
gedoen watmy seergemaak het.Haar vriende wasin elk geval vir haar belangrikeren na'n maand was alles verby. Dis eintlik die patroon wat al my verboudings volg. Dit bet veroorsaak dat ek nie emosioneel betrokke raak nie enek twyfelofek ooit werklik op'n meisie verliefgeraak bet. Dit is maklik om 'n mens se bait te beskerm as jy nie jou emosies metjou maat deel nie en vir my is dit beter om so te wees,veral omdatek eintlik'n gevoelige mens is. Die liefde is iets wat my niejuis bekommer nie.Eendag sal ek my perfekte meisie ontmoeten in elk geval betek op die oomblik nie genoeg tyd om'n vaste meisie te be nie. WILLIAM LEE Vorm6 Art Welldone to the Matric class of1994on tbeir very good results.The class worked welltbrougboutthe year wbicb practically speaking culminated in tbeir exhibition at the end ofthe third term. This proved a very successful evening, well attended by the boys themselves,tbeir parents, visitors and staff. At the exhibition opening the school band played and afew soloists shared tbeir talents with us, a very pleasant evening indeed. The work on display showed talent and diversity-for example, painting, sculpture, ceramics, textile and graphic design as well as some air brush work-and the art prize went to N. Darby who achieved an 'A'in the finals. L.Arcbary was placed 2nd in Natal in an art es say writing competition and achieved a'B'in the finals; well done to you both. I hope that the next Matric class will be as successful. With perseverance and success the Art dept. members should grow.There has been a slight decline in numbers in the last couple of years owing to new subjects being offered at the College, but I am sure that this is only temporary as there are boys with a lot of talent wbicb should not be ignored especially considering that the whole ofour lives are affected in one way or another by art or design in the way we dress, live, communicate, build bridges across the racial and cultural divides etc. Artis communication and we all have something to say, to sell and to be. Don't be afraid to put thoughts into "pictures",this way they are so much more real and tan gible. C.V TULLIDGE Biology The Biology department has undergone a few changes, the first of wbicb saw Mike promoted to 4tb form bead, leaving Rod in charge of Biology. Not for very long however, as shortly thereafter, be took over the bousemastersbip ofHaley bouse,leaving yours truly the task ofwriting this report! Mycongratulations goto both ofthem. The second form syllabus took on a new and exciting format this year, that of a self-supported study pro gramme the practical section ofwbicb wasimplemented during the leadership week at Umgeni. The third formers bad the dubious honourofputting tbeir theoretical knowledge oflife processes to the test, where they were each given,for the first time,a rat to dissect. The results were encouraging-only afew boysfainted, the rest discovered fascinating systems. Otherinteresting discoveries were made by the4tbform ers who visited the electron microscope unit at the Uni versity ofNatal Pietermaritzburg where they examined, among other things, biltong magnified 60000 times! The practicalcomponentoftbeir syllabusinvolved a visit to Brighton Beach, where4groups studied the ecology oftidal pools and dunes using state ofthe art equipment and ultra modem methods.Many excellent projects were produced.The Biology department would like to thank Owen Pbipps for bis contribution to the venture. The 5tb form, as an extension to the syllabus, visited Sea World to study invertebrates. Kearsney entered a team of3 boys in the Natal Wildlife quiz and R.Bordier,G.Bootbway and A.Buchanan got a very creditable 2nd place. T. RICHTER Form 3Biology Dissections "Ob Rats!" Each boy in form 3 has the opportunity to dissect bis own rat. Some loved it, some bated it, but all leam from it. Man is also a mammal,and therefore we have a simi lar internal body plan to thatofthe rat. The totalfascina tion reflected in each boys eyes when the abdomen was opened up is always very rewarding for a teacher. As with the blowing up ofthe lungs,the removal ofan eye lens and the viewing ofthe heart,diaphragm,intestines, kidneys,bladder and gonads.Seeing is believing!(And remembering)Many boys carry on with Biology,some even enter into medical careers therefore it is our role to exposethem,atleastonce,to a dissection.The boys who decide to drop the subject(hopefully notdue to the rats!) will never forget the precise and meticulous design of the mammalian anatomy.Someeven regard it as'Bloody good fun!' ROD DE VILLIERS I -.■4 F mi Kearsney Chronicle 1994 37