
going hard. Deservedly secured his Natal Schools Cap. Has been untiring in his play throughout a very hard season. WALKER,N.(Forward) Has had a good season and is learning to use his weight and height to very good advantage. Secured his Natal Schools Cap and played with distinction. Ought, with modesty,to go far. IVES,I.(Full-back) Probably the most improved player in the side, chiefly due to constant perseverance. His handling and kicking have always been most dependable and his defence ex cellent. A whole season of good games was crowned with a brilliant display in the final game. THEUNISSEN,N.(Wing) Proved to be the mostconsistentscoring factor.Has pace and a deceptive run. Won his Natal Schools' Cap and gave a very polished exhibition. Defence sound and is fast learning good anticipation of movements. GILLIES,G.(Centre) Somewhat hampered at times by an injured knee. Has played some very good games and has never let the side down.A reserve for the Natal Schools'side. Mustleam to kick with both feet. JONES,D.(Wing) A hard,straightrunning wingjust learning somefinesse. Defence sound. Keen, and with alertness, will make good. McLEOD,R.(Ely-half) At times brilliant. Inclined to run across instead of straight. Was unlucky not to secure his Schools' Cap. His speed has made it possible to get the line going fast. Hiskicking has been brilliant throughoutthe season,and has materially helped at all times in our victories. BARNES,G.(Eorward) Improved as the season progressed and ended up one of the best on the field, being hard-working and fearless. Every game he played was a good one. DALE,A.(Eorward) His lack of weight handicapped him. His hooking was fairly consistent and in the loose he worked hard. TRENTHAM,A.(Eorward) Atno time did he come up to the standard he set himself last year. Seemed to lack the dash expected from him. NIEUWOUDT(Forward) His first half was better than his second half, when he seemed to lose someofhis determination and speedfrom the scrum. JARDINE,D.(Forward) A very much improved player. Dribbles really well and has become tenacious and attimes plays with great dash. Shows really good promise. HILL,G.(Forward) A hard-working forward.Lacks the essential pace for a good No.8 but has always tried hard. Results ofthe 1944 1st XV Team: April 29th v. M'College away lost 5-9 May 6th v. Hilton College away won 17-6 May 13th v. St Henry's away won 12-8 May 20th v. Michaelhouse away won 11-3 May 27th V. DHS home won 11-6 June 3rd V. Glenwood home won 25-6 June 10th V. St Charles away won 9-0 Aug 5th V. M'College away won 9-6 Aug 12th V. DHS away lost 5-11 Aug 19th V. St Henry's home won 17-6 Aug 26th V. St Charles home won 24-0 Sept 2nd V. Glenwood away won 5-0 Cyril Medworth's genius in coaching rugby certainly put Kearsney on the rugby map,and it is admirably fitting that the College's main rugby stand was named after him.The team's reward for the contribution they made were 15 Colours awards, 8 Honours Cap awards and three Natal Schools Caps won by T.Calder,H.N.Walker and N.Theunissen. In conclusion,and from those members ofthe 1944side who are still alive,and attended the 1944 Founders Day gathering(John Davy,Newton Walker,Alan Trentham, Ron McLeod, George Barnes, Ian Ives, Norman Theunissen and Derek Damp)we all say"Thanks chaps for honouring us 50 years down the line". I feel sure I speak for the other seven team members present when I say it was an emotional moment for us all and was re ally appreciated. Finally I would like to compliment the school's senior side in continuing to play good,clean, attractive rugby, spurred on by a magnificent"cheer group" who are re ally great.It makes winning your matchesso much easier when you have the whole school behind you. Remem ber too, to take your defeats in a dignified manner and be the first to congratulate your victors. Such action can only result in Kearsney remaining a model to all other schools. DEREKE.DAMP j941.1944 ps. This article should rectify the incorrect statement made on page 109 ofthe 1993 Kearsney Chroni cle, that the 1944 1st XV team was "apparently the first side to play '1st league' i.e. first team to first team." p.p.s My grateful thanks to Dudley Gardner for sup plying me with the 1942-1944chronicle informa tion. ★ ★ ★ JoofAlberts(1954)writes from Nelspruit that he has a holiday cottage in the KCOBs' "volkstaat", namely Zinkwazi. Peter Alcock(1977)married Alison in September 1993 and returned to Waverley,Iowa,USA to revisit my time there as a Rotary Exchange Student in 1978.It was like a time-warp: the town and the people exactly as it was. We had an incredibly warm reunion with all my US "families". Peter Alterskye(1970)Director of Mr X-Haust,sends a message to all current and future pupils of Kearsney: "Country-wide people respect the standards that Kearsney sets-doors open for Kearsney boys,so work hard and you will succeed!" StephenAmos(1988)a chemical engineer,recently ac cepted a position with Koch International, Stock-onTrent,UK,in research and development. 126 Kearsney Chronicle 1994