
His son J.W.Panton(1986)is flying helicopter for the British Army and is seconded to the American Army for 3 years in Texas.He is a captain, married and due to be a father later in the year. His second son K.G.Panton(1986)is about to gradu ate with a BSc(Hons)in Biology from London Univer sity. His future career intentions are wide open! His third son R.C.Panton(1986)is working in com puters for a company in West Sussex and travelling the length and breadth ofthe UK in his duties. He started a band in Kent and wrote and performed his own music but no takers so far! MarkParker(1989)writes that he has been resident in Stellenbosch for five years and he sees Spike Russell (1989)regularly.He attended the World Student Games in Buffalo, USA,as a member of the Waterpolo Team with Richard van der Schyff(1988). He is a regular member of the Western Province Waterpolo Team. Peter Penke(1960)now works for Sappi Europe Ltd after their take over of Hanover Papier, Germany. The circle seemsto have closed.An other coincidence is that Ian Heron (1962), a former KCOB, is Chief Operating Officer of Sappi. Hal Pennefather(1945) tells how, after farming for about 25 years, he went into business for 14 years and then, on handing the business over to his two sons,became redundant and wentback to farm ing to retain his sanity! Donovan Perry(1953)is retired and is now living on a private game farm in Zululand, near Mkuze.He says it is a wonderful life! He had lunch with members of the 1953-1954 Cricket Team recently and included Dick Best and Doug Murdoch from the States. John Pitout(1964)is living in Pretoria and is the Gen eral Manager of the Product Group at Alcatel Altech Telecoms which is oneofthe major suppliers oftelecom munications equipment to Telkom SA and other coun tries in Southern Africa. Nigel Plen (1961) writes that after having obtained Springbok Colours for Tenpin Bowling in 1981, 1984 and 1985, he is still active in the sport having repre sented South Africa at the 1993 Maccabi Games in Is rael where he won a Gold Medal in the Trios event.He is presently the EntertainmentManager atthe Umhlanga Sands Hotel and would welcome any Old Boys,espe cially Matrics of 1961. Trevenen Polkinghorne (1956) recently retired from the Kearsney College Board of Governors and writes that he leaves the School in good hands and he is confi dent ofthe future."Kearsney is alive and well".He will continue to keep an interest in Kearsney by watching some sportand attending the odd function.He hopes his grandsons will find their way to Kearsney. John Pretorius(1972)is farming sugar in the Felixton area with his brother William (Pret)(1970). Owen Putterill(1946) writes that for the past 7 years he has been fulfilling the function of caretaker at the Masonic Hall in Germiston. Regrettably he cannot in volve himself in the activities of the Transvaal Branch OBC as he has other commitments on the first Monday ofeach month. Roy Quarmby (1959), ex staff member, writes from Rondebosch that the names ofthe first great headmaster of Kearsney College, R,H. Matterson,standing at the back right,J.F.Reece,Classics Masterfor over30years, holding the rugby ball and G.M.(Max)Gram,English and History teacher and VPfor many years,secondfrom the right on the same row,should have been mentioned on the archive photo of 1924. He tells how these de voted characters served Kearsney from then to the end oftheir lives and certainly inspired similar dedication in the teachers who knew them later at Kearsney, as he well knows. He feels that more archive photos should be included asschools are builton their pillars andfoun dations, whatever the modem brick work!"Lest wefor get!" He offers to help for his period, 1950-1959. Allan Raw(1947)has officially retired and is conduct ing his Stamp Business full time. Should any Old Boy require valuations or advice,he asksthem to contacthim. Heis very involved in howls and plays atFirwood Club. DennisRoberts(1954)writesfrom the UKthat his son Sam(18)is starting at Jesus College in Oxford in Octo ber. His eldest daughter Rebecca(25)is starting teach ing in LasPalmas,Gran Canaria,in September.He spent a happy three months last year as temporary Assistant Principal at Vela School in Umtata and enjoyed being in South Africa again for this short stay. Walter Robinson(1937)moved to Howick in 1990 af ter retiring to Rosetta,Natal,in 1980.Heis a memberof the Howick Methodist Church, of the Midmar Probus Club and the Treasurer ofthe Howick Art Society. WalterRobinson(1973)maintains regular contact with Paul Cole(1969),Wayne Richardson(1975)and Ian McClure (1973). In 1993 he organized a very enjoy able reunion(1973-1993)on Founders'Day and this was hosted by Luke Bailies in the evening. MichaelRoddais now the proud grandfather of6grand children. Even RIA Furnishers is breeding. Patrick Russell(1956) writes from Devon in the UK and says that school activities now bear no resemblance to those of 40 years ago. He was pleased to meet the Rugby Team in the UK in July 1994. Patrick Ryan(1955) writes from Scottsdale Arizona, where he is Executive VicePresidentofthe PhelpsDodge Corporation, that he greatly appreciates receiving the Chronicle and hopes to get back to South Africa soon to visit with old friends from Kearsney. Edward Sandeman (1946) is retired and living in Torbay, Canada, and is planning on visiting South Af rica,including Kearsney, within the next three years. Andre Scbikkinger(1964)is a Financial Controller at BTR Dunlop Ltd, part of BTR pic*(UK)worldwide group.He married Sue in 1972and hastwosons,Murray at Stellenbosch University and Justin in Std 9at DHS. EarleSmith(1934)writes thatthe yearsseem to be pass ing more swiftly, the chief result in his case being an increasing lack of mobility.He still retains a keen inter est in the College. JamesSmith(1988)is the coach and captain ofthe Bir mingham Vulcans Rugby Club in Homewood,USA.If there are Kearsney boysinterested in spending sometime playing rugby in the USA,please contact the Old Boys' office for his address. Kearsney Chronicle 1994 131