
Old Boys News A REUNION FROM A LONG WAY BACK Thirteen Old Boys and two ladies who were part ofthe old school at Kearsney during the years 1931-35 gath ered together at Hilton Hotel on Saturday 10September 1994 as a group for the first time in fifty-nine years. Seven ofthe Old Boys were accompanied by their wives, and twenty-two sat down to a convivial celebratory lunch. The"two ladies who were part of the old school" were Mrs Thea Reece (at that time Miss Fraser) and Mrs Daphne Da Souza(younger daughter of the Headmas ter, R.H.(Matty) Matterson. They were guests of the Old Boys and we were delighted at their acceptance of our invitation to celebrate with us. It wasfollowing a conversation with Neville Reeves and a remark in a letter from Laurie Good that gave Don Gilliat the idea of this reunion. By phone and by letter, and with the willing help of Tony Chick and Dudley Gardner,and with the assistance of Gail Brown and her computer at the School,as many ofthe Old Boys ofthat era as could be traced were told of the suggestion of a reunion lunch and invited to join in. Without exception the response was enthusiastic, and as many as could possibly come made the effort to do so. After separation from some old classmates for nigh on sixty years,recognition was not always easy,and wives not always known,but stick-on name tags resolved any doubts and there was instant rapport and reminiscence as we gathered in the lounge ofthe hotel. This must surely have been a reunion of KG Old Boys with the longest time-span separation and re-assembly of a particular group in the College's history, and there wasno doubtat all thatthe chance to meettogether again was much appreciated. Accompanying their husbands were Anne Stockil, Eunice Reeves,Pat Chick,Averil Chick,Glynn Coutts, Gwen Wilkinson and Natalie Gilliat, and we were very pleased to be able to enjoy their company. We made contact with A.B. Theunissen, Lyonel Capstickdale,Arthur Wood,Alec Wood,Godfrey Jacobs, Jimmy Hopkins, Earle and Laurie Smith, Tony Lowe, Monty Crook and Lex Kirk, but due to very good rea sons and with great disappointment, they were unable to make the event,but all sent their apologies and hoped the gathering would be a great success. / 1 I \ 9^ Conviviality at the lunch table . 1931-35 OLD BOYS AT THE REUNION LUNCH Standing: Jack Crawford,Francis Chick, Morris Christie, Neville Reeves,Jeff Wilkinson,Laurie Good,Roy Blondin,Jimmy Charters,Don Gilliat. Kneeling: Alec Coutts,Arthur Stockil,Tony Chick,Wally Robinson. Glynn Coutts, Natalie Gilliat, Averil Chick J G A COUTTS PCBOX 501 BROMHOE 2154 13 October 1994 Secretary KCOBC Kearsney College Botha's Hill Dear Sir/Madam One often hears of reunions of 10, 15,20 and even 25 years but how about one of60 plus years?! On 10September it was my happy experience to be part of a 60 plus reunion held at the Hilton Hotel and effiKearsney Chronicle 1994 123