side. With three thousand Spartans he held offthis army ofthree million Persians for the space ofa week before he was betrayed' by one ofhis ownfollowers.Butthat completely turned the course of the campaign. Xerxes had to go back to Persia defeated in the end.The point ofthe story is that that was his place ofleverage. It was called the pass of Thermopylae and everybody has his points ofleverage. I mean I've been just looking at some ofthose marvel lous products that are produced out there. That's lever age.It's where nobody else is producing something and you come in and you decide that that is going to be your little market niche.That's where you're going to getlev erage in the market. That's what I mean by looking for those points ofleverage,working out precisely what you can change to exact maximum leverage. But ofcourse, you've also got to adapt to the things you can't change. Maybe the tastes in Natal are going to change in the next five years in terms of consumer products. I don't know,but you have gotto adaptto that,you can'tchange that. Well you can change it if you actually put your products into the local newspaper and advertise, maybe you can actually change tastes. But at the same time you've got to adapt to tastes.So it is really worth work ing out what you can and you cannotchange.I mean the marvellous story in Clanwilliam, which is an agriculKearsney Chronicle 1994 17

tural region ofthe Cape,is that all thefarmersthere grow potatoes and onions. It is kind of given in the commu nity that for four hundred years they've grown potatoes and onions and therefore they will grow them for the next thousand years. But this one farmer said,"There are two things1 can'tchange.I can'tchange the weather and I ean't change the soil conditions. But what 1 can change is the crop."So he switched to plums for export and he now has the most profitable farm in Clanwilliam because he worked out what he could and could not change. So those three golden rules 1 would say you should think about in terms of your future planning for your own career, for your own business or what have you.Keep opposites in mind.Lookfor peripheral threats and opportunities which are going to become central fairly quickly; and thirdly, work out precisely what you can and cannot change so that you can exact maximum leverage out of the things you can change and you can adapt to the things that you can't. What are the myths? What are the myths in society? A myth is a thing that is widely believed but is not true. Well, the most important myth, particularly in Johan nesburg,is 'high walls will save us'. This is where eve ryone builds high walls around their houses.You put up your wall to six foot,your neighbour puts his up to nine. You put yours up to nine,he puts razor wire on his wall. You putrazor wire on your wall,he buys a rottweiler,he buys a gun. And so it goes on. And you actually think you are safe behind those walls. But you're not. Walls always come tumbling down. Whether it's the walls of Jericho with afew blasts ofa trumpet,or Rome or Con stantinople. When rich people have surrounded them selves with high walls,inevitably the poor people have climbed overthe walls.Theonly way you purchase long term security is if the people on the other side of the wall are sufficiently busy that the last thing that is on their mind is climbing your own walls. There is an old saying,"Idle hands make mischief." The modern say ing from an American priest is,"Nothing stops bullets like jobs." Whichever way you take it, that is the only way one is going to have long term security. Which means,that of course business in this country and eve rybody else must try and create this all inclusive casino where everybody is coming in to place bets on the ta bles,open new business and so on and so forth. That is whatis called equality ofopportunity.It won't be equal ity ofoutcome because,like a casino, you have winners and you have losers.And you are going to have winners and losers at opening up businesses.People are going to go bankrupt. But actually, they say that failure is the stepmotherofinvention.Ifyou fail afew times you even tually get it right. So that is what is going to purchase long term security in this country-actually creating this all inclusive casino here,NOT building high walls. The second myth is that a good education can guarantee you a job. Now this was true in the 1950's and 60's, that's 30 years ago-think of it. I'm pretty old! But in the 60's you could get ajob if you were well educated.1 did Latin and Greek at school at the best classical school in England and I did Medieval philosophy at Oxford and 1 knew 1 was going to get ajob! However, times have changed. I was in Australia last year talking on the East coast of Australia in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane, and the re markable feature about these presentations was the number of young people whocame up to me afterwards and said,"You know Mr Sunter, your points on educa tion are absolutely right. We were given pieces ofpaper by serious looking teachers at school called certificates and by serious looking professors at University called degrees.And when we try and trade these pieces of pa per in the marketfor ajob,wefind they are worth noth ing.Zilch,zippo,nothing. We have been totally conned by the Australian education system." And that applies as much in Europe,America,South Africa-other than at this school! Because that little programme that you are beginning to run out there on businesses absolutely reflects whatevery school in this country should be do ing because 95% ofthejobs in the world today are be ing created in small businesses,medium size businesses and micro businesses. I don't know how many schools in this country formalized a business development pro gramme. So you have kids coming out of school who have no feel whatsoever for that area ofthejob market where 95% of the opportunities are being created. It's nuts, absolutely nuts! The related myth is that if1 don'tgo to university I must be a failure. This comes from the British who are tre mendous intellectual snobs. They've forgotten their roots. If you go back-I'm sure all of you have studied history - to the mid eighteenth century in Britain and you read the biographies ofall the people who invented those marvellous machines like the spinning jenny,the flying shuttle,the powerloom,the steam engine and the steam locomotive;noneofthem wentto Oxford orCam bridge and most ofthem were Seots! And what's more, they were backed by Yorkshire and Lancashire entre preneurs who never went to University either. So Brit ain became the number one nation on earth in the nine teenth century on the baeks of a whole bunch of smart non-graduates ofthe eighteenth eentury. But of course, what happened when they became wealthy was that the sons and daughters ofthe mill owners didn't wantto get their hands dirty producing things so they did go to Ox ford and Cambridge and then they ran India! But of course,India would never have happened if you hadn't had these incredible people producing things in theeight eenth eentury. Now in South Africa you can see exactly the same attitude. You go to a eocktail party and you ask a parent what his kid is doing. He'll say very loudly if the kid is at a university doing a degreein such and such. If the kid is at a technikon, he'll apologize! It's ridicu lous. Ridiculous actually if you look at the successes in society now.As manycome outofTechnikons and Tech nical Colleges or start work when they leave school as they do coming out of University. I'm not saying you shouldn't go to University if you can -obviously you should.Butdon'tconsider yourselfafailure ifyou don't, that is the more important point. Another myth is that crime doesn't pay. Crime pays! Crime pays. Crime pays handsomely and that is why everybody is turning to crime and,until you have ajudi cial system which whackscriminals ifthey turn to crime, you are not actually going to stop it because if every body is a gambler and you have actually go to make it the misery side ofeommitting a crime loom big in peo ples minds if they going to actually say,"Well,I might actually go and rob that old woman but perhaps I shouldn't because I will be given 20 years in jail if I do." That is the only way you actually stop crime is if you have ajudieial system where retribution is certain if 18 Kearsney Chronicle 1994