
Jim Anderson(1963)writesfrom Australia that his son is studying Pharmacy, his daughter is in Std 9 and his wife Jennifer is a sculptress. He is a consultant radiolo gist at the local teaching hospital. His current interest is Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Breast for Cancer. David Atlas (1966) has been living in Holland since January 1994. He was asked by his company Aukett& Kokon, Architects, to start up an office in the Amsterdam/Schipholregion.He would like toknow ofany other Old Boysin the area.He is stmggling a bit with the Dutch language and wishes now he hadn't sleptthrough Jannie Storm's Afrikaans classes! Walter Balcomb(1925)lives near Ballito on the North Coast. He has been in hospital for a heart op but now feels much better. Philip Baynash(1956)is still working in the computer field and living in St Ives,Australia, where he would be pleased to hearfrom Kearsney Old Boys.He has a mar ried son living in Dallas, another son was married in August 1994 and a third who is engaged. MichaelBeckett(1951)is absolutely disgusted with the latest Old Boys'news in the last Chronicle and suggests firing the Editor! Roy Bickerton(1964) who is a financial consultant in Durban,tells us that his son Bradley Bickerton(1992) is in his second year of BA LLB at Pietermaritzburg University. Paul Blumherg (1975) is the Advisory Chef — Foodservice at Nestle SA and works with Guy Mungle (1978),Marr Ryan(1971)and Bill Payne. Derek Brown(1950)says he will be retiring at the end of 1994. Trevor Browse (1988) is an Optometrist in Pieter maritzburg and would welcome a"quiet" beer with any Kearsney Old Boy passing through Maritzburg. Peter Butterworth(1981)is married to Tania with two children.They live in Amanzimtoti and he is a minister for the Methodist Church. Steve Camp (1975) has run in seven Comrades and seven Two Ocean Marathons,ran the London Marathon on 17 April 1994, his first marathon on foreign soil. Manuel Cardiga(1965) writes from Loures,Portugal where he is Senior Investigator,Security for the Ameri can Embassy in Lisbon, that he was very proud and pleased by the transcript ofhis previous letter and photo in the last Chronicle. He has received letters from excolleagues and their parents. He says"Keep the Spirit". Charles Carr(1967)writesfrom Ranten Dal that,hav ing completed 23 years as an operational Air Traffic Controller,he has moved into managementfor 18 months and is involved in training, which is quite a changefrom operational work. He says how much he enjoyed his years at Kearsney and would have liked to have seen his sons there as well. Richard Cazalet(1983)a physicist, has recently taken up a position as a Process Engineer in the AWB strong hold of Brits, an interesting experience for a liberal "Engelsman"from Durbs.Thecompany is Africa's only optical fibre manufacturer and the position very chal lenging. All Old Boys are welcome to pop in on their way to Cairo! Darryl Cheek(1972)lives in Durban North.Has started a party hire business called "Cheers Hiring" with an unusual sideline selling party accessories from paper plates to gorilla masks - for those who remember "Moodley Cheek", they will know this is just up his street! Justin Clarke(1977)recently became a father and has a year old daughter who gives him and his wife much pleasure. He sees Paul den Hoed (1973-1977) often since he has moved to work at Mintek at Randburg. Bruce Clemence (1970) works from home as a con sultant in meteorology and computing.In his spare time he does a lot ofgliding (sail planes)from a private club near the Drakensberg.His brotherPeter(1976)is a glid ing instmctor at Worcester(Cape).Bruce welcomes visits from old friends to Howick. Geremy Cliff(1971)a marine biologist with the Natal Sharks Board,writes that he was a member ofthe South African Masters Underwater Hockey Team at the 1994 World Championships in Rouen, France. South Africa beat Great Britain in the final! Ian Coates(1960) writes that with their children both through school and university they have become'Darby and Joan'athome and are giving upfarming at Umfolosi to explore the country and settle at their cottage at Ballito where their only complaint is the ash smuts from those dreadful sugar farmers who burn their cane on windy mornings! Douglas Coetzee (1961) is a medical practitioner in Newcastle. Lynn Coggin (1971) writes from Sandton that he is a Senior Management Consultant for Sir Milo de Cogan Assoc. Then Coggin(1964)was elected Vice President of the Southern African Chapter of the International Associa tion ofBusiness Communicators.His MethodistChurch involvement continues to bring him into contact with other Kearsney Old Boys also involved in the Church, as of course does his involvement in his profession. Dennis Cole(1966)is married to Shirley and his chil dren are Neil, 14,and Shan, 11. He is poultry and cane farming on a smallholding in the Highflats District. He enjoys meeting with the Old Boys in George Baikie's box at the stadium, especially when Natal wins! Many thanks George: great idea! Geoffrey Colloty(1964)is currently Managing Direc tor of Monoweld Galvanisers within Barlows.In 1991/ 92 he spent a year in South Korea involved in Interna tional Trade which was a tremendous experience! Anthony Daniel(1966)has been on the staffofClifton School for5 years following spells at Pridwin School in Johannesburg from 1974 to 1978, Oakley Hall School in Cirencester, UK,from 1979 to 1980, and the Ridge School in Johannesburgfrom 1981 to 1988.In July 1993 he was the manager ofa combined Clifton(Durban and Nottingham Road)cricket tour of England, winning 6 of 9 matches played. His elder brother, AJC Daniel (1961),is Profesor ofPolitical Science at the University of Durban/Westville and his eldest brother,PK Daniel (1954), lives in England and is on the "Home" News Desk ofthe Independent Newspaper in London. Kearsney Chronicle 1994 111