
Kearsney College Old Boys Club KEARSNEY OLD BOYS'CLUB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT: Lauron Buys VICE-PRESIDENT: Darryl Clark TREASURER: Gavin Brown SECRETARY: Steve du Toil EXECUTIVE MEMBERS: Tom Prankish Harry Howlett Lome Maclaine Rob Nathan Stan Stott Paul Veldman John Wallace Lawrence Polkinghome EX OFFICIO MEMBERS: Owen Roberts John Bester Rob Blarney Peter Burton Tony Chick Helen Gammie Dudley Gardner John Hughes Jim Panton David Pithey Alan Ross Barry Smith (Headmaster) (Chairman C.T. Branch) (Chairman Tvl Branch) (250 Club Rep) (Chairlady Parents Soc.) (Chairman Pmb Branch) (Chairman Zululand Branch) (Chairman London Branch) (Chairman Dhn Branch) PRESIDENT'S REPORT 66TH ANNUALGENERAL MEETING13AUGUST 1994 at KCOBC Gentlemen It gives me great pleasure to present to you my report for 1993/4. In many ways this has been a year of consolidation of procedures and ideas implemented in recent years. As a matter of policy, however, our Executive Committee shifted its emphasis this year to the branches as it is sin cerely felt that the branches form the heart of the Old Boys'Club."Operation Branches" was accordingly in troduced to assistin making the respective branches more meaningful to their constituencies and in improving at tendance figures and interest.In addition,a more organ ized attempt is being made to link school leavers with the branches in their areas and to encourage participa tion of younger Old Boys at this level. Naturally,this is, and should be regarded as, an on-going project which the Executive Committee mustcontinuously nurture for the strength(or weakness)ofthe Club lies at branch level irrespective ofthe quality ofleadership atexecutive level. I, therefore, appeal to all Old Boys to make a sincere attemptto attend the nextget-together ofthe branch near est to them. It is, therefore, heartening to note that there appears to be an increase in participation at most of the branches and it is to be hoped that this will he built on for the future. It is particularly pleasing, too, to be able to re port to you the birth ofa new branch on the Natal South Coast which held its inaugural meeting on 24June 1994. The Old Boys Club is most grateful to Wally Robinson and his organizing committee for their efforts and we wish them well for the future. The office is now in its second year and continues to play an ever-increasing role in the administration ofOld Boys'affairs.This year unfortunately saw Rose Milbank, the secretary, vacate her position and it is opportune to remind ourselves of the vast amount of work she and John Wallace did in setting up the office and forming the efficient base upon which we are now building. We are extremely pleased to welcome Gail Brown and to introduce her to you at this her first general meeting - Gail has already settled down and been ofimmense as sistance to the Old Boys' Club. In an endeavour to improve cash flow and ultimately assist in achieving some financial independence, the executive committee was successful in obtaining the Board's approval to the principal ofOld Boy's life sub scriptions being paid in quarterly instalments for the duration ofa hoy's stay at the College.This,we believe, softens the blow for parents and will mean that the Old Boys'Club will in a relatively short period be in a posi tion to repay its loans and increase its bursary funds. The Old Boys'Club remains one ofthe most useful and perhaps under-utilised marketing tools of the College. We have over the last few years become increasingly conscious of this fact and continue to look for ways in which we,as a body,can be ofassistance.In this regard, it is most appropriate to thank Alan Ross and the Dur ban Branch for yet another successful Wynand Claasen's seven's tournament-an enormous amountofwork goes into this and there is no doubtofits success as a market ing tool. The Old Boys'Club has endeavoured to be of assistance in other ways as well; however,it should he remembered by all Old Boys that each and every one of us has a significant role to play in marketing the school and should actively seek opportunities to do so. We are helped immeasurably in this task by the fact that the College is generally regarded as enjoying perhaps the most successful period in its history and our congratulatiuons and thanks must go particularly to the Chairman of the Board, Neville Polkinghome, and the Headmaster,Owen Roberts,for their leadership and vi sion, but also to the staff and to the boys themselvesthe College continues to produce Old Boys ofwhom we can all he immensely proud. It is with some sadness that the Old Boys record the retirement of Trevor Polkinghome from the Board of Governors. His retirement will be reflected upon else where on the agenda,butI would like to take this oppor tunity to formally thank Trevor most sincerely, both on behalfofthe Old Boys and in my personal capacity,for the more than twenty-five years he has selflessly given to the College, the Old Boys and the Board. Finally, my sincere thanks go to: 1. the Board ofGovernorsfor their wise guidance and counsel; 2. the Headmaster for his unstinting efforts in facili tating the committee's efforts in endeavouring to make the Old Boys'Club a meaningful body for all 116 Kearsney Chronicle 1994