
two represented the team in three or more games. Only one player,Brett Cocks,played all eleven games,while James Moore played ten games,in two different posi tions, wing and eighth man. The main reason for this number of representatives was the pleasing number of players who were promoted, and given a chance in the higher sides. It is always difficult to highlight individual players in thisteam game,butsome boysdo deserve mention.Max Nightingale proved an inspirational leader and outstand ing flank until deservedly promoted; Julian Nel added fire and brimstone to the pack; Karl van Leeden and Sifiso Malanda are highly talented players and will serve the school well next year.(Karl's try against Glenwood rates as one ofthe best of the season). Nick Darby was top points scorer-including atry againstCollege!Jason Kopp was solid and dependable at the back.For me,the player of the season was tighthead Steven Rautenbach whose enthusiasm and commitment to the team,and to winning,epitomises the best about this game.It was no coincidence that his promotion in the last two games of the season coincided with our worst performances. One pleasing aspect about the composition of the 4th XV was the high proportion ofStd 9's(and Std 8's). Of the twenty-two players who played three gamesor more, thirteen are in Std 8or9.This bodes wellfor next year's rugby. In conclusion,then,a satisfying season,with moregames won than lost,some valuable lessonsleamtfor next year, and some incredibly exciting (nail-biting!) rugby. My congratulations and thanks go to all those who repre sented the 4th XV this season-well done! Results: Results: V. Thomas More 1st XV won 15-0 V.Ixopo 2nd XV won 18-17 V. Westville won 8-0 V. D.H.S. drew 5-5 V. College 5th XV lost 5-38 V.Pinetown won 17-0 V. Northwood won 10-3 V. Glenwood won 10-0 V. Alexandra 2nd won 17-0 V. Hilton lost 10-21 V. Michaelhouse lost 3-17 Points for 118 Points against 101 Played 11,Won 7,Lost 3,Drew 1. D.KNOWLES 5THXV Captain: J-P Tostee Regularplayers:L.Bosworth,A.Buchanan,D.Evans, G.Evans,S. Little, Y.Long,B.Makein,A.Mowatt,T. O'Sullivan, G. Macquet, N.Pretorius, R. Paterson, N. Sibiya,P. Smit,M.Steele, J. Tostee,D.Voogt. In view ofthe many changes necessitated by injuries et al in teams above, we struggled throughout the season to become a cohesive unit. Theforwards were magnifi cent,however,and only alack offlair and pace amongst the threequarters robbed us of many victories. We were also attimes our own worstenemies by allow ing the opposition carte blanche in the 1st half and then having to stage a fight back. The last match of the sea son against Michaelhouse was definitely the highlight. V.D.H.S. lost 0-15 V.Westville lost 8-34 V.Gelofte 3rd lost 8-10 V.Richards Bay 3rd lost 5-54 V. M'College lost 0-50 V.Pinetown won 33-7 V.Northwood won 26-3 V.Glenwood lost 5-20 V.St Charles 3rd lost 5-26 V.Hilton lost 0-33 V. Michaelhouse lost 0-5 C. VANLOGGERENBERG 6THXV Captain: C.Black Regularplayers:G.Parry,J.Ross,B.Buttery,P.Moore, L. Archary, T. Govender, T. Mapengo, J. Aran, M. Augustus,Z. Jolobe, S. Sibiya, G. Macquet, M.Dale, R.Paterson, S. Malanda,A. Rocher,J. Kalis, M.Beja, S. Little. Despite disruption to the team on a weekly basis due to injury and positional changes to the teams above, the Sixth team produced some good imaginative rugby and were always willing to run the ball. Unfortunately the securing of quality second phase ball was a real prob lem particularly when against physically larger and heavier packs. The team had all the necessary skills to produce good rugby and were seldom found lacking in commitment.I would like to thank all who played for the Sixths this year for a very pleasant season. K.DECKER 7THXV Regularplayers:B.Hulett,N.van Aardt,S.Maharaj,S. Picken,L.Herbst,V.Zuma,R.Pearson,M.Mogoba,S. Lewis,P.Goldie,B.Proctor,A.van Rooyen,L.Moseley, P. Richardson. Like the 6th XV,the 7ths were seldom able to practice as a unit and frequently the team for Saturdays match was only finalised on Friday evening. The 7th XV also lacked the ability to secure quality second phase ball particularly when against physically larger and heavier packs.They did,however,use the ball they got well and did produce some good running rugby. They were sel dom found lacking in commitment and were a pleasure to coach.I would like to thank all the players for a very enjoyable season. K.DECKER UNDER 15A Captain:A.Johnson Vice-Captain: G.Picken Regular players: R. Lee, N. Mazibuko, J. Hunter, R. Price,K.Staats,S.Brown,G.Picken,B.Currin,B.Allan, G.Foster,P.Crockett,S.Roux,D.Comrie,D.TTiackwell, D.Bull,A.Johnson. These boys enjoyed a superb season, playing 10, win ning 8 and losing 2 matches and ultimately capping a fine season by sharing the Old Crocks Trophy as the bestteam ofthe year.The backs were the strength ofthe team with the forwards admirably playing above them selves every game.Atfullback,R.Lee proved an excit ing counter attacker with numerous incisive runs lead98 Kearsney Chronicle 1994