
1 environment are my overriding re search and policy interests."Adviser to European Union and UK govern ment on renewable energy policy. Lectures and travels widely(includ ing to South Africa)to indoctrinate unbelievers! Looking forward to August '94 old boys reunion at Kearsney. Michael Halliday (1972) is a Chiropractor in Michi gan,USA,and at40years old,is still very active in clas sic world rugby and making friends with many of the past greats. Dean Hatty(1987)is presently running the familyfarm in Zimbabwe and would love to host any Old Boys of Kearsney College. Alan Henochsberg(1944)retired at the end of March 1992 and is living in Lynnwood Manor in Pretoria. He plays golf three times a week. The Reverend Eric Hermanson(1957) has been ap pointed Assistant General Secretary: Text Processing at the head office ofthe Bible Society in Cape Town from the beginning of July 1994.He is now head ofthe sec tion in which he has been working for the past seven and a half years and is responsible for supervising all the translation projects and the proofreading ofnew Bi bles and reprints. He is currently working on the final checking of the first complete Bible in the Swazi lan guage. Duncan Hesketh(1988)obtained his Natal Police Col ours for Rugby,married on the 16th January, 1993,and is living in Durban working atthe Durban Plying Squad with the rank of Sergeant. Edsel Hohls(1977)is farming with cane and beef and. is also involved in contracting in the timber world. At present he is Chairman of Kranskop Parmers'Associa tion and also Lire Chiefof his area. He has 2daughters of 11 and 9and one son of7. Robert Holden(1985)says that he began a BCom In dustrial Psychology at the University ofPotchefstroom in 1990 and studied full time for 2 years. Then he stud ied part time whilst managing a general dealer.On 10th April 1993 he married Llfie and they boughtthe general dealers near Orkney on 1st July 1994. Bobby Hoole(1981) writes that his first son was born on the 16th April 1994. Douglas Hudson(1938) writes that the Chronicle is a wonderful publication and he enjoys reading all of it. Francois Hugo(1959) writes from Southampton that he is working continuity in command ofthe SS Leonia, a VLCC of318000MT deadweight-see photo. few® ! .. - j-i. .. m Geoffrey Hurst(1943)writesfrom Nelspruitsaying that he returned to Zimbabwe in 1986for five years but has now been living in Nelspruit for two years as his step son has established a business there and provided him with ajob to keep him occupied on his retirementfrom the Rhodesian Army. His family has all settled in Nelspruit and will probably be there for some years to come.He has three grandsons who are quite a handful to look after. He is looking forward to finding out how Kearsney and the Old Boys have progressed since he was last in contact. Ikey Ives(1944)retired from Shell in 1986 and worked as an IR consultant and in 1993 joined the Methodist Homes for the Aged in the Transvaal as Executive Di rector. They have 12 homes, a new home under con struction and two more on the drawing board.They cur rently care for over 1300aged people and a further 1400 belong to their Service Centre. Elwyu Jeukius (1970), a former member of Staff, is Acting Chairman ofthe SA Institute ofRace Relations, a member of the National Place Names Commission,a member of the SABC Language Advisory Committee, National Commissioner ofthe Boy Scouts,a memberof the Habitat Council,and a member ofthe National Hik ing Way Board. David Keatley (1973) has been ap pointed General Manager of Ryerson Steel Inc.After his national service in the SA Air Force he became a trainee with Ryerson Steel in Chicago,USA, a steel processing company with branches throughout America. He si multaneously attended Loyola Univer sity and obtained a Bachelor degree followed by his MBA.He has always been akeen rugby player and wasChairman and a player for the Griffins Rugby Club of Chicago. He is also a cross country skier and a regular competitor in the an nualAmerican Birkeeiner crosscountry skiing marathon. He also competed in the Iron Man Triathlon for five years. He is married to Virginia, a Loyola University Professor and they have two children, David, 14, and Christina, 12. Tim Kilpin(1973)hascompleted ten consecutive Com rades and Two Ocean Marathons in 1993. Alan Kinsey (1955), Chairman of the London Branch of the Kearsney College Old Boys'Club,has had the unique honour of being appointed a fellow of the Association of Master Upholsterers for his work for the Trade Charity and bringing the Up holders Livery Company closertothe Trade Association. He also wrote to say that Dick Best, a past House Master at Junior House at Kearsney, was guest of honour at the London Branch meeting on 10 September 1994. Mark Kivits(1993)is at the University of Swansea in the UK reading Mechanical Engineering. John Lacey(1960)and David(his son)drive aPorsche 944in Motor Racing Competitions bothin Canada where they live and in the States. His son's times are now betKearsney Chronicle 1994 129