
Marcde Chazan de Chamarel(1986)graduated from CEBIin CapeTownin November 1993.He married Jane Davies in Cape Town on the 5th December 1992 at St James in Kenilworth and they are expecting their first baby in January 1995. Neville De Jongh (1957) was married for the second time in December 1993 and has bought a house in Quellerina, Roodepoort,Transvaal, high up on a hill. He writes:"1 was visiting St Lucia over April 1993 and staying at Charter's Creek where a friend of mine runs the Parks Board resort. To my amazement,I was told that the next resort from there, Fanies Island was being managed by Peter Pitts whom 1 have not seen since he left school in 1956. Peter has been with the Parks Board for four years." Vch \ '-f .k % t... Peter Pitts and Neville de Jongh Bryan Dingley (1952) gave news of the forthcoming reunion of the Matric class of 1952 which was held at the Durban Club on the 12th August 1994.A luncheon with wives was held at Bryan's home on the 14th Au gust which Jannie and Bertha Storm attended. Michael Draper(1979) writes that he has enjoyed liv ing in the Transvaal for the past four years but looks forward to returning to Natal in 1997. Donald Dukes(1952)who is farming near Eston,gives newsthat both his sons arefarming and his daughter has qualified as a full sister at Greys Hospital. Vincent d'Undienville(1980)is presently working as a Quantity Surveyor on the State Bank Headquarters project in Mauritius. He is married with two sons and a daughter and his hobbies include tennis, sailing and music. Deryck Michael Ethelston(1981)left South Africa in June 1990and travelled Europe,Britain and USSR whilst working as a contract engineer. Studied full time Mas ters at University Liverpool:Maritime Engineering.Now Manager of Maritime Engineering for a consultantfirm specialising in ports, marinas and coastal engineering, involved in projects in Ear East, Middle East and U.K. Attempting to develop links with South Africa. Patrick Eriksson(1969)was promoted in 1994 to Full Professor (Geology) at the University of Pretoria and elected to the New York Academy of Sciences. Ralph Ford(1987) writes of how much he enjoys the Chronicle as he,as a member ofthe SAP,is stationed at Kosi Bay and operates on the Border.He seldom gets to civilisation so the Chronicle keeps him "in touch". Bob Foss(1933) writes that it is good to have watched the successful growth of the school over the years. He knew it when it had only 9 pupils! They were a happy family at the old school. He is now in his 80th year but can still 'wog'7 kilometres and play 21 ends of bowls twice a week. Geoffrey Frank(1964)is living in Mooi River where he farms dairy and seed potatoes. One of his two sons, who are both Kearsney Old Boys, is now a materials engineer and the other a civil engineer. Edward Frank (1966) is dairy farming in the Mooi River area. He has two sons at Maritzburg College and a daughter at Treverton. Andrew Frank (1987) is currently working back his bursary after studying and qualifying with a BSc(Eng) Mat. He is now studying law to be a Patent Lawyer. Robert Frank(1989) is currently stationed in Swazi land, building a road near Mbabane.He is hoping to re turn to Natal at the end of 1994. Don Gilliat(1935) will be 76 next birthday and is still active, even to holding classes for typesetters.He plays bowls and is active in churcb affairs etc. He enjoys KCOB meetings and activities. Tim Goodricke(1962)is involved in forestry research with the ICER in Pietermaritzburg. His brother John Goodricke(1954)is an architect in London. I \ c />: A' t.1 * .v' m V ite r V.'«i Tim Goodricke and Old Boy? Owen Griffiths(1961)Managing Director ofAngloPa cific Resources PLC, writes from Guildford Surrey, to say he has recently given his news to the UK Branch. Kevin Guy(1974)has a daughter,Kayley Ruth,who is 5 months old and whom he will keep awayfrom sons of other old boys! David Hall(1952)writes:"Biomess(plants)or energy (alcohols, electricity, gas)and photobiology for a clean 128 Kearsney Chronicle 1994