
Chapel Notes :A 4 V We thank and praise God for the many positive aspects ofthe Christian ministry at Kearsney this year. CHAPEL WORSHIP This has taken a real lift this year with the growth ofthe choir under the direction of Mrs Angela Stevens. They have played a prominent role in a number of school events, but their main achievement was in the two Ad vent Carol Services where the music was quite superb. One ofour aims has been to improve the quality ofsing ing in Chapel. This has definitely happened thanks to Mrs Stevens and the group of6th formers and prefects who havejoined the choir and encouraged the school. We have tried to maintain variety in our services. We have achieved this with regard to the preachers-but we need to work harder on greater variety in the format of the services. A very successful service this year wasthe oneconducted by parents. Rev. Warrick Cole-Edwardes preached and made a significant impact on all who were there. The quarterly whole school Chapel Service has now be come a regular part ofour worship.All stafffrom every section ofthe life ofthe schoolcometogetherfor atwenty minute worship Service. 1 believe it bas helped create a greater sense of unity. We need to note our thanks to Mrs Irene Harper who ever a period of30 years has prepared the table for our Communion services. She retires at the end of this year and we pray God's richest blessing upon her and John as they move to Pietermaritzburg.We shall miss them both at Kearsney. CONFIRMATION This year there were 24 Methodists and 15 Anglicans confirmed. They were a particularly committed group. Mostofthem have been involved in S.C.A.and a number ofthem are on the S.C.A.committee. S.C.A. This group has grown by leaps and bounds with over 120 boys(a quarter of the school) attending our meet ings. The committee was a very strong group ably led by Mak Magoba.Theircommitmentto the task was most inspiring. It is a privilege to work with boys wbo are so serious about their task. The number of boys committing their lives to Christ is difficult to keep record of.The hostelfellowship groups are well established now and we have tried to keep go ing a weekly follow-up meeting for newly committed Christians. This needs to be strengthened. A very pleasing aspect ofthe the strong lead ership.In the 1995 committee we havefive prefects. An encouraging aspect of the work is the strong potential leadership among the younger boys.The secretofmain taining a strong Christian movementis to keep an ongo ing strongly committed and well trained leadership. One ofthe aspects of S.C.A. which has fallen away this year because of the tensions surrounding the election period has been ourcontact with Khabazela High School Christian group.We mustre-establish contactin the new year. CHAPELPREFECTS This is the first year that there have been prefects spe cifically set aside for the spiritual portfolio at Kearsney. They were Simon McKeown, Brad May and Quintin Seago-a very committed group of boys wbo were to tally willing to do all that was expected ofthem. Their presence and participation in Chapelhave certainly been an encouragementto the other boys to take Chapel seri ously. 24 Kearsney Chronicle 1994