
Old Boys,the Kearsney community in general and for school leavers; 3. the staff of the College for their co-operation and friendship at all times; 4. my committee and Gail Brown whose earnest en deavours have inevitably led to the achieving of goals set from time to time; and 5. all Old Boys who have participated in any way in the betterment ofthe College and the Club. LAURONBUYS CAPETOWN BRANCH REPORT Once again the Cape Town branch have had a relatively quiet year. During the course of the year we have had regular monthly Wednesday gettogethers.The venue during the past year changed from the Newlands Cricket Ground to TheImpalaPark Clubhouse due to the redevelopment of the Members'Club House at Newlands. This devel opment has now been completed and the group ofCape Town Old Boys' will continue to meet at our original venue at Newlands on the first Wednesday of every month. Regular attendees during the course of the year have included: Bill Currer, John Wood, Graham Sell, Joe Sievers, John Bester, Charles Foster, Arne Kode, Graham Prentice, Alister Gordon,Doug Howieson,Pe ter Clements, Terry Strong, Nick Sloan and Peter Rosevear and visitors to the Cape included Brian Whitingham,Alan Ross,Gavin Bester. During the course of the year some Old Boys got to getherfor aluncheon for Jannie Storm who was visiting the Cape at the time.A very pleasant lunch was held at Quay Four hosted by Joe Sievers. We beld twofamily braais during the course ofthe year. The first one being held at John Bester's house and the second braai in April being held at Charles Foster's house. Weextended an invitation to Old Boystojoin usin Cape Town whenever their visit coincides with our monthly get together at Newlands. JOHNBESTER DURBAN BRANCH REPORT Mr President and fellow Old Boys: It gives me pleasure to give you the Durban Branch Annual Report for 1993/1994. For the last year,the branch has been run by: Alan Ross : Chairman Nick Maritz : Vice Chairman Stan Stott : Treasurer Simon Hemingway : Secretary Mike Foxcroft Paul Stanfield Klaus Buntzen Lawrence Polkinghorne We are fortunate to have Don Gilliat(1935)as a regular attendant and a co-opted member oftbe team. Monthly meetings continue to be held at Berea Rovers on the first Monday of every month, starting at 17:30. It must be stressed that this is a social meeting ofOld Boys and not a meeting of the committee, where the first thirsty Old Boyis coerced onto the committee.Thecommittee meet ings by general consensus amongst present committee members,is to be held on another evening and this will most probably take place at the Clifton Club House. MrPresident,it mustbe added that any Old Boy is more than welcome to attend the committee meetings. Hope fully the attendance will rise. THE ROLE OFTHE OLD BOYS: Foremostin discussions atcommittee level has been the role and function ofthe Old Boys.It is true that the role ofprivate schools has grown in importance and will con tinue to do so in the years ahead. The segment of the population that has access to the disposable income re quired for private education,is diminishing and with this in mind,competition amongstthe private schools has to increase. The obvious implication of this is that these centres ofeducation will have to marketthemselves more aggressively. It is becoming increasingly important tbat we, as Old Boys and a committed interest group, be come familiar with the vision that is being formulated for the school. It is important that the Old Boys should now act as a vehicle through which aspects of the plan for the school can be implemented. We see then the branch network as a vehicle for identifying potential candidates for the school and as the provider of func tions that will promote interest in the school amongst potential parents. The Durban Branch will continue to look for suitable occasions that will bring Old Boys together in the pro motion of Kearsney as the foremost private educational centre in Natal,if not South Africa. FINANCES: The branch continues in a healthy financial position through valued sponsorship of certain functions and through the policy ofensuring that all functions are in dividually self-funding, but there is a need in the com ing year to find more income-generating functions. FUNCTIONS: 1) Foremostin the branch year,is the Welcoming Func tion for new Old Boys,which is held mid-January at Berea Rovers Club.Ourguests are the schoolleavers of the previous year and the purpose is to offer a social gathering (at our expense), for the new Old Boys to celebrate matric results before departing on their respective paths. We hope that this form ofin troduction to Old Boys, will contribute towards ce menting the schoolboy friendsbips in adulthood.Cer tainly the number of younger Old Boys who support our otherfunctions hasincreased in the pastfew years and this in itself is encouraging. 2) The second function ofthe year is the Sunday Trib une Natal School Sevens(75) This year has proven to be the most successful thus far.Atotal ofR12500,00 was available for disburse ment and the committee resolved to split this be tween the Chris Burger Fund(R2 500,00) and the NRU Development Initiatives(50 rugby balls and R5 000,00 cash). The primary schools section is to be expanded from 12to 18(tbree sections). Weare particularly pleased with the success ofthe Craft Market and this aspect will beexpanded next year.Arequest has been placed Kearsney Chronicle 1994 117