
ter than the father's, so the old man takes back seat in the really important races. John is very involved in the organisation of the racing teams and acts as "Pit Boss" when the occasion arises. Christopher Lee(1965)has been Headmaster ofSuth erland High School,Pretoria,for the past8 years. He is married with two daughters, Caroline, 23 years, and Juliet,20 years. David Levin has been Headmaster ofthe Royal Gram marSchool,High Wycombe,for one year.Afterone year, the school achieved the best'A Level'results ofall state schools,reached the semi-finals ofthe England Schools Sevens competition and runners-up in the England Schools Hockey Championships.Hehopes Kearsney can use his school as a base in future tours. Clive Lewthwaite (1978) has opened a carwash in Pinetown and has also purchased Pinetown Auto Valet. Grant Litster(1980)writes that he is Manager ofCor porate Accounts at the Eirst National Bank and that his hobbies are golf and fly fishing. Douglas Livingstone (1949) is reported to be widely regarded as South Africa's finest living poet. He read his poetry at the Grahamstown Arts Eestival's Winter School although he regards himself as a writer of po etry, not a performer.A selection of his work intermin gled with music he enjoys was featured in a programme on Radio South Africa entitled "The Poet Swings" on the 13th July, 1994.He has also been featured recently in two programmes in RSA's"ThePoetSpeaks"on Sun day evenings. Over the past 30 years Livingstone's poetry has been published in eight volumes, both here and abroad, and also translations of Shona poems and a number of his short stories. His poems have won him numerous po etry awards including the AA Vita, Sanlam, Thomas Pringle and the prestigious British Cholmondeley po etry prize. He was awarded an honorary doctorate of literature by the University of Natal in 1982. He has also written radio plays for one of which he won the Olive Schreiner prize for drama. Hisrecentbook ofpoems"A LittoralZone",was marked by"ecological despair"which hefeels mighthaveeamed his"committed poet" status. He works as an independ entenvironmentalconsultant.(Article by David Coleman in the Natal Mercury ofthe 13th July 1994.) GraemeLove(1973)has been in the ShortTerm Insur ance Industry for 20 years. He is currently responsible for Eirst Bowring &Associates, Transvaal and Benoni and is living in Benoni.He has three daughters,the eld est of whom will matriculate in 1995. Patrick Marshall(1952)wrote oftheforthcoming 1952 Matric Class reunion over the Eounders'Day weekend. This is late(should have been 1992),but due to sterling work by Bryan Dingley(1952)it happened.The report ofthis reunion is also in the Chronicle. Chris Meyer (1959) is living just north of Houston, Texas, and has one married daughter and one daughter in Junior College. He is the owner of a Lighting Sales Agency.He wasglad to see the photo ofhis grandfather, Matterson(Matty),in the recent Chronicle. Jonathan Milhank(1966)writesfrom Aberdeen,Scot land, where he works as a commerical helicopter pilot. that he has been building an "Europa" 2-seat kit aero plane in his homegarage since January 1994.His daugh ter, Helen, started at Oxford University, St Peter's Col lege, in October 1994, studying modern languages, Erench and German. Garth Milne, Professor of the University of Stellenbosch's Electrical and Electronic Engineering Eaculty, has been involved in the development of Sunsat, South Africa's first satellite, which will be launched into orbit by a United States rocket in January 1996 from the Vandenberg air force base in California. Nasa will re ceive orbit data from the satellite for gravity research. The satellite would have an "orbit lifetime" ofseven to eight years, would be solar-powered and equipped with acamera to take colour high resolution pictures400Km to 800Km from the earth for environmental purposes. Rohert Mitchell(1947) is semi-retired but active and still riding motor bikes and playing chess. He is living on hisfarm but his son RobertBruce is running thefarm. Benjamin Nel(1982)has resignedfrom the Department ofCorrectional Services to become a partner ofa build ing contractor's firm. He is currently living in Pretoria with his wife. Beryl who is a w/o in DCS,and his sons Demitri,5,and Theo,2. John Nette(1974)is currently teaching in Erancistown, Botswana, and enjoying life here. Any Old Boys in Northern Botswana or SouthernZambia are welcome to contact bim. John Newlands(1953),the Manager ofthe Oyster Box Hotel,says that he is holding the fort at the Oyster Box, the oldest and most homely hotel on the North Coast. Willie Nieuwoudt(1945)arrived at Kearsney in 1944, exactly 50 years ago. His two sons, Peter and Anton are Kearsney Old Boys.He writes that it is good to see that"TheEamous44's Rugby"ofwhich he was ajunior member is still remembered. He notes that C.O. Medworth awarded colours to the whole team halfway through the season. Kingsley Oliver(1945) writes that he retired from the Royal Air Eorce in 1978 and now has retired from his second career in 1994 and is free to travel,continue his historical research and write!He paid a visit to Kearsney in early September 1994and had alook around the school and saw some Kearsney friends. He also reported that Roger Simpson,a member of the KCOBC UK branch held a lunch party at his home on 16 October 1994 for Margaret and Vemon Clegg. Peter Osborn (1990) has completed his Diploma in Orthontics and Prosthetics and will be continuing in re tail at Mark Hancock Orthopaedic Supplies. Murray Osborne(1990)is presently busy with a Bach elor ofArchitecture at UPE having completed his Bach elor of Building Arts. He will complete the 5 year de gree at the end of 1995. KevinPalmer(1976)is married with ason and adaugh ter and is Managing Director of his own construction company and a Director of shopfitting companies. James Panton(1958) writes from Horsham,UK,that he has settled in Scotland in the Border area with grow ing business in the water industry. He is looking for ward to becoming a grandfather later in the year. 130 Kearsney Chronicle 1994