
V*- 4 r ▼ :?-/■': *:> .P f^-MSl; -« V ^ V Back Row: T. Brant, W. Tindall, R. Paterson, M. Nelson, M. Ingram, M. Nightingale. Front Row: Q. Seago, M. Jollands, D. Woolnough, Mr C. van Loggerenberg, T. Halstead, R. Barker-Steadman, B. Manson. Waterpolo Waterpolo continues to grow at Kearsney and our big gest problem is finding games for all our teams. It is disappointing that only Northwood can match us as to the number of games we can play. The tournament sys tem, although matching strength, makes no provision for our B and C teams. We will probably start playing home and away fixtures in 1995 to solve this problem. The interest inWaterpolo amongst theboys is very strong and for thisIhave to thank our excellent and dedicated coaches. We are indeed fortunate to have such good coachingpersonnel and the over 100boys who took part in Waterpolo benefited greatly. 1994 was a very good season, arguably one of the best ever in terms of games playedand won. Age-groups were also changed and we lost U13 but gained U16 which was good for us andmeant that our U14 age group was much stronger than expected. The U16 was incredibly strong and the A side played 11 matches winning all, scoring an amazing 147 goals with only 7 goals against. Thank you to the Parents Society for providing the solar blankets. It went a long way towards heating the water and we were able to use the pool much earlier than in previous years. The heating of the pool with our climate is almost essential. Thank you to all the coaches Messrs Decker, Mack, Mullane,Knowles,Bromley-Gans andWayneD'Elboux for all your hard work and dedication. You made my task an easy one. C. VANLOGGERENBERG 1ST TEAM The 1st team met with mixed success this year and at thebeginning of the season struggled toblend as a team. They competed in the Vides Tournament in East Lon don and the SACS Eestival in Cape Town. The team was enigmatic in that hard games were won but then relatively easy games were lost. After the SACS festival the team started playing some good polo especially with the help of WayneD'Elboux. He brought amuch harsher and far less sympathetic ap proach to the game and the senior boys gained fromhis no-nonsense attitude. It took the pressure off me andI enjoyed the latter half of the season. The highlight of the season was undoubtedly sharing the victory of the Top 8 tournament with Northwood. Erom a results and statistical point of view we lost far too many matches, but it was predominantly a young teamand they shouldallbenefit from the tour to America next year. The following boys achievedNatal representation: Natal A T. Halstead- awardedHonours B. Manson - awarded Honours Natal B D. Woolnough- awardedHonours R. Barker-Steadman - awarded Colours M. Jollands - awarded Colours Natal U20 T. Brant - awarded Colours Natal Colts M. Nelson and R. Paterson Natal U15 Michael Nelson. C. VANLOGGERENBERG Kearsney Chronicle 1994 111