
General discussion under the guidance ofPat Marshall arrived at the following points ofconsensus to form the basis of the constitution of the proposed branch of KCOBC. 1. The Title ofthe branch would be The Southern Na tal Branch ofthe Kearsney College Old Boys Club. The area to be served by the branch would be the Natal Coast from Hibberdene southwards and the adjacentinland area including,forexample,Harding, Kokstad, Matatiele. 2. The branch would be administered by a Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and two committee members. The meeting confirmed the election of the steering committee which had been elected at an earlier meet ing on Friday 24 June 1994. This committee was: Chairman Secretary/Treasurer Committee Members Pat Marshall Walter Robinson Paul Cole and David Rusb 3. An Annual General Meeting would have to be beld to consider the status, state and financial position of the branch.Such ACM's would have to be timed so as to allow for a report to be made to the ACM of the main KCOBC body on Founders Day eacb year. Ordinary meetings or, more correctly, get-togethers would be beld bi-monthly on the first Monday of months of August, October, December, February, April and June. 4. Meetings would be held at a suitable venue as ar ranged by the committee in the Port Shepstone area as this wasjudged to be central for as many mem bers as possible. 5. FINANCE It was agreed thatthose members who attended each meeting would makea donation towards afund.40% of this fund would be tbe subject of a draw to be made at each meeting. The remaining 60% would be used to meet stationery and postage costs. In the event that such funds built up,over a period, into a substantial amount the committee would recom mend, for the members' approval, the application of such accumulated funds to support Kearsney College by way of,for example,the Bursary Fund. The facility of making donations and participa ting in the drawscould be extended to members who did not, for whatever reason, attend every meet ing. 6. All the above would be subject to the rules of the main body of KCOBC and the branch's objectives would, at all times,coincide with those ofthe main body. Similarly, in the event of any dispute arising from the activities and/or managementofthe branch, the constitution of the Kearsney College Old Boys Club would apply. In general discussions Howard Kelly suggested that a Ladies evening be held. This was agreed unani mously and it was also decided that the December meeting(Monday 5th) would be the occasion for a Ladies Evening and Howard kindly offered his premises as the venue. TRANSVAALBRANCH REPORT The Transvaal branch remains extremely active and many continue to enjoy the fellowship offered by the club. Committee Notes: The current Transvaal Branch committee was elected by the members in October 1993 Keith Ballard (Chairman), Baden Hall (Secretary), Tobias Deenick(Treasurer),Peter Everett(Sports),Clen Tomlinson(Monday meetings), Geoff Stroebel (Eunctions). Atthe aboveACM a motion was proposed and seconded that the proceeds from the Annual Coif Day and any future fund raising events be donated to the KOB's Be nevolent Eund. During the year we unfortunately lost the services of Peter Everett(two year sabbatical overseas) and Geoff Stroebel (resigned for business reasons). The commit tee has been extremely busy tbis year, organizing func tions and developing improved communication systems to try and encourage better attendance and new mem bers. Unfortunately,the desired results have not always been achieved due to limited response from the mem bers. However, each event has been highly successful from an organizational and financial viewpoint. We be lieve we have developed a winning formula for future events and the branch can only grow. OBJECTIVES On the whole,the branch has achieved mostofthe goals established at the beginning of the year. It must be stressed, however, that increased support from fellow members is necessary if we are to achieve the results desired. Notable achievements include Baden Hall's newsletter, which has created much debate and interestamongstour members.The mailing list is updated at every opportu nity and we continue to stress the importance of this in formation. FUNCTIONS As mentioned above, the Club has hosted a number of events this year, with a great time being had by all par ticipants. Briefly the following functions were held: (a) The 48th ACM took place on4 October 1993 at the "One and All" clubhouse and after the lively busi ness session, we enjoyed a well organized braai to gether with wives and partners. (b) The 7th Annual Coif Day was held on 8 October 1993 and was again well supported by the Johan nesburg business sector and Old Boys. (c) Our traditional year end Cheese and Wine party, at which the branch entertains the Old Boys'and their partners, was held on the first Monday of Decem ber. (d) We defended the Bester Boot against the regular Saint's Old Boys' Cricket XI and beat them con vincingly for the second year in a row.Bruce Shuker needs congratulating on hisfine innings,which won the match for Kearsney. (e) Another highlight ofthe Kearsney Transvaal branch calendar wasthe marriage ofPeter and Gail Everett, Kearsney Chronicle 1994 119