
Jeremy Smith(1967) writes that after marrying Alida in1988 they now have two children, Samantha,5 and Christopher, 3. Samantha is booked in at Epworth and we hope Christopher goes to Kearsney in due course. Alida is also an attorney and they are both involved with Epworth Pre-Primary and are becoming more involved in their church,Wesley Methodist,and he is undergoing a fairly extensive 2 year Bible Study Course which he intends to putto good use.They attend gym on a regular basis but his sporting activities have been reduced to golf, due to arthritis, the result of a school sporting in jury. Tim Smith(1968),afamily physician, writes that after 11 years'practice in Cape Town,it is now perfect to be back in sunny Natal. Derek Spencer(1949)retired on pension after40 years service in the City Health Department,Durban,in Feb ruary 1993, where he reached the position of Environ mental Health Services Manager.His hobbies and inter ests include birdwatehing, gardening, carpentry and music. DemetriosStamatis(1989)was married on the 7th May 1994. Congratulations! Keith Stannard(1976) writes that, having lived in the bush since 1981, he has now found the best of both worlds in suburbia, managing and developing game lodgesin Botswana(Okavango Delta)where he escapes to regularly. He has twin girls of6 years and another baby daughter. Peter Stockil(1971)is farming in Winterton with his father Arthur(1937)and his brother Mark(1973).He has two sons at Kearsney at the momentand would wel come a visit from any Old Boys passing through Winterton. Jannie Storm (1989), ex-staff member, writes that he is very happily retired in Port Edward and that it is nice to see Old Boys. NigelStott(1957)writesfrom Swanseain the UK,where he is Professor ofFamily Medicine at the University of Wales College of Medicine,that, as a founder member of the Kearsney Yacht Club, they have kept it up and still sail on the Atlantic Coast in hobie eats and windsurfers. Tim Stroehel(1972), is a building contractor in New castle, and has a bed and breakfast facility. Peter Talmage-Rostron (1958) has recently returned to Johannesburg following three years in Asia as Direc tor of Marketing for Westin Hotel Group in Korea and Thailand. Richard Taylor(1947)has been farming in Underberg since 1975. He is the Director of Stockowners and Underberg Farmers' Co-operative. His son. Grant (1974),is a pharmacistin London,Ontario,Canada and is married with two daughters. His second son, Kevin (1976), Dip Cedara and Dip Education, is farming in Underberg and married with two sons. His third son, Timmy,Dip Mechanical Engineering,is alsofarming in Underberg and is married with one son and two daugh ters. David Taylor(1983)has been travelling the world with his wife for the last three years and is looking forward to a final return to South Africa in July 1994. CliveTedder(1985)married an Epworth Old Girl,Janni Venn,ofPMB on 31st March 1994. He is still farming in New Hanover and is actively involved in First Divi sion Rugby in PMB. Grant Taylor(1974) has been living in Canada since 1990. He married Lorette in 1986 and has two daugh ters. He would like to make contact with other North American Kearsney College Old Boys and maybe have a reunion. Norman Theunissen(1945)has retired at Kloof after many years offarming at Kwambonambi,Zululand.He has seven grandchildren and the eighth is due towards the end of 1994,to keep them occupied. A.B.Thennissen sent us an article written by him enti tled "Major-General W.H. Evered Poole, CB, CBE, DSO:1902-1969,Personal Retrospects"which waspub lished in the Military History Journal Part9No.5,June 1994SA ISSN 0026-4016,PP 153-166. He described his two and a half years close professional relationship with the then Lieutenant-Colonel Poole in 6SAArmoured Divisionfrom Khatatba to the Alps which resulted in a peace-time friendship. In the article mention is madeofCaptain Stanley Osier, aformer Kearsney Headmaster.The full article is avail able in tbe School Resource Centre. GraemeThompson has graduatedfrom UCT as a medi cal doctor. Ralph Tiaden(1986)writesfrom Heidelberg,Germany that he is attending Hotel School there. RonTimm(1956)writesfrom Johannesburg that he has recently been elected Vice President of the S.A. Asso ciation forFood Science and Technology and also Chair man ofthe Northern Branch ofthe association.Hereads the Old Boys News section ofthe Chronicle avidly. Anton van Noordwyk(1986)gives us news of obtain ing his B.Soe.Sei(Hons)degree at Rhodes University in 1992followed by a year teaching at Glenalmond Col lege in Scotland.Heis presently working as a Personnel Consultantin Empangeniand spends his spare time play ing golfand action cricket.He looks forward to hearing from old friends of 1986. Andrew Varrle (1949) who is a tourism consultant (unique in SA!)in George hasjustreceived a six month briefto place a new golf/corporate house/hotelcomplex on the international map.So he will be spending a lotof time in Somerset West. He would like to make contact with anyone from the group 1945-1949,such as Bendy Shelton. Brian von Sorgenfrei(1953)continues to play a lot of tennis. He took up jogging some three years ago with great doubts, but is now fitter and lighter than he has been for some time, losing 13 kgs in 3 years. He took overthe HillerestLawnmowerCentrein September 1991 with his wife and is doing well at present despite the years of drought. Henry Newton Walker(1945)gives news ofhis retire mentfrom Ernst&Young at the end ofMarch 1994.He has re-opened his own practice and is still practising in Potehefstroom and surrounding areas. Christopher Watson (1987) has been working for Rustenburg Platinum Minesand has recently transferred to Potgietersrus Platinums. 132 Kearsney Chronicle 1994