
2ND TEAM 4th Term 1994 Astudy ofthe second team's results would indicate that the second team played a meaningful role in the overall success ofthe 1994 Waterpolo season.The second team lost only two games: against Pinetown, and the return game with Northwood, both of which were lost by one goal.The remaining seven matches were won, with the second team scoring 55 goals, with 25 scored against. (Average6 v. 3) Statistics, however,do not reflect the pleasing camara derie within the team.The seconds approached the game with a sense offun; and were always relaxed,even un der pressure-and despite the protestations and rantings oftheir coach from the corner!The team was wellserved by goalkeeper Bordier who made some amazing reflex saves. Nightingale proved to be an effectively aggres sive defensive! Makein and Bosworth performed well in the fetch, but perhaps the real strength came at the front, where May,Cocks and captain Moore slotted the vital goals. With a bit more practice together these three could have become a really potent force. Other players who served the team well(and we were often dependent on these players'vital contributions)wereAron,Phillips, Gourlay, Larson, Pretorius, Macquet and Upfold. The size ofthe open group grew as thefourth term progressed and we could have easily fielded a third side. What a pity that other schools in the area were not able to pro vide matches. In conclusion I would like to thank the second team for a really enjoyable season; Well done to all of you. Results: V. Queensburgh 1st won 7-0 V. Kloof won 13-4 V. Glenwood won 3-2 V. Northwood won 3-1 V. Pinetown lost 6-7 V. DHS won 4-3 V. College won 8-0 V. Northwood lost 5-6 V. Westville won 6-2 D.L. KNOWLES UNDER 16A This is without a doubt the most successful team that I have had the pleasure to coach. Not only did they win every game,they scored 147 goals and conceded only 7. No team was able to score more than 1 goal against these players. The team worked particularly hard on defence and at tacked from a defensive position. Special mention must be made of the goalkeeper,Trevor Clack, who was su perb in defence and whose pin-point passing to the man on the break resulted in many goals. Each team memberplayed his partin denying opponents the time and space needed to perform a good shot, but particular mention mustbe made ofMark Shire,the spe cialist centre-back who gave the opposition very little scoring opportunity. The success of this team can be attributed in part to the tremendous spirit displayed by the team and the fact that there was noindividual star. Goals were scored by all of 1 1 r. T ▼ V li. I;" A t. Cm . Back: T. Clack. Middle Row: B.Cocks,K.Staats,R.Leibbrandt, V. Vidas,B.Currin,M.Shire. Front Row: R Moore,B. May,Mr B.Mullane,M.Feher,M.Tyler. 112 Kearsney Chronicle 1994