
A.Nilsen,R.Tyack,G.Wood,T.Cartwright,S.Pienaar, J. Groom,R.Reilly, K.Rose,L. Martin,A.Becker,M. Lane. Size does count! We came up against schools through outthe season who were intimidating in thatthey gener ally outweighed our boys by a good few kgs. Although our boys played with guts and determination and more than just a little skill, they lost to better sides. The old adage that"a good big 'un is always better than a good small'un"was demonstrated here.The boys never gave up though and ifsome ofthe dedication, determination and will power displayed this year is carried through to next year the other schools had better be well-prepared! V. Thomas More 13A won 10-5 V. Highbury 13B lost 7-20 V. Westville 13B lost 5-15 V. DHS 13B lost 0-38 V. College lost 0-40 V. Pinetown 13B lost 0-17 V. Northwood lost 0-49 V. Glenwood lost 0-28 V.Alexandra lost 14-21 Played:9lost 8,won 1. A. VANZYL UNDER 13C Captain: B.Wyllie Vice-Captain: M.Strang Regularplayers:J.Acutt,J.Akal,M.Beaton,A.Becker, T. Browne, M.Campbell, T. Cartwright, C. Darby, R. Elliott, K.Hall, W.Jonas, N.Liebmann,T. Lobban,S. N'Simbi, S. Pienaar, S. Raleigh,D. Rice, K.Rose, M. Shama. For a "C" team this team showed an extraordinary amountofbasic talentand seldom failed to draw favour able commentsfrom opposition coaches and those who refereed their matches.They played with great zest and determination notto mention courage.They werein most part ajoy to watch on the field and fun to coach.A fair proportion ofthese players played almostas manygames for the"B"team as they did for the"C"team.Anumber ofthe players were unlucky notto beincluded in a higher team,particularly the scrumhalf Beaton whose defence wasfearless and whohad the uncanny ability to be where the breakdown of play occurred. Why then with such dedication and talent was this team not able to do better than the results indicate? They were at all times far smaller and considerably slower in most cases than their opponents.Had it notbeenfor theirfight ing spirit and ability, the games they lost would have been lost by much greater margins than the generally narrow margins below and they would not have won the games they did win. V. KloofHighU13B won 27-12 V.Westville U13C lost 5-10 V.DHSU13D lost 22-27 V. Maritzburg College U13D drew 5-5 V.Pinetown U13C won 47-5 V.Northwood U13C lost 5-31 V.Glenwood U13C lost 0-31 V. Highbury 3rd lost 0-17 A.M.BROMLEY-GANS UNDER 13D Captain: C.Hardy Regularplayers:A.Britten-Kelly,T.Forshaw,C.Frost, W.Glasspoole,D,Koma,M.Perkins, N. Ramodibedi, S.Scott,O.Shepherd,W.Shire,D.Takis,A.Tomlinson, M.Webster,R.White. The 1994season for Under 13D was a bitlike Gulliver's Travels. Every team we played against seemed about three times our size. One of the vivid memories is of little Eddie Ramadibedi holding tightly to a huge oppo sition lock's waist and being dragged down the field at running pace. The scores were also a little Lilliputian-15 for us and 136 against. Many ofour boys had never played rugby before. Despite all this, however, the team played their games in a brave spirit and kept trying hard to the end.We had some fierce tacklers, surprisingly among the smaller boys. It was also encouraging to see latent talent among afew ofthe boys who hadjust started playing the game. V. Westville lost 5-25 V. DHS CE lost 10-29 V. Maritzburg College lost 0-39 V. Northwood lost 0-44 RS. CRUNDWELL A- % 'A. '■* i". .'.V. w J f I 102 Kearsney Chronicle 1994