
with a large contingent of Old Boys present to wit ness their vows. (f) Annual Pub Nights require a lot of pre-phoning to drag the Old Boys'and theirfriends awayfrom their safe, warm winter homes as we soon learnt by the poor turnout for this event. Needless to say those who ventured outhad a ball.Thanks again to Howard and Lynne Fitzwilliam for providing the venue. (g) Our golfing skills in the Transvaal branch remain unchallenged(?!)with Kearsney'stwo teams walk ing away with 1st and 2nd places at the AnnualDHS GolfDay on 8 June 1994. (h) Our inaugural Rat Race Extravaganza was held on 11 June 1994.The traditional "syndicates" were un fortunately out oftown but we intend catching them well in advance next year. (i) We were very privileged to have M.A.Thiselton as Guest ofHonour and Speaker at the Annual Dinner, held at the Wanderers Golf Club, on 7 July 1994. Ted Gamerreplied to the speech andTony Leon acted as MC. OTHER ACTIVITIES Weentertained the Kearsney Tennis 1stTeam during their successful tour to the Transvaal. The U13A Rugby side took part in the Parktown Boys Rugby Festival, with the Old Boys spectators enjoying excellent schoolboy rugby. The Transvaal parents ofKearsney schoolboys are meet ing regularly at the "One and All' and the committee members are enjoying the new friendships arising from this association. We again entered two teams into the annual Frames GolfTrophy held at Royal Johannesburg GC. Parents and prospective new parents were hosted by the School for lunch at the Bryanston Country Club. The date for the next luncheon should be planned well in advancefor better co-ordination between the School and potential helpers. Action Cricket remains popular amongst certain Old Boys but we had to settle for 3rd place in this year's Annual Natal Private Schools Old Boys'Triangular. We look forward to a well attended branch AGM on 3 October 1994, where we again open our doors to wives and partners after the business session. Very soon after the AGM,on Friday 21 October,we host the Annual GolfDay atParkview GC,where we hope to boostour contribution to the BenevolentFundfrom kind supporters and sponsors. The Annual Cheese&Wine Party on 5 December 1994 at the "One and All" is the place to be to witness the draw of various prizes ending with the last ticket being drawn receiving the grand prize of RIO 000,00. Stay tuned for the results of this venture. I would like to take this opportunity to thank fellow com mittee members ofthe Transvaal branch for their enthu siasm and invaluable contribution. With the continued support of our regular members and the main branch Executive efforts in maintaining an active mailing list, we expect to establish and keep contact with more Old Boys'in the future. KEITHBALLARD UNITED KINGDOM BRANCH REPORT CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Alan Kinsey reported on the advantages which the fa cilities of the Rugby Club offered to Old Boys and stressed the value which was offered by the greatly re duced subscription of£200 pa paid by others.He asked for a higher level of regular attendance at the monthly meetings on the evening of the second Friday in each month and pointed out that wives and girlfriends were always welcome. He reminded the meeting that it was hoped to entertain the Kearsney cricket XI which was touring England at the branch meeting on 8th July 1994. It was agreed to expend up to £25 a month on food for those attending the monthly meetings and to increase this to a maximum of£150for the meeting on 8th July. SECRETARY'S REPORT: Kingsley Oliver reported that the Branch's financial position was healthy, with a current balance of£858.75 and subscription income of£195 in the current year. It was hoped thatthe annual dinner would be self-support ing this year and notrequire the subsidy which had been provided in 1993. A vote of thanks, proposed by Alan Kinsey and seconded by Sir Ian McLeod, was carried unanimously. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSFOR 1994/95: Alan Kinsey was re-elected Chairman but in accepting he asked the committee to note that he would not stand for re-election in 1995. Kingsley Oliver did not offer himselffor re-election and Simon Sloane was elected Hon Secretary/Treasurer. The following were elected to serve on the Executive Committee: Sir Ian McLeod, Alan Mandel, Roger Simpson, Greig Wishart,Deryck Ethelston. ASUBSCRIPTIONFROMTHEBRANCHTOTHE OLD BOYS'CLUB: Alan Kinsey proposed that the UK branch should make an annual payment to the Old Boys' Club headquarters at Kearsney in recognition ofthe administrative support which the branch received and suggested afigure of£50 pa. Sir Ian McLeod seconded the proposal, which was carried unanimously.The sum ofR272.50 would there fore be sent to Kearsney from the UK Branch. A DONATION TO A CHARITYIN THEBOTHA'S HILL AREA: The chairman referred to the report from Roy Bevin(a branch member who now lives at Hillcrest for most of the year) about the use which Embocraft had made of the donation of £107 from the branch in 1993. It was unanimously agreed to continue this support in 1994. (At the subsequent dinner the record sum of£160 was raised from a raffle/auction ofitems presented by mem bers. A cheque for R872 would accordingly be sent to Embocraft via Roy Bevin.) A PROPOSED CHRISTMASFUNCTION: Alan Kinsey offered to arrange for a party to attend the evening performance at the Players' Theatre, Charing Cross,on Friday 9th December 1994.Tickets would cost around £15 each and dinnerin the theatre restaurant(op tional)another £20 each. 120 Kearsney Chronicle 1994