
Pembroke House was proud to have Academic honours awarded to S. Picken, G.Parry, W.Lee,J. Mackey,M. Cardo and D.Evans.Academic colours wentto P.Smith, J. Caulfield, G.Picken, W.Smith, R. Lee, S. Saunder, D. Comrie,R. Williams and G. Morgan; and half col ours to V. Geldenhuys, P. Hind, D. Hourquebie, R. Leibbrandt and D.Parker. No less than nine boys made 1st team hockey this year. They are D. Parker and S. Summers who did well to make first team this year with D. Parker also playing U16Natal;W.Lee;E.Larsen(colours),J. Caulfield(hon ours)and S.McKeown(honours)who all made the Na tal U18; S. Picken and S. Hipkin who also played for Highways;and P. Smith(colours). We had a number of excellent waterpolo players too, with Trevor Halstead (honours) playing 1st team and Natal A;B. Manson(honours) playing 1st team. Natal U16 and RSA U16, Player of the Tournament(SA Schools),NatalA,MostImproved Waterpolo Player;M. Nightingale, 1st team;T. Clack, Natal Schools U16;R. Leibbrandt 1st team and Natal U16. Wefielded a number ofplayers in 1stteams and provin cial sides, namely, Rugby: S. Lundin, T. Halstead, D. Yiannakis and M.Shire; Cricket: J. Mackey (Captain), S. Summers (also Natal U15 tour), S. Picken, R. Prestedge, P. Smith, S. McKeown, W. Lee, S. Hipkin and M. Evans; Squash: W. Voogt (Natal U16 B), S. Hipkin (Natal C and colours), B. May (Natal C), N. Pretorius (Natal C)and B. Gelder (honours and Natal U19);Tennis:R.Williams,T.Molloy(Natal U14squad) and D. Clack (Natal U16 squad. Natal Schools U15A and Natal Schools Open B); Basketball: S. Sibiya(Na tal Coastals U17)and B.Atkinson; Shooting: L. Night ingale (Captain); Chess: M. Roper (Natal C team and School Champion). Other awards made during the year were to G.Morgan (General Knowledge Prize),V.Zikalala(MostDedicated Squash Player);M.Roperand R.Gains(Debating Prize); G.Picken(Natal U15 cricket);M.Zuma(Good On Tro phy).The house also won the new Blamey Rugby Tro phy. Prefects for the year were T. Halstead,S. McKeown,S. Picken, B. May,Q.Seago,P. Smith and M.Evans. W. Lee wasDeputy Head Boy and S.Lundin and J. Caulfield were Haley House prefects. There were many other boys who have not been men tioned here but they all contributed to the good spirit and camaraderie enjoyed in Pembroke House through the year. We welcome Mr Knowles as our new housemaster and look forward to a good year under his guidance. JASONLEITH Postscriptum: I should like to add my personal thanks to the duty mas ters, Messrs McMichael, King and Mullane; to Trevor Halstead and his prefects; to our maids Anna-Rose and Lizzie,and,above all to MrsMargaretStanley who,over and over again in our long years of working together, proved herself to be a matron in a million and helped me to do my job. To my successor and his new team I should like, on behalfof all the leavers, to extend good wishes for the future. R.L. 1995Post Matric Report The year started with 15 students; 14 boarders in Osier House and 1 day student.8registered with Unisa;5 with the Technikon S.A.and 2with a C.I.S. course.The sub jects studied were Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, English,Economics and Business Economics,Account ancy,CommercialLaw,Industrial Psychology and Man agement. The Mast organization ran a Leadership and Study Method Course for the first week. Although this was successful, it has been decided to run a similar course over a series of weeks in 1995, once the students are fully involved in their studies. The Post Matrics were asked to become involved in a community project. It was decided to approach a black primary school, John Wesley College in Pinetown, to offer our services. The headmistress was delighted and the students were asked to assist children with their homework and in the coaching of cricket, soccer and athletics. This involvement took place on Monday af ternoons.A mostnoteworthy achievement was the mak ing ofeight abaci for the school. This was part ofa De sign and Technology project under the guidance of Mr Vermaak. The students made a fine job of them and proudly presented them to the headmistress. Miss Gosthuisen at the school. We hope to continue to assist this school in 1995. The last week ofthe first term saw the students involved in our Job Placement programme. The students were placedfora week,in a variety oforganizations;The Natal Sharks Board,Pick'n Pay,Knowles,Natal Newspapers, a Mooi River farm, McCord's Hospital, a quantity sur veying firm and Kearsney's own firm of accountants. This week proved invaluable in directing the students towards a more enlightened career choice. Erom a social point of view, the post Matrics had an enjoyable year. Eirstly they were entertained by the St Mary's Extension class to a home-made meal.The young men then reciprocated and organized a braai at Mr Cocks's house.Both functions were thoroughly enjoyed by both parties. Secondly,the post matrics enjoyed live theatre at the Playhouse. Equus,Hamlet and a Herman Charles Bosman production served as stimulation for the group.Thirdly,the students organized acocktail party at which they entertained their tutors, parents and some invited staff. The post matric sportcontribution to the college has been considerable. Stephen Ivey, with his fiery fast bowling, played a central part in the Eirst XL Justin Clark,Dean Franz, Stuart Foster and Roland Smit represented the EirstXV with distinction.In fact,the whole group played rugby for the college at the various levels. A most educational and enjoyable tour ofZululand and particularly Richards Bay wasorganized in the last week ofthe second term.Richards Bay Mining operation and their dune rehabilitation programme wasimpressive.The massive Alusaf smelters, the vast coal terminal, the Amatikulu Sugar Refinery and Mr Polkinghorne's ba nana operation were all visited. Erom a social point of view the tour was a great success because the Post 30 Kearsney Chronicle 1994