
Kearsney family and to you all I say thank you very much. After the accounts had been audited it was with pleas ure that I was able to hand over to the Old Boys Club and the College a cheque each of R8850.00 for bursa ries. The quarterly draws are still being held in the Greyhound Pavilion at a suitable time and these gatherings are prov ing a success as they foster the friendship between par ents and Old Boys. To my successor I would like to say 'good luck' and I hope that the Club will continue to grow from strength to strength in the future. J.A. CHICK Secretary/Treasurer THE GREYHOUND CLUB GENERAL When the Pavilion wasfirst built it wascommonly called "The Old Boys' Club" probably because it was owned and built by the Old Boys and many Parents and Staff imagined it as for the exclusive use of Old Boys. To correct this impression THE GREYHOUND CLUB was created by the Old Boys some 6 years ago in an effort to bring Parents, Staff and other "Friends of Kearsney"closer together socially and form partofwhat we now call The Kearsney Community. MEMBERSHIP Membership was opened to all on payment of a sub scription,to comply with the liquor act, and I am happy to report that recently we were able to make full mem bers of all parents who contribute to the voluntary levy, at no additional cost to themselves. Presently, we have 94 members who have paid the cur rent fee of R50 per annum and 349 parent members. Former parents. Old boys and Staff have been sent let ters inviting them tojoin in an effort to swell our mem bership base. MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADING Painting, repairs to furniture etc are ongoing while cer tain items have been capitalized, eg. new geyser, bur glar alarm and the upgrading ofour electricity supply to 3 phase. This had to be done to prevent frequent "trip ping"ofthe mains due to overloading during functions. COMMITTEES My thanks go to the following persons who were either elected,co-opted,coerced or press ganged into serving the Greyhound in one way or another: Gavin Brown Anne Roberts Lauron Buys Owen Roberts David Pithey Alan Ross Sarie Pithey Tony Roussot Lawrence Polkinghorne John Taylor Trish Polkinghome John Wallace Phil Ratcliffe My special thanks go to Gail Brown,our hard working, multi-bossed secretary and Brian van Niekerk,our club manager, whose sense ofhumour has helped to keep us all sane when the pressure is on,their efforts are much appreciated. It would be remiss ofmeifI omitted to thank Madalena, my long-suffering secretary, who has done all my typ ing, faxing and fielded phone calls for the Greyhound and the Old Boys Club in my office for the past5 years. Although unknown to most of you, except by voice, Madalena has been ofgreat help and support behind the scenes to the whole Kearsney community. FINANCIAL Two new software programs were purchased and have been running since January this year. "Function Manager",based on daily physical stock tak ing,records precisely our gross profit including percent agesfor each and every function on a daily basis.It also reveals the exact profit made on beers, spirits, etc. "Financial Manager" is a complete accounting system and includes profit and loss account,general ledger,bal ance sheet, inventories and a breakdown of contribu tions to profit by each centre. These are recorded on a current month and year to date basis. This program also has provision for budgets and variances.Printouts ofabove figures to 31 August 1994 are available from Gail for inspection. PROFITABILITY Our turnover is down to date from last year(R7000 per month against R8300for 1993)and the Club is running at a loss. This is due to fewer functions,fewer subscrib ing members and our40% share of office costs. We are satisfied that each and every function makes a profit as our average gross profit percentage for all functions to date is 52.5%. Gavin Brown,our treasurer, will give you more detail in his financial report. THLFUTURL Discussions are in progress regarding the desirability of the club being used more as a facility for the school and parents,during term time,and to this end we have placed a moratorium on weddings and outside functions, ex cept during school holidays. This will have to be ad dressed in more detail by the incoming management committee. CONCLUSION Someofthe club's goals have been metbutclearly there remains a great deal to be done and I am confident that the new managementcommittee will address these with vigour. For my part,I have decided to step downfrom the com mittee with immediate effect after an 8 year involve ment with all aspects of the Greyhound Club and the Old Boys. Let me assure you, however, that I am not abdicating my responsibility of supporting the new Chairman or committee and although, due to business pressures, the Greyhound has to be placed lower on my priority list, I will be available to supportfully the new incumbents in their task. They only have to ask. Once again,thanks to all concerned,I have thoroughly enjoyed my years with the club and I know it will go from strength to strength. HARRYHOWLETT Chairman 122 Kearsney Chronicle 1994