
3) with the organizing committee for a contribution to wards the extension of the irrigation system to the upper field. This request is being considered and weighed against the various interests of the school, the public's perception ofthe days'purpose and those of the sponsors. There is also the appreciation that the committee has for the fact that there will always be a perfectly soundly motivated application for a sbare in any profits that may be forthcoming from this day. Commentfrom the Executive would be appreciated to assist the organizing committee in evaluating this request. Next year's function will see increased emphasis on the promotion of Kearsney to take full advantage of the captive audience. It is still our conviction that Kearsney's benefit comes from the presence of an audience of 18 primary schools and their staff and families. The credibility of the day, in the eyes of our sponsors and benefactors, comes from the fact that Kearsney does not exploit the day for its own financial gain. My thanks go to all who were involved in this year's function. This fact also applies to many ofthe Old Boys'sides who in the near future, will also have children of school going age and are in a dilemma of where to send them,especially in the light ofthe looming edu cation crisis that faces us in the new South Africa. The Annual Dinner for 1994, was held at the Dur ban Country Club on 23 June. The guest speaker was Peter Pollock, ex Springbok fast bowler and present ConvenerofSelectorsfor the Springbok side. The attendance was about 128 Old Boys. MrChairman,iff may say so:It was one ofthe most memorable after-dinner talks that has been given at a Durban Branch Old Boys' Dinner and this was stated by Old Boys much older and wiser than I. The Parents Function is held in November of each year for the parents of Form V, Form VI and Post Matric pupils. The purpose of this function is to in troduce parents to the Old Boys in an effort to per suade as many as possible to enrol tbeir sons in the Old Boys Club.We use this opportunity to advertise on behalf ofthe various other branches as well. The Branch Annual General Meeting was held on 1 August 1994 at Berea Rovers at 17:30. People elected to the Committee, were: Nick Maritz : Chairman Mike Foxcroft : Vice Chairman Simon Hemingway : Secretary Stan Stott : Treasurer Brad Olivier : Co-Opted Klaus Buntzen Faurence Polkinghome Mike Rocky On behalfofthe abovementioned committee members, I would like to thank the out-going Chairman,Alan Ross for all he has done for the Durban Branch over the last 12 years. We wish him all the best for tbe job he has taken on on the schools' board. I would also like to wish John Nightingale all the bestin his term of office as Chairman of the Zululand Branch as well as Wally Robinson on the South Coast. 4) 5) PIETERMARITZBURG BRANCH REPORT Mr President, Gentlemen I have pleasure in presenting my report for the Pietermaritzburg branch for the year 1993-94. During the year we moved from Collegians Club to St Charles Old Boys Club House for our meetings. Tbis has been a good move as their Club House is smaller and more intimate,also we fit in well with the StCharles Old Boys. We now meet on the first Monday of each month at 5.30 pm. This year we held a "Boerewors and Roll Evening",to which wives and partners were invited. It was so suc cessful that it will be repeated again later in the year! Then at our June meeting, we held a "Memorabilia Evening"-it wasamazing whatOld Boys broughtalong. Doug Metcalf said to me that he did not have anything leftfrom school days,buthe broughtalong his old clothes brush with his name and number on it; wbile Ted Cole had a very good photograph album of photographs he had taken while at school. We dressed a mannequin(dummy)up in a striped blazer, flannels,Kearsney College tie(1940 vintage)and placed a hat band on his basher. I i' itt Our numbers vary at tbe meetings but I must admit a very good spirit prevails amongst our membersI Ifany old boys are in Pietermaritzburg on the first Mon day of the month around 5.30pm, they are extremely welcome tojoin us! Mr President,thank you very much. MINUTES OF A MEETING CALLED TO ESTABLISH A BRANCH OE THE KEARS NEY COLLEGE OLD BOYS CLLB IN THE SOUTHERNAREAOENATALON 1AUGUST 1994ATSOLTHBROOM GOLF CLLB The following Kearsney Old Boys were in attendance: Mike Beckett,Rob Blamey,Paul Cole,John Crickmay, Alan Fellows,Giles Garlick,Alan Hunt,Howard Kelly, Bryan Find, Pat Marshall, Brian Rawlins, Walter Robinson, David Rush, Jan Storm and Alewyn Zoutendijk. A number of the old boys who may have attended were reported sick. 118 Kearsney Chronicle 1994