
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: The Secretary referred to a letter which he had received from Gavin Pike suggesting that the cost of the annual dinner deterred those living outside Londonfrom attend ing the AGM and that the two functions should there fore beseparated.After discussion the meeting concluded that the costs oftravel to and from London would be the same even if the AGM were to be held before an infor mal monthly meeting and that it was not obligatory for any member attending the AGM to remain for any sub sequent function. It was agreed that there was nothing to be gained by changing the accepted format of hold ing the AGM on the same evening as the Annual Din ner. NEXT MEETING: It was noted that the second Friday in June was always the day before the Queen's official birthday and its at tendantceremonial,which restricted parking and access to the Athenaeum.After discussion it wasagreed to leave it to the Executive Committee to decide upon the most suitable date and venue for the AGM and Dinner in 1995. REPORT ON THE ANNUAL DINNER ON lOTH JUNE 1994: As in previous years the AGM preceded the Dinner and both were held in the elegant surroundings of the Ath enaeum Club in Pall Mall,by courtesy ofProfessorDavid Hall.Fifteen members,mostly with their ladies,satdown to dinner at which we were delighted to welcome the Secretary,Paul Shapland,and the Treasurer,John Gwilt, ofthe Old Hiltonian Association in the UK,together with their ladies. After an excellent meal,accompanied by a good supply ofvery acceptable wine,Alan Kinsey conducted asome what riotous raffle for a variety of prizes donated by members,including some purchased with a £25 dona tion from Peter Penke who was abroad at the time. The finale was an auction for either a bottle ofchampagne or 200 cigarettes and thanks to Alan's blend of persuasion and threats the record sum of £160 was raised for the Embocraft training organization at Hillcrest. In his after-dinner speech the Chairman expressed his pleasure at the growing support for the Branch by younger Old Boys and urged all active members to re cruit any other Old Boys who might be unaware ofwhat the Branch had to offer those who were living and work ing in the UK-or even for those who were only here on short visits. He referred to the facilities provided for the Branch by the Rugby Club at49 Hallam Street in Eondon and asked for greater support for the regular meet ings held there in the evenings of the second Friday in each month-and in particular for the one on 8th July 1994 when it was planned to entertain the visiting Col lege cricket XL He welcomed the representatives of Hilton Old Boys in the UK and stressed the value of strengthening the ties which existed between the private schools in Natal. Paul Shapland made a brief, and unprogrammed, re sponse, in which he assured KCOBC members in the UK of support from his association and he endorsed the Chairman'sremarks aboutthe importance oflinking the representative bodies of the Natal schools in the UK. ZULULAND BRANCH REPORT OurAGM was held in September at the Felixton Coun try Club.The outgoing Chairman,John Hughes,arranged a most pleasant evening where Natal Springbok scrumhalf, Kevin Putt, was guest speaker. Kevin Putt made special mention ofhow pleasantly surprised he was with what Kearsney College had to offer-an all round edu cation, many sporting activities, cultural, spiritual etc. activities,compared with high schools in New Zealand. Old Boys' clubs in New Zealand were not as popular and well-supported as he found them to be in South Af rica. It was a pleasure to have staff members Mike Bissell, Fred Cocks and Peter King who travelled all the way from the College to be at the AGM/dinner. Congratulationsto Mark Shire who is Head Boyfor 1995 - his father, John, was Head Boy in 1964. Like father like son! Nev Polkinghome had successful surgery and is doing fine. He and his wife, Trish, together with brother, Trevennen,and wife,Val,havejustreturnedfrom a most enjoyable holiday in Singapore. Welldone to John Hughesand son,Justin,Gareth Reeves and daughter, Phillipa, who completed the Dusi Canoe Marathon. Barry Millstead has been made Chairman of Coastal Farmers' co-op. Darryl Clark is Chairman of the Empangeni Banana Board. Miles Mathew is Chairman ofthe Emoyeni Farmers' Mill Group. It was good to see so many Old Boys attending the an nual Bill Fish competition at Cape'Vid al: Elric and son, Geoff Groom, Brian Harrison, Allan Lawrie, Garnet Groom, Trevor Staples, Robin Heenan, Nick Lincoln, Miles Mathew,Darryl Clark and John Nightingale. The following get-togethers have been arranged for the different regions in Zululand: REGION DATE VENUE CONTACTPERSON Umhlali IstTues Umhlali CC Barry Millstead Damall 1st Wed Darnall CC Rob Taylor Ging 1st Wed Tennis Club John Nightingale Mtunzini 1st Wed Mtunzini CC Allan Lawrie Eshowe/Melmoth/ Nkwalini IstThurs Nkwalini Hall John Hughes Empangeni/ Richards Bay IstThurs Rugby Club Darryl Clark Matuba 1 st Thurs Riverview CC Trevor Staples From us all in Zululand we send good wishes to other branches and, should any Old Boy, member of staff or parent be passing through a region, please call in! JOHN NIGHTINGALE THE GREYHOUND'250'CLUB It is with sadness that we record the sudden death of Roy Bevan who undertook to run the Club and did so with efficiency until June last year. With his passing, I was requested to carry on again until a successor was found-this I hope will be shortly. The Greyhound Club is still very active and producing funds for bursaries despite a fall off in numbers. This we hope to rectify in the months ahead. The continued success is all due to the support received from the Kearsney Chronicle 1994 121